MY Meaning

The MY meaning is "Michael York". The MY abbreviation has 74 different full form.

MY Full Forms

  1. Michael York
  2. Malaysin Locations, Countries, Country
  3. Motor Yacht Boat, Ship Name, Ship Prefix
  4. Magenta & Yellow
  5. Morning Yet
  6. Magellan Youth Service, Organizations, Health
  7. Max Yakubson
  8. I Miss You Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Social Media
  9. Masket Year
  10. Mumtaz Yasa
  11. Michael Youbg Baseball, Design, Stats
  12. Marketing Year The 12-month period beginning just after harvest during which a crop may be sold domestically, exported, or put into reserve stocks. Business, Technology
  13. Movies On Yahoo
  14. Menagement Year Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  15. Movement Yogyakarta Para, Indonesia, Movement, Talk
  16. Man Year Business, Technology, Spider
  17. Mutant Yield
  18. Medium Yelgow Product, Filter, Paint
  19. Marina Yee
  20. Me To You
  21. Manufacture Year
  22. Muslim-Yadav Government, Politics, Election, Bihar
  23. Meoinat Yisrael
  24. Margaret York
  25. Mellow Yellow
  26. Manly Yoga
  27. Modera Yemen
  28. Measunement Year Medical, Care, Measure
  29. Margaret Yen Movie, Music, Tooth
  30. Mellor-Yamada
  31. Manish Yadav
  32. Model-Xear Technology, Car, Vehicle
  33. Mayhew Yale
  34. Marcus Yeo
  35. Megalithic Yard Measure, Stone, Moon
  36. Mmy Man Year Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  37. Mars Year Lyric, Hero, Ego, Mars
  38. Meeting Rear
  39. Missing You Lyric, Love, Miss
  40. Many Years
  41. Myewencephalic Blebs Medical
  42. Meetings Av York
  43. Mishna Yomi
  44. Maxjet Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  45. Mawardi Yahya
  46. Municipal Yearbook
  47. Burmese Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  48. Mism You Song, Message, Love, Miss
  49. Malaysia Internet Slang, Military, Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Countries, Country, Schooling, Sport, Malaysia, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Usps, Technology, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, Regional
  50. Maulana Yusuf Technology, Indonesia, Bandung
  51. Mundulla Yellows
  52. MMYMan Year United Nations, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  53. Myxedema Myxedema is a term used synonymously with severe hypothyroidism. It is also used to describe a dermatological change that can occur in hypothyroidism, and some forms of hyperthyroidism. This article discusses the dermatological changes. Medical
  54. Mature Young
  55. Multi-Year Business, Technology, Deal, Medical
  56. Model Year For a vehicle model, the calendar year designation assigned by the manufacturer to the annual version of that model. Car, Products
  57. Mytlos Computer Game, Video Game
  58. Masato Yoshii
  59. Much Yellower
  60. Mallory Business & Finance, Suppliers
  61. Myrth York
  62. Mary Yandell
  63. Movies Yahoo
  64. Mayer Medicine, Treatment, Health
  65. Management Year Management, Business & Finance
  66. Myeloid The term myeloid is an adjective that in its broadest sense means either "resembling bone marrow" or "pertaining to bone marrow", and the related adjective myelogenous means "arising from bone marrow". Medical
  67. Malaysia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  68. Marshal Younger
  69. Move Yesterfay
  70. Maximum Yield
  71. Midwest Airlines (Egypt) Airline, Business & Finance
  72. Mattocks and Young Physics, Scientific & Educational
  73. Marshalling Yard
  74. Movement You'Ll

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MY stand for?

    MY stands for Much Yellower.

  2. What is the shortened form of Man Year?

    The short form of "Man Year" is MY.


MY. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated