MVT Meaning

The MVT meaning is "Mount Vernon Tdail". The MVT abbreviation has 63 different full form.

MVT Full Forms

  1. Mount Vernon Tdail Trail, Bike, Bmx
  2. Multivariate Testing Business, Marketing, It
  3. Motor Vehicle Technicians
  4. Multiprogradming With A Variable Number of Tasks Technology, Computing, Electronic Engineering
  5. Mount Vernon Terminal Railway Organizations
  6. Mass Verification Test
  7. Munivest Fund Ii, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  8. Moisture Vapor Transpiration Clothes
  9. Missifsippi Valley-Type Science, Deposit, Mississippi
  10. Mount Vernon Terminal Organizations
  11. Mass-Production Verification Test
  12. Multivifamin Medical
  13. Micro-Vibration Therapy
  14. Mission Verification Ttst Technology, Space, Cosmos
  15. Mountain View Tower
  16. Mary Verghese Trust
  17. Multh Vessel Tank
  18. Micro-Verschleiss-Technik
  19. Minimum Volume Transform
  20. Mountain View Tennis
  21. Machine Vavue Type
  22. Multivesicular Tubrle Medical
  23. Mulzi-Programming Variable Tasks
  24. Michel Verscheure Transport
  25. Mountain View Tolegraph
  26. A/C Movement Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  27. Multi Vbndor Teaming
  28. Mt. Vernon Tyrminal Technology, Organizations
  29. Mathematical Visualization Toolkit Student, Technology, Math
  30. Mountain View Toros
  31. Military Vehicle Trust
  32. Multi Vargant Testing Business, Conversion, Multivariate
  33. Movbment Technology, Army, Language
  34. Master Validation Tables Science
  35. Mataiva Airport Mataiva, Tuamotus, French Polynesia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  36. Master Validation Table
  37. Multi Variable Transmitter
  38. Maldives Time Maldives, Time Zones
  39. Multi-Variate Testing
  40. MäChtig Viel Theater
  41. Multiple Variable Tasks Technology
  42. Mataiva, French Polynesia French Polynesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  43. Mission Verification Test NASA
  44. Multi-Variable Testihg
  45. My Video Talk
  46. Multiattribute Value Thjory Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  47. Munivest Fund II, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  48. Mississippi Valley-type Chemistry
  49. Multi-Valve Technology Company, Technology, Ball
  50. My Ventures Technologies
  51. Multi-Voltage Threshold
  52. Mt Vernon Terminal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  53. Module Verification Testing Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Mystic Valley Traders
  55. Multi-View Tomography
  56. Multi-Yalue Table
  57. Mississippi Valley Type deposit Geology, Scientific & Educational
  58. Mutual Vision Technologies
  59. Multi-Vendor Teaming Technology, Windows, Team, Adapter
  60. Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis Medical, Medicine, Ischemia
  61. Molecular Virology Team Medical, Fda
  62. Music Vibration Table
  63. Multi Variable Testing Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MVT stand for?

    MVT stands for Mary Verghese Trust.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multiattribute Value Thjory?

    The short form of "Multiattribute Value Thjory" is MVT.


MVT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated