NA in Technology Meaning

The NA meaning in Technology terms is "Sodium". There are 92 related meanings of the NA Technology abbreviation.

NA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Sodium Symbol:"Na" Atomic Number:"11" Atomic Mass: 23.00amu. One of the alkali metal family. Sodium is a light, metallic element. It is very reactive and almost explodes if put in water. You will find sodium in salt, glass making, paper-making, salt, developing photos, and fertilizers. 
  2. Not Applicable Commonly used when filling out forms (online or offline), where certain fields are not applicable to the user.
  3. Next Address
  4. National Archives
  5. Not Affiliated
  6. Network Assurance
  7. Numerical Aperture
  8. Next Action
  9. National Annex
  10. Norsk Akkreditering
  11. Network Associates
  12. Number of Active
  13. Namibia
  14. None Applicable
  15. Network Aspects
  16. Number Assigned
  17. Naturally Aspirated Any engine intake system which does not employ a turbocharger or other supercharging mechanism.
  18. Network Architect
  19. Nucleus Accumbens
  20. Network Availability
  21. Nursing Assistant
  22. No Affiliation
  23. Neighbour Advertisement
  24. Network Audit
  25. Neighbor Advertisement
  26. No Access
  27. Naval Architecture Science and practice concerned with design, building and fitting of ships, and with the investigation of the forces acting upon them in a seaway, and in specific circumstances
  28. Not Authorized
  29. Network Audio
  30. Numeric Aperture
  31. Network Access
  32. Not Answered
  33. Natural
  34. Newsletter Archive
  35. Network Architecture
  36. No Available
  37. Nationalen AnhäNgen
  38. Address The label or number identifying the memory location where a unit of information is stored.
  39. Network Automation
  40. Not Achieved
  41. Neighbors Advertisements
  42. No Authorization
  43. Normally Aspirated An engine that intakes air or breathes without the assistance of a supercharger or turbocharger.
  44. Nationale Anhang
  45. Network Authentication
  46. Not Accessible
  47. Neighbor Advertisements
  48. North American
  49. No Assurance
  50. Network Address
  51. National Annexes
  52. Not Acceptable
  53. Neighbor Address
  54. Non Agriculture
  55. Network Activity
  56. Not-Applicable
  57. Não AplicáVel
  58. No Acknowledgement
  59. Network Activities
  60. Not-Alarmed
  61. Nature of Address
  62. No Acknowledgment
  63. Not Admitted
  64. Nodal Analysis In electric circuits analysis, nodal analysis, node-voltage analysis, or the branch current method is a method of determining the voltage between "nodes" in an electrical circuit in terms of the branch currents.
  65. Iso Country Code for Namibia
  66. New Agenda
  67. Network Administration
  68. Not Adequate
  69. Isdn Calling Name Identification Services
  70. Not Auxiliary
  71. Network Administrator A network administrator is an individual that is responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network including the maintenance and monitoring of active data network or converged infrastructure and related network equipment. Network administrator are generally mid-level support staff within an organization and do not typically get involved directly with users.
  72. North-America
  73. Neutral Axis The neutral axis is an axis in the cross section of a beam or shaft along which there are no longitudinal stresses or strains.
  74. Cisco Networking Academy Program
  75. Not Assigned
  76. Network Addresses
  77. Networking Activities
  78. Not Asked
  79. Noise Analyzer
  80. Noise Abatement
  81. Network Analysis Technique used in planning a project consisting of a sequence of activities and their interrelationship within a network of activities making up a project.
  82. No Activity
  83. Not Allowed
  84. Node Agent
  85. Narrow Angle
  86. Nuclear Antigen
  87. Network Analyzer
  88. Naval Architect
  89. Not Allocated
  90. Node Address
  91. Narcotiques Anonymes
  92. Network Advisor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NA stand for Technology?

    NA stands for Neighbour Advertisement in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Archives in Technology?

    The short form of "National Archives" is NA for Technology.


NA in Technology. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated