MWR Meaning

The MWR meaning is "Morale, Welfare and Recreation". The MWR abbreviation has 68 different full form.

MWR Full Forms

  1. Morale, Welfare and Recreation Military, Army, Entertainment
  2. Moral, Welfare, and Recreation Military, Family, Welfare, Recreation
  3. Moral, Welfare and Recreation Business, Service, Military
  4. Michael Waltrip Racing Team, Racing, Sprint, Bowyer, Car
  5. Marwari Locations, Language codes (3 letters)
  6. Mzsh Wireless Router Technology, Networking, Motorola
  7. Moral Welfare Recreation Military, Army, Family
  8. Mountain West Racing
  9. Ministry of Water Resource Business, Technology, Government
  10. Morale, Welfare & Recreation Military, Family, Morale
  11. Mookie War Rig
  12. Mennonite Weekly Rzview America, Service, Organizations, Church
  13. Moral Welfare and Recreation Business, Service, Military
  14. Ministry of Water Resources Management, Government, China
  15. Mountain-West Resources
  16. Money Weighted Rate
  17. Mmwr Mean Width Ratio Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  18. Mfn's Wrestling Science, Sport, Sport Code
  19. Morale, Welfare, and Recreational Business, Service, Military, Force
  20. Minimum Wage Rate
  21. Most Wanted Response Business, Design, Marketing, General, Governmental & Military
  22. Money Weighted Returns
  23. Mixed Water Region
  24. Mehilba World Replacement
  25. Morale, Welfare and Recreations
  26. Mine Warfare Range Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  27. Moster Wynne Ressler
  28. Money Weighted Return Business, Investment, Performance
  29. Missouri Wrestling Revival Wrestling, Missouri, Ring
  30. Morale Welfare and Recreation Technology, Military
  31. Morale, Welfare, and Recreations
  32. Miltenberg-Wernigeroder Ring
  33. Mortal Wkly Rep
  34. Missile Warning Receivers Technology, Laser, Infrared
  35. Morale, Welfare, & Recreation Military, Welfare, Morale
  36. Morale, Welfare, Recreation Military, Welfare, Morale
  37. Metal Wine Racks
  38. Morgan Stanley Cap Tr Iii Technology, Organizations
  39. Moving Window Regression
  40. Missile Warning Receiver Technology, Military, Core
  41. Morale, Welfare and Recreational Business, Service, Military, Army
  42. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Control, Administration, Forces, Air Force, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  43. Multi Wavelength Radiometer
  44. Mobile Wireless Router Technology, Networking, Cisco
  45. Muncie & Western Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  46. Microwave Radiometer Technology, Science, Space, Telecom, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  47. Money-Weighted Rate
  48. Multiplier Working Register
  49. Mobile Weather Radar
  50. MGM Wireless Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  51. Monthly Weather Review Technology, Military, Education, Bibliographic Code, Hurricane, Periodical, Serial Publication
  52. Money'S Worth Ratio
  53. Multiple Worksite Reports
  54. Military Watch Resource Forum, Military, Marathon
  55. Modular Wine Racks
  56. Multiple Worksite Report Business, Employment, Tax
  57. Raslan Air Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  58. Modern Warfare Remastered
  59. Multiple Wall Runing
  60. Museum of World Religions Organizations, Taiwan, Interfaith
  61. Modern Warfare Reflex
  62. MORALE WELFARE AND RECREATIONAL Technology, Governmental & Military
  63. Money-Weighted Return
  64. Multicast With Response
  65. Muncie & Western Railroad
  66. Mobile Wireless Routers Technology, Routing, Cisco
  67. Mad White Rappers Music
  68. Money-Weighted Returns

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MWR stand for?

    MWR stands for Moral Welfare and Recreation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mennonite Weekly Rzview?

    The short form of "Mennonite Weekly Rzview" is MWR.


MWR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated