MW Meaning

The MW meaning is "Megawatt". The MW abbreviation has 162 different full form.

MW Full Forms

  1. Megawatt One million watts. Technology, Science, Architecture, Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Markus Wheaton
  3. Mixed Widths Technology, Construction, Architectural
  4. Moving Web
  5. Mega Watts Business, Energy, Power, Computing, Hardware
  6. Minimum Weight Medical, Business, Technology, Business & Finance, Business Word
  7. Mid Wave Technology, Military, Infrared
  8. Men'S Wearhouse, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  9. Magister Where
  10. Million Watts
  11. Molecular Weight Weight of the smallest quantity of a substance processing all its normal physical properties. OR the sum of the atomic weights of all the atoms in a molecule. Molecules are too small to put on a scale, but if you put 6.022 × 1023 of them of them on a scale, they will weigh about 2 g, 128 g or 10 tonnes. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Health, India, Healtcare, Molar, Scientific & Educational
  12. Mouth Watering
  13. Meets The Winemaker Locations, Wine, Winery
  14. Mid Wales
  15. Mens Wearhouse Business
  16. Magic Worlds
  17. Milky Way Unsymmetrical and irregular belt of luminosity extending round the heavens Is an immense congregation of stars in shape of a lens roughly Diameter is about 150,000 light years, Earth being about 40,000 light years from Center Science, Galaxy, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  18. Molar Weight
  19. Marvin Williams Basketball, Hawk, Pointer
  20. Microwave Irradiation Medical
  21. Men'S Wearhouse Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  22. Mad World
  23. Military Wheels Technology, Model, Hobby
  24. Mob Wives Movie, Episode, Mob, Cast
  25. Martial World
  26. Montenegro Locations, Olympic, Country Code, Computing, Internet, Montenegro, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  27. Memory Window Technology, Windows, Linux
  28. Machine Wars
  29. Mike Williams
  30. Malawi Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Malawi, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  31. Mark Watkins
  32. Mobile Worker Technology, Product, Model
  33. Multi-Width
  34. Memory Width Technology, Card, Circuit
  35. Maatschappelijk Werk Business, Dit, Mail, Hoe
  36. Mike Wallace
  37. Methanol Water Technology, Aircraft, War, Engine
  38. Mark Ward
  39. Mixing Water Science
  40. Multi-Rotor Wind
  41. Melee Weapons Gaming, Military, Calling
  42. Monitoring Well America, Environment, Sustainability
  43. Mid West Product, Organizations, Region
  44. Methanol-Water
  45. MacroglobulinéMie De WaldenströM
  46. Manila Water
  47. Microwave Substations commonly use microwave communication equipment for communication with local and regional electric power system control centers. This system allows for rapid communication and signaling for controlling the routing of power. Technology, Army, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, Computing
  48. Magic Word Gaming, Music, Team, Magic
  49. Machine Washable Industry, Fashion, Clothing Care
  50. My World
  51. Makeup Water Technology, Science, Power
  52. Macintosh and Windows
  53. Manhattan World Technology, Movie, Minecraft
  54. Magic Weapon Gaming, Guide, Weapon
  55. Mann-Whitney Medical, Group, Syndrome, Statistics
  56. Mw3 Weapons
  57. Makai Wars
  58. Maciej Wilkanowski Technology, Art, Jest, Jak
  59. Maneuver Warfare Military, Calling, Duty
  60. Male White
  61. Magic Warrior Military
  62. Manly Warringah
  63. Molecular Weights Medical
  64. Music West Music, Tower, Sound, Waste
  65. Major Works
  66. Mach Wave
  67. Mandingo Warriors Military, Texas, Gang
  68. Making Wind Technology, Energy, Power
  69. Magic Wand Music, Attachment, Wand, Products
  70. Manly-Warringah
  71. Muscle Weight Medical
  72. Major Warships Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  73. Machsom Watch Technology, Group, Israel
  74. Mandela Way Routing, London, Locations, Garage
  75. Making Whoopee
  76. Macross World
  77. Manitowoc, Wis
  78. Millimeter Waves Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
  79. Mai Wah
  80. Machining and Welding
  81. Melbourne Ward
  82. Making Waves Technology, Energy, Wave
  83. Macroglobulinemia De Waldenstrom
  84. Manitowish Waters
  85. Magister Watch
  86. Machine Word
  87. Mechanical Wall Aneurysm, Abdominal, Aortic, Wall
  88. Make Web Technology, Design, Social, Auto
  89. Mystery Worshipper Occupation & positions
  90. International Mussell Watch
  91. Malfunction Whatever
  92. Michael Williams
  93. Megawatt (one million watts) Chemistry, Architecture, Energy, Environment, Construction, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  94. Missile Warning Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  95. Manning Wardle Railway, Steam, Locomotive, Manning
  96. Mandalorian Warriors Army, War, Force
  97. Mike Wheeler Famous
  98. Macwrite Text Document Computing, File Extensions
  99. Manual Windows
  100. Multi Writer Occupation & positions
  101. Most Worshipful Prince, Lodge, Hall
  102. Mallory-Weiss Clinical, Syndrome
  103. Malfunction Whenever
  104. Michael Wacha
  105. Medium Wave Amateur radio
  106. Middleware Computing, IT Terminology
  107. Macgillivray'S Warbler
  108. Manchu Wok
  109. Mann Whitney Famous
  110. Magnetized Water Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  111. Manual Window
  112. Master Worker Occupation & positions
  113. Mobile Workshop Technology, Vehicle Shape
  114. Mmw Milliwatt NASA
  115. Microsoft Windows Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  116. Mexico Wild
  117. Memory Write Assembly, Business & Finance
  118. MacWrite II Text document Computing, File Extensions
  119. Mace Windu
  120. Man and The Wasp Movie, Man, Ant
  121. Mud Weight Electrical
  122. Midwife A midwife is a professional in midwifery, specializing in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, women's sexual and reproductive health, and newborn care. They are also educated and trained to recognise the variations of normal progress of labor, and understand how to deal with deviations from normal. Medical, Pregnancy
  123. Manual Wartsila Technology, Engine, Diesel
  124. Mech Warrior Hobbies
  125. Mittelwasser Geography, Location, System
  126. Mmw Microwave NASA
  127. Metric Wrench
  128. Maya Island Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  129. Muslim Woman Religion
  130. Macarthur Wind Business, Energy, Farm
  131. Management Workstation Technology, Networking, Power
  132. Microsoft Word Microsoft, Forum, Technology, Media
  133. Milliwatts Construction
  134. Mid-Wales Regional
  135. Manual Warrant
  136. mineral water Water that contains appreciable amounts of certain salts, which give it therapeutic properties. Food
  137. Michael Wyatt
  138. Megawords Atmospheric Research
  139. Methodist Women
  140. Magnetic Wall Products
  141. M5000 Wind Technology, Farm, Turbine
  142. Man-O-War
  143. Microplate Washer Business, Product, Equipment
  144. Medium White Colors
  145. moon well Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  146. Mantle Width
  147. Mandel-Wilson
  148. Mike White Famous
  149. Malawi (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  150. Manual Write Technology, Transmitter, Wireless
  151. Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World Pinball
  152. Iso Country Code for Republic of Malawi Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  153. Man Week Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  154. Malteser Werke Organizations, Fur, Deutschland
  155. Michigan Wind Business, Energy, Michigan
  156. Muslim World Anthropology, Social Sciences, Ethnography, Humanities, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  157. Milliwatt Chemistry, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  158. Manor Woods
  159. Mandatory Work
  160. Mark West Famous
  161. Maple Worksheet Computing, File Extensions
  162. Manual Word

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MW stand for?

    MW stands for Malawi (country Domains).

  2. What is the shortened form of Mystery Worshipper?

    The short form of "Mystery Worshipper" is MW.


MW. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated