NA Meaning

The NA meaning is "Not Applicable". The NA abbreviation has 555 different full form.

NA Full Forms

  1. Not Applicable Commonly used when filling out forms (online or offline), where certain fields are not applicable to the user. Medical, Transportation, Business, Technology, Science, Medicine, Military, English, Aviation, Health, Nursing, Survey, Mental Health Disorders, Forum, Internet Slang, Army, Architecture, Astronomy, Computing, Texting, Dental, Chat, Construction, Oil, Architectural, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, International business, Fda, Sentinel online, Power Plant, Healthcare, Telecom, Fbi files, International Development, Common Medical, NAACCR, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
  2. Sodium Symbol:"Na" Atomic Number:"11" Atomic Mass: 23.00amu. One of the alkali metal family. Sodium is a light, metallic element. It is very reactive and almost explodes if put in water. You will find sodium in salt, glass making, paper-making, salt, developing photos, and fertilizers.  Medical, Chemistry, Nutrition, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, NANP Modeling Commitee, Food, Clinical
  3. National Anthem
  4. Normally Achieving Medical
  5. Network Associates Business, Technology, Education
  6. Numeric Aperture Technology, Light, Laser
  7. No Abuse
  8. Naval Air Military, Aircraft, Station
  9. New Advent
  10. Narcotics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous (NA) describes itself as a "nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem". Narcotics Anonymous uses a traditional 12-step model that has been expanded and developed for people with varied substance abuse issues and is the second-largest 12-step organization. Medical, Meeting, Organizations, Disability, Area, Food
  11. Not Answering Internet Slang
  12. Network Availability Technology, Service, Networking
  13. No Alternative
  14. Namibia Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Namibia, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  15. Non-Alcoholic Food
  16. Neighbourhood Algorithm
  17. Nuevos Aires
  18. New Applications
  19. Notification Area
  20. National Anthems
  21. Normal Aorta Medical
  22. Network Aspects Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking
  23. Numerical Aperture Medical, Technology, Telecom
  24. Nick Anderson Music, Song, Orlando
  25. Nautical Almanac Annual volume, published by the Admiralty giving astronomical information essential to navigation Firsi issued 1767 Office, Celestial, Almanac
  26. New Adult Book, Adult, Fiction
  27. Nursing Assistant Medical, Technology, Nursing, Occupation & positions, Common Medical
  28. National Association Government, Finance, Banking, Company, Business & Finance
  29. Not Announced Gaming, America, Release
  30. Network Audit Technology, Networking, Software
  31. No Alcohol
  32. Namaqua Afrikaner
  33. Non-Agriculture Business, Land, Plot
  34. Neighbour Advertisement Technology, Discovery, Neighbor
  35. Nucleus Ambiguous Medical
  36. New Alliance Business, Gaming, Group
  37. Not Authorized Forum, Technology, Message, NOTAM Contractions
  38. National Annex Technology, Design, Structure
  39. Normal Academic Education, School, Singapore
  40. Network Area Military
  41. Numbers Authority
  42. Nice Ass Media, Social, Internet
  43. Nature Aquarium Design, Plant, Aquarium
  44. New Account Business
  45. Not Available Often used in place of data (in databases, schedules, forms, etc.) when information is not available. Construction, Architectural, Telecommunications, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Architecture, Auto, International Development, Common Medical, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes, Power Plant
  46. National Assembly Education, Pakistan, Election, Politics, Governmental & Military, Regional
  47. Not Analyzed Science
  48. Network Audio Technology, Networking, Player
  49. No Affiliation Meeting, Technology, Movie, Narcotic
  50. Non-Agricultural Business, Science, Locations
  51. Naval Aviator America, Military, Aviation
  52. Nucleus Accumbens Medical, Technology, Medicine, Drug, Brain, Dopamine
  53. New Alexandria
  54. Naked Neck Medical
  55. Not Authorised
  56. National Alliance
  57. Non-Aqueous
  58. Network Architect Technology, Service, Networking
  59. Number of Active Technology, Spring, Compression, Coil
  60. Next Article
  61. Nature'S Answer
  62. Neighbor Advertisement Technology, Computer Security, Neighbor, Computing, Technical
  63. National Army Army, Force, Marine
  64. Not Affiliated Technology, Internet Slang, Server
  65. Network Attached
  66. No Action Forum, Government, Anime, Talk
  67. Non-Active
  68. Naval Architecture Science and practice concerned with design, building and fitting of ships, and with the investigation of the forces acting upon them in a seaway, and in specific circumstances Technology, Design, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  69. New Album
  70. Naturally Aspirated Any engine intake system which does not employ a turbocharger or other supercharging mechanism. Technology, Car, Engine, Turbo
  71. Not Attended
  72. No Apologies Chemistry, Romance, Apology
  73. National Agreement America, Government, League
  74. None Applicable Technology, Manual, Plumbing, Sterling
  75. Nepal Army Military, India, Nepal
  76. Number of Acres
  77. Next Address Technology, Control, Memory
  78. Natural Attenuation Relying on natural (physical, chemical, or biological) processes to reduce mass, toxicity, mobility, volume or concentration of compounds in earth or groundwater. Under proper conditions, can be used for perchloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), and trichloroethane (TCA) at a lower cost than conventional remediation technologies. Medical
  79. National Archives Technology, Genealogy, Genealogical
  80. Norsk Akkreditering Technology, Norway, Som
  81. Network Assurance Technology, Service, Networking
  82. No Account
  83. Non-Acclimated Medical
  84. Naval Architects
  85. New Albany
  86. Native American Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Genealogy, Genealogical
  87. Not Assessed Medical, Patient, Study
  88. No Aplica
  89. Nanjing Agricultural
  90. Non-Applicable Medical, Forum, Translation, French
  91. Neolithic Age
  92. Number Avogadro Medical
  93. Next Action Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  94. National Aquarium
  95. Norman Anderson War, Family, Slam
  96. Network Associate
  97. Nutrition Assistance Business, Food, Stamp
  98. No Access Forum, Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  99. Non-A Medical, Medicine, Health
  100. Naval Aircraft
  101. New Adventures Adventure, Doctor, Virgin
  102. National Academician America, Art, American
  103. Not Ashamed
  104. No Answer Calling, Lyric, Chord, Medical, Common Medical
  105. Namibia Africa
  106. Non Alcoholic Nutrition, Food, Victual
  107. Neo-Assyrian Education, History, Study
  108. Number Assigned Technology, Service, Banking
  109. New Approach Military
  110. Nebraska Area
  111. Night of Athletics
  112. Not Alarmed Police, Event, Philippine
  113. National Application
  114. Nerikes Allehanda
  115. No Authority
  116. Natural Account
  117. Neurogenic Appendicopathy Medical
  118. News Artificial
  119. Normal Attack Gaming, Guide, Attack, Play
  120. Napoleon'S Ambition
  121. Nickel Alloy Business, Pipe, Steel
  122. North All-Stars
  123. Nashville Academy Education, School, High School, Tennessee
  124. Noise Awareness
  125. Not Apparent
  126. National Aviation
  127. Nomination for Award
  128. Neighbor Advertisements Technology, Routing, Discovery
  129. Nitrosamines A group of organic compounds with the basic structure NNO, some of which are powerful cancer-causing chemicals. Medical
  130. Not Accessible Technology, Access, Telecom
  131. National Arms Military, Force, Flag
  132. Netherlands Architecture
  133. North American Technology, America, Association
  134. Noctes Atticae
  135. Nature of Address Technology, Calling, Networking, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Newspaper Articles
  137. Niederl
  138. North Attleboro
  139. Nate Archibald
  140. Neonatal Ataxia Medical, Genetics, Dog, Puppy
  141. No Amenazadas
  142. Not Ascertainable
  143. Nationale Anhang Technology, Design, Software, Fur
  144. Network Attribute
  145. Nabia Abbott
  146. Non Activin
  147. Nalbuphine Medical
  148. Navigation AéRienne
  149. Neighborhood Associations
  150. Network Address Technology, Networking, Telecom
  151. Nawab Ali Song, Pakistan, Election, Nawab
  152. Night Assailant
  153. Not-Alarmed Technology, Gaming, Book, Porn
  154. National Annexes Technology, Design, Structure
  155. Nephrogenic Adenoma Medical
  156. No Attachment
  157. Natural Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Food, Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
  158. Neurobiology of Addiction Medical, Drug, Treatment
  159. News Articles
  160. Normal Atmosphere
  161. Naphthenic Acid
  162. Noah Alexander
  163. North Alano
  164. Nashville & Ashland
  165. Noise Abatment
  166. Nominal Altitude
  167. Narcotics Anonynous
  168. Neighbor Address Technology, Routing, Networking
  169. Nitric Anhydride
  170. Not Accepted Business, Accounting, Trading
  171. National Areas
  172. Netherlands Air
  173. Non Agriculture Technology, Property, Land
  174. Noctem Aeternus
  175. Nature Addicts
  176. Newspaper Advertising
  177. Norsolorinic Acid Medical, Science, Biology
  178. Nicotinic Acid Medical, Science, Release, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  179. North Atlantic Is the portion of the Atlantic Ocean which lies north of the Equator. Business, Military, Army, Locations, Ocean, Intelligence, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
  180. Natal Archives
  181. Networked Architecture
  182. No Alternate
  183. Not Armed
  184. Nationale Alternative German, Alternative, National, Germany
  185. Network Assistants
  186. Na Alon
  187. Non-Appropriated Fund Business, Employment, Service, Military, Army, Force, Coast Guard, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  188. Nakita Agents
  189. Navigation Authority
  190. Neighborhood Association Meeting, Park, Locations
  191. No Acknowledgement Technology, Management, Guide, Message, Protocol, Suite, Federal Aviation Administration
  192. Network Added
  193. Nouvelles Annales
  194. Naval Academy Education, National, Defence
  195. Navy Auxiliary
  196. Night Arrant
  197. Northern Arctic
  198. National Aerospace
  199. Nepali Army Military, Army, Song, Nepal
  200. No Assurance Business, Technology, Love
  201. Natura Animalium History, Animal, Manuscript
  202. Neuraminidases Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  203. New Apples
  204. Normally Aspirated An engine that intakes air or breathes without the assistance of a supercharger or turbocharger. Forum, Technology, Engine, Turbo
  205. Naphthalene Naphthalene is an organic molecule with chemical formula C10H8 and is made of two benzene rings fused together. Medical, Medicine
  206. No Agreement Business, Music, Lyric
  207. North Airport
  208. Nasal Assimilation
  209. Nomenclature D'Activités
  210. Narcoticos Anonimos Para, Con, Narc
  211. NecróPolis Atlanta
  212. Nitrating Acid
  213. Not Acceptable Business, Internet Slang, Message, Computing, Http error codes, Technology, Texting, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  214. National Archive
  215. Netherland Antilles Business, Hotel, Island
  216. National Agricultural
  217. Noble Actual
  218. Naturaly Aspirated
  219. Newspaper Act
  220. Norsk ArkivrÅD
  221. Nicotinamide Nicotinamide (NAA), also known as niacinamide, is a vitamin found in food, used as a dietary supplement, and used as a medication. As a supplement, it is used by mouth to prevent and treat pellagra. While nicotinic acid may be used for this purpose, nicotinamide has the benefit of not causing skin flushing. As a cream, it is used to treat acne. Medical
  222. North Atlanta
  223. Nasyiatul Aisyiah
  224. Network Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  225. No Aldrin
  226. Notarieel Archief
  227. Nationale Alliantie Group, Nazi, Party
  228. Network Assignment
  229. N-Nitrosoamines Medical
  230. Non-Appropriated
  231. NacionĀLĀS ApvienĪBas Gas, Anu
  232. Navigational Aids Aviation, Governmental & Military
  233. Neighborhood Assistant
  234. No Acknowledgment Technology, Telecom, Issue, Telecommunications, Acknowledgement
  235. Network Adapter Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  236. Notice Address
  237. Nautilus Adjustable
  238. Night Arena Gaming, Music, Lover, Arena
  239. Northern Apennines
  240. National Advisor
  241. Nepalese Army Government, India, Nepal
  242. No Assumption
  243. Natrium Agar Media, Press, Agar, Nutrient
  244. Network Automation Technology, Networking, Software
  245. Never Attended Student, Education, University, Grades
  246. Normally Asperated
  247. Nantucket Atheneum Education
  248. Navy Art
  249. North Afton
  250. Naruto Arena
  251. Necr
  252. Nissan Americas
  253. Notable American
  254. National Architecture Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  255. Net Assets Net assets is the difference between total assets and non-capital liabilities. Business, Gaming, Fund
  256. NÚMero De Acertos
  257. No Available Technology, Hotel, Networking, Connection
  258. Naturaly Asperated
  259. Never Alone Gaming, Music, Organization
  260. Newsletter Association
  261. Normoalbuminuric Medical
  262. Narcotic'S Anonymous
  263. Nicotianamine Medical
  264. North Asheville
  265. Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Gender, Mars, Serving
  266. No Alarm
  267. Not Approved Business, Forum, School, Report
  268. Nationale Aktivisten National, Germany, Nazi
  269. N-Acetyl Groups Medical
  270. Non-Anomalous Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  271. NacionĀLĀ ApvienĪBa Government, Latvia, Tie
  272. Naval Aviators
  273. Neighbour Advertisements
  274. No Accessories Product, Fashion, Accessory
  275. Network Activity Technology, Networking, Projection
  276. Not Available-Contact
  277. Nautical Almanach
  278. Niets Aangetroffen
  279. Northern Alaska
  280. National Activities
  281. Nepal Academy
  282. No Aplicable
  283. Nationalist Alliance
  284. Network Authority
  285. Normal Aspiration Forum, Car, Turbo
  286. Namdal Arbeiderblad
  287. Navy Army Military, Sport, Cross
  288. Not Answered Technology, Community, Cisco, Survey
  289. Necrosis Area Medical
  290. Nisgha Government, Us, Control, Administration
  291. Not-Available Book, Education, Server, Icon
  292. National Arboretum Plant, Locations, Garden
  293. Nerubian Assassin
  294. Não AplicáVel Technology, Para, Dos, Ria
  295. No Auxiliary
  296. Naturally Aspired Forum, Car, Engine
  297. Neurologic Age Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology
  298. Newsletter Archive Technology, Software, Tool
  299. Normas Para A Apresentação
  300. Napoleonic Association
  301. Nickel Arc
  302. North Arlington
  303. Nasserist Arab
  304. Nomenclatura AnatóMica
  305. Not Approvable Medical, Medicine, Drug, Fda
  306. Nationale Aktion
  307. N-Acetyl Compounds Medical
  308. Non-Ammoniated Product, Glass, Cleaner
  309. Naci
  310. Neighbors Advertisements Technology
  311. No Abilities
  312. Not Achieved Technology, English, Guide, Russia
  313. National Asian
  314. Network Activities Technology, Activity, Networking
  315. North Australia
  316. Naughty America
  317. Newton Abbott
  318. Niel Armstrong
  319. Northern America America, Canada, Locations, Map
  320. National Activists Group, National, Front, Nazi
  321. Neosporin Antibiotic
  322. No Antibody
  323. Nationalen AnhäNgen Technology, Sind, Deutschland, Labor
  324. Network Authentication Technology, Server, Networking
  325. Nachrichten-Abteilung Military, Division, Regiment, Panzer
  326. Nonprecision Approach
  327. Namangi Aute
  328. Navy Amphibious
  329. Not Animate
  330. Neighbourhoods Alive
  331. Necessary Action
  332. Nikolai Alekseevich
  333. Not-Applicable Technology, Music, Network
  334. National Arbiter Chess, Tournament, Arbiter
  335. Nertherlands Antilles Military
  336. No Authorization Technology, Service, Authentication
  337. Natural Again
  338. Neurogenic Atrophy Medical
  339. News From Audioholics
  340. Normal To Abnormal
  341. Napoleon Area
  342. Nickel Aluminide
  343. North American-Inglewood
  344. Nasionale Aksie Government, Group, Africa
  345. Nolan Arenado Baseball, Sport, Card
  346. Not Applicant
  347. National Award
  348. Nomine Anime
  349. Neighbor Advertisment
  350. Nizozemské Antily Hotel, Dal, Netherland
  351. Not Accr
  352. National Arts
  353. Network Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  354. North America Business, America, Canada, Information Technology, Computing, Legal, Governmental & Military
  355. Naturist Association
  356. Newton'S Apple
  357. Niederschlag-Abfluss-Modell
  358. Northern Africa
  359. National Action Government, Group, Planning
  360. Neonatally Androgenized Medical
  361. No Antenna
  362. Nationaler Anhang
  363. Network Auditor Military
  364. Nabisco Holdings Corp. Organizations
  365. Non Adaptive
  366. Nalidixic Acid Medical, Medicine, Drug, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  367. Navy A state's ships of war, their equipment, supply and manning. Military, Army, War, Intelligence, Force
  368. Neighborhood Analysis
  369. Address The label or number identifying the memory location where a unit of information is stored. Internet Slang, Aviation, Army, War, Texting, Force, Chat, Telecom, Telecommunications, Online, Radio, Computing, Morse Code, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Legal, Usps, Technology, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism
  370. Dietary sodium NANP Modeling Commitee
  371. Not Auxiliary Technology, English, Language
  372. Nomina Anatomica The modification of the Basle Nomina Anatomica or BNA system of anatomic terminology adopted in 1955 by the International Congress of Anatomists in Paris. The International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee was responsible for continued revisions of the NA that had been reviewed and adopted by the International Congress of Anatomists meeting at 5-year intervals from 1955-1985. Medical, Medicine, Health
  373. Nem Alma Tip, Tank, Turkish
  374. Nuclear Antigen Medical, Technology
  375. Network Analysis Technique used in planning a project consisting of a sequence of activities and their interrelationship within a network of activities making up a project. Technology, Networking, Social
  376. N-Acetyl-Aspartate
  377. Naval Assistant
  378. Northern Areas (Gilgit Baltistan) Regional
  379. Narcotiques Anonymes Medical, Technology
  380. National Authority
  381. National Bank of Canada (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  382. Nabisco Holdings Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  383. Nortasun Agiria
  384. Nucleic Acid Nucleic acid are polymeric macromolecules, or large biological molecules, essential for all known forms of life. Nucleic acids, which include DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), are made from monomers known as nucleotides. Chemistry, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  385. North Addition
  386. Narrow-Aisle Business, Truck, Forklift
  387. Natural Antibacterial Medical
  388. No Acronyms
  389. Not Administered Medical, Medicine, Study
  390. National Associations
  391. Neutralizing Activity Medical
  392. Acoustic Neuroma Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  393. Node Address Technology, Networking, Network
  394. Naval Adjutant
  395. Nelson Allen Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  396. No Audio
  397. Nghệ An Locations, Vietnam, Tin, Thu
  398. Namibia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  399. Not Attending Gaming, Organizations, Genealogical
  400. Noise Analyzer Technology, Audio, Sound
  401. Nelson Agholor Sport, Philadelphia, Eagle
  402. Nuclear Antigens Medical
  403. Not Analysed Water, Inhibitor, Query
  404. National Autonomy
  405. Network Analyser
  406. N-Acetoxy-2-Acetylaminofluorene Heart, Rate, Treat
  407. Naval Architect Technology, Design, Yacht
  408. Newark Academy New Jersey
  409. National Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Civil Aviation
  410. Numerical Aperture (fiber optics) Medical, Computing, Master IEEE
  411. Nucleoside Analogue Medical, Human genome
  412. North Adams
  413. Narrative Analysis
  414. Natural Antibodies Medical
  415. Not Adjusted
  416. National Assistance
  417. Neutral Axis The neutral axis is an axis in the cross section of a beam or shaft along which there are no longitudinal stresses or strains. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  418. Node Accesses
  419. Non-Adaptive Computing, Hardware
  420. New Agenda Technology, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military
  421. No Assistance Science
  422. Ng Apat
  423. Needs Assessment Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  424. Not Assigned Technology, America, American
  425. Nelson Aalen
  426. Nuclear Antibody Medical, Medicine, Health
  427. No Additional
  428. Not Allowed Technology, Gaming, Song
  429. National Authorities Either the government of the country in which the ship is registered, or the Administration delegated to deal with merchant shipping for that country.
  430. Network Analyzer Technology, Science, Networking
  431. Iso Country Code for Namibia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  432. Naval Arch
  433. Northwest Academy Oregon, Michigan
  434. Node Access
  435. North American Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Geology, Regional, Scientific & Educational
  436. Nurse's Aid Medical, Health
  437. Narn Ambassador
  438. Natural Ability German, Dog, Ability, Hunting
  439. Not Adjustable
  440. National Assemblies
  441. Neuraminidase Activities Medical, Activity, Influenza, Virus
  442. Nodal Analysis In electric circuits analysis, nodal analysis, node-voltage analysis, or the branch current method is a method of determining the voltage between "nodes" in an electrical circuit in terms of the branch currents. Technology, Circuit, Voltage
  443. Non-Asbestos Products
  444. Non-attendance Governmental & Military, Police Code
  445. No Appearance
  446. Nexus Anime
  447. North Acton Hotel, London, Locations
  448. Not Assayed
  449. naphthenic acids Oil, Scientific & Educational
  450. Nellis Air
  451. Nuclear Actuator
  452. No Adaptive
  453. Not Allocated Technology, Group, Space, Partition
  454. National Australia Business, Australia, Banking
  455. Network Advisor Technology, Networking, Brocade
  456. Never Available
  457. Isdn Calling Name Identification Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  458. Noise Abatement Technology, Airport, Environment
  459. Naval Airman Service, Military, Aircraft, Officer
  460. Nauruan Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  461. Nocturnal Asthma Medical
  462. Nick Adenhart
  463. Not Avalable
  464. Neon Alley Anime, Episode, Neon
  465. Nucleoside Analogues Medical
  466. Network Appliances
  467. Sodium (Latin ''Natrium' Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  468. Narita Et Al
  469. Native Americans Medical
  470. Not Adequate Technology, Gaming, Family, Angle
  471. National Assessment Education
  472. Neuralgic Amyotrophy Medical
  473. Nodal Agency
  474. Non-Antistatic Products
  475. Null Acl General, Governmental & Military
  476. Next Assembly NASA
  477. North Academic Education, School, City
  478. Not Asked Technology, Gaming, Song, Lyric
  479. Natural Amber Geology, Scientific & Educational
  480. Narrow Angle Medical, Technology, Glaucoma, Common Medical
  481. Neil Armstrong Man, Moon, Astronaut
  482. Nuclear Abnormalities Medical, Science, Biology
  483. No Adaptation
  484. Not Advertise
  485. National Audubon
  486. Network Administration Technology, Networking, Telecom
  487. Never Again Music, Song, Lyric
  488. Cisco Networking Academy Program Company, Technology, Cisco, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  489. Noel Ashton
  490. Naval Aircrewman
  491. Nazareth Academy New York, Illinois
  492. Nobody Around
  493. Nicholas Aaron
  494. Northern Areas
  495. Not Available/Applicable Army, Force, Coast Guard
  496. Neodecanoic Acid
  497. Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are biological polymers made from nucleotide monomers. Examples: DNA and RNA are nucleic acids. Medical, Science, Nucleotide
  498. Network Application
  499. Naval Aviation
  500. Northstar Academy Virginia
  501. Narisawa Et Al
  502. Nationality Act
  503. Neue Artikel
  504. Nodal Agencies
  505. Nurse Anesthetist Occupation & positions
  506. National Academy Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  507. North-America Technology, Gaming, America
  508. Notas De Aplicação
  509. Not Active Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  510. Narrow Abdomen Medical, Science, Biology
  511. Natural Area
  512. Nouvelle Adresse
  513. No Activity Technology, Group, Extract
  514. Not Advanced Business & Finance, Power Plant
  515. National Auctioneers
  516. Network Administrator A network administrator is an individual that is responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network including the maintenance and monitoring of active data network or converged infrastructure and related network equipment. Network administrator are generally mid-level support staff within an organization and do not typically get involved directly with users. Medical, Technology, Networking
  517. Neutrophil Antibody Medical, Medicine, Health
  518. Avogadro Number Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  519. Node Authentication
  520. Naval Advisor Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  521. New Apprenticeships Australia
  522. No Award
  523. Niaz Ahmed Business, Feat, Pakistan
  524. sodium (from Latin natrium) Medical
  525. Not Avaible Business, Gaming, Calling
  526. Neoadjuvant Medical
  527. Nuclear Area Medical, Science, Biology
  528. Network Annihilation
  529. N-Acetyl-Containing Compounds Medical
  530. Naval Attache Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  531. Norfolk Academy Virginia
  532. Nardin Academy Education, School, High School, New York
  533. National Average
  534. Networking Activities Technology, Science, Activity
  535. Nocturnal Art
  536. Novice Agility Dog Fanciers
  537. North Africa Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Legal
  538. North-American America, Military, Aircraft
  539. Not Ascertained
  540. Negative Alignment Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  541. North Aegean
  542. Narrow Aisle Business, Truck, Forklift
  543. Natural Approach Medical, Health, Remedy
  544. Notified Area India, Locations, Land, Panchayat
  545. No Actions
  546. Not Admitted Medical, Technology, Medicine
  547. National Atlas Science, Geography, Location
  548. Network Addresses Technology, Networking, Translation
  549. Neutralizing Antibodies Medical
  550. Avogadro Constant Or Number Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  551. Node Agent Technology, Server, Fish
  552. Naval Adviser
  553. Natalie Andrea Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  554. No Autorizado
  555. Niacin Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid, is an organic compound and is, depending on the definition used, one of the 20 to 80 essential human nutrients. Together with nicotinamide it makes up the group known as vitamin B3 complex. Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NA stand for?

    NA stands for Neonatal Ataxia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nikolai Alekseevich?

    The short form of "Nikolai Alekseevich" is NA.


NA. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated