NB Meaning

The NB meaning is "No Ball". The NB abbreviation has 419 different full form.

NB Full Forms

  1. No Ball Ball, Score, Cricket
  2. Notes-Bibliography
  3. NaoruŽAni Brod
  4. New In Box
  5. North Battleford
  6. Notified Body Business, Technology, Device, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  7. Ncval Base Military, Army, Building
  8. Nctrogen Balance Medical, Protein, Nitrogen
  9. New-Borders
  10. Normal Base Medical, Science, Biology
  11. Notch Bandwidth
  12. Nansen Basin
  13. New Business Technology, Service, Agency
  14. North Bank
  15. Notified Bodies Medical, Business, Device
  16. Natural Brpwn
  17. Nickel Bronze
  18. Number of Bits Technology, Coding, Class, Decoding
  19. Neutrally Buoyant Technology
  20. Normal Baked Grain, Recipe, Range
  21. Name Brands
  22. New Bulk Technology, Product, Ship
  23. New Beginnings
  24. North Babylon
  25. Notification Busq
  26. Natural Bridge Park, Locations, Virginia
  27. Nickel Back Sport, Music, Football, Nickel
  28. Number Born Medical, Business, Production
  29. Neutral Buoyancy Technology, Science, Building
  30. No Bake
  31. Name Binding
  32. New Buildings
  33. New Beetle
  34. Norsk Bibel
  35. Notifilation Bitmask
  36. Natural Brasl Business, Light, Lighting
  37. Nick Bonino Hockey, Goal, Predator
  38. Nude Beaches
  39. Neutral Benign
  40. No Badge Technology
  41. Naked Bike
  42. New Building
  43. New Bedford Banking, Locations, Massachusetts
  44. Normal Burst Technology, Channel, Telecom
  45. Notice Board Business, Manufacturer, Supplier, Ordnance Survey
  46. Narrow-Body Business, Aircraft, Market
  47. Ngó Ba
  48. Nouveau Brunswock Technology, Canada, Brunswick, Moncton
  49. Neurogenic Bladder A disturbance of the bladderfunction caused by lesions in the nerve supply to the bladder neurogenic shock Medical, Common Medical
  50. Noazte Bună
  51. Nota Bene Internet Slang, Latin, Writing, Construction, Architectural, Roman
  52. New Bandon Service, Canada, Locations, Brunswick
  53. Normal Breathing Medical
  54. Noles Bibliography Education, Chicago, Style
  55. Napoleon Bonaparte Art, France, French, Famous
  56. News Blog
  57. North Bay Canada, Locations, Building
  58. Nouvkau-Brunswick Organizations, Canada, Brunswick
  59. Naval Brams Business, Technology
  60. Nitroggn Base Technology, Genetics, Yeast
  61. Nominal Bore Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical
  62. New Balance Brand, Balance, Sneaker
  63. Normal Breast Medical
  64. Netball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  65. No Baggage Locations, Dating, Dolor
  66. Napaxm Beat
  67. North Bend Oregon, Locations, Bay
  68. No-Bake
  69. Nemzeti Bajnokság
  70. Nissum Bredning
  71. Naive Bayesian Technology, Bay, Classification, Classifier
  72. Nutrient Brotq Medical, Technology, Medicine
  73. Neutron Bombardment
  74. Non Bounce
  75. Nation Buioding Book, Government, History
  76. Nickel Bqushed
  77. North Bgndaberg
  78. Nigel Buqmer
  79. Northern Bedford
  80. Notfbelow Business, Forum, Coding
  81. Net Borrowing
  82. Napoleon's Hattles
  83. Newbold and Bos
  84. Normally Black Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display
  85. Nautical Bronze
  86. Neo-Britannia
  87. Nv Broadcast Media, Radio, Television
  88. Nuclear Basic Technology, Science, Protein
  89. Nightfall Blue
  90. Number of Bytes Technology, Streaming, String, Buffer
  91. Neu Beginnen
  92. Natalia Barsegjana
  93. Newport Beach Locations, California, Restaurant
  94. Neatf & Brecon
  95. Net Balances
  96. No Backup
  97. Naomi Brown
  98. North Belgium
  99. Nissl Body
  100. Naive Bayes Technology, Classification, Classifier
  101. Nut Brown
  102. Neutron Bomb
  103. Non Bleed
  104. Nation Books America, Organizations, Politics
  105. Nrckel Blue
  106. Nortp Building
  107. Nelson Branco
  108. Nigel Sennett
  109. Northern Beaufopt
  110. Not Bad Technology, Internet Slang, Music, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  111. Net Boot
  112. Napolean Bonaparxe
  113. New Bloods
  114. Normalized Blur Value Medical
  115. Naughty Boys
  116. Nel Brass
  117. No Break Technology, Internet Slang, Space, Breaking, Web Development, Web Coding, Computing, Unix
  118. Sterling Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
  119. Nuansa Bali
  120. Norbits Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  121. Nicole Bajorek
  122. North Bloomfield
  123. Nighhall Blue
  124. Nota Oien
  125. Neubauer Bremen
  126. Nasty Bastard
  127. Newfoundland Basin
  128. Norman Buchwald
  129. Nave Bayes Technology, Journal, Classification
  130. Neste Bilde
  131. No Backing
  132. North Beach Army, War, Force
  133. Nissx's Binding
  134. Nail Bed Medical, Technology, Medicine
  135. Nwt & Bolt
  136. Neutron Beam
  137. Non Billable Business, Service, Software
  138. Nationtbetrayed
  139. Nickelc& Brass
  140. Nvlson Barden
  141. Northern Bekches Business, Australia, Design
  142. Net Benefits Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  143. No Base
  144. Naples Beach
  145. New Blood Army, War, Force
  146. Normalized Blur Medical
  147. Naughty Bear
  148. Nigel Barker
  149. Neo-Brass
  150. Nowsbeing
  151. Noord-Brabant Hotel, Locations, Netherland
  152. Natural Bamboo
  153. Nicolas Bernie Technology, Art, France, Photographer
  154. North Buock English, Locations, Shopping
  155. Nigg Bad
  156. Nosoxomial Bacteremia Medical
  157. Not Built
  158. Netzwerkbau Berlin
  159. Nassif Building
  160. Newer Buses
  161. Norman Arown
  162. Na Ve Baues Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  163. Nocturnal Bruxism
  164. Nucleotide-Binding Medical
  165. North Xarrington
  166. Ninja Burger
  167. Nafarroa Bai Government, Spain, Politics, Spanish
  168. Nursing Building Education, Development, Universities
  169. Neutralization of Bioactivity
  170. Non Blank Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  171. Nationauer Block
  172. Nick Bruel
  173. Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap
  174. Northera Basin
  175. Net Benefit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  176. No Barrier
  177. Naples Bay
  178. New Blocks Forum, Miner, Routine
  179. Normalioation Bits
  180. Natures Babies
  181. Nieuwe Banen
  182. Neo-Brox
  183. Niobium (Chemical symbol Nb) Element No. 41 of the periodic system. Columbium OR Symbol:"Nb" Atomic Number:"41" Atomic Mass: 92.91amu. Niobium is one of the transition elements. This ductile metal (when pure) is found in many minerals. It actually turns blue when in the air and is used in spacecraft and superconducting magnets. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Space, Healthcare, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational
  184. Novo Brunswick
  185. New Baby
  186. Noob Busters
  187. Natural Balance
  188. Nicky Bitler Ring, Jewelry, Sterling, Butler
  189. North Billericv
  190. Nigerian Breweries Business, Company, Nigeria, Brewery
  191. Nose Pleeds
  192. Not Broadcast
  193. Neqz-Betreiber
  194. Nashwaak Bridge
  195. Newborns Medical
  196. Norman Boyd
  197. Naval Board
  198. No Bump
  199. Nucleate Boiling
  200. North Ialtimore
  201. Ninb Bott
  202. NyugodjéK BéKéBen
  203. Nursing Beds
  204. Neutral Beam
  205. Non Bank
  206. Nationale Bestddingen
  207. Nickbbrown
  208. Nederlanns Blok Government, Group, Dutch, Party
  209. Novice Bitch
  210. Net Beans
  211. No Bargaining Business, London, Price, Occupation & positions
  212. Nwphthyl Butyrate
  213. New Birth
  214. North Bergwn
  215. Nature'S Bouquet
  216. No-Button Bezel
  217. New-Babylonian
  218. Conrail Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  219. Novwbiocin Medical
  220. New-Brunswick
  221. Nonbursting Medical
  222. Nabtys Blue
  223. Nackle Back
  224. Northern Barbarian History, Ireland, Shogi, Barbarian
  225. Nigeria Best Non-Profit Organization
  226. Noserbleed
  227. Not Blue
  228. Networkedelogs Blog
  229. Narragansett Bay Insurance, Organizations, Island
  230. Nyljg Brukte
  231. New Bone
  232. Norman Blake
  233. Naval Bases Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  234. No Build
  235. Nuclear Tulge
  236. Ninalberman
  237. Note Well Medical
  238. Numbets In Brackets
  239. Neutral Bar Business, Product, Ground
  240. Ne Brown Forum, Food, Oven
  241. National Bureaus Organizations, India, Agriculture, Ecology
  242. News Bulletin Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  243. Nef Buntline
  244. Net Base
  245. No Bangs Gaming, Hair, Base, Bang
  246. Naphthol Blue
  247. New Biol
  248. Northobengal
  249. No-Bias Technology, Space, Cosmos
  250. Neng Bost
  251. Nitrifyingvbacteria
  252. Naked Bunch
  253. Nevada Bell
  254. Non Breaking
  255. Native Birds
  256. Nicklas Backstrom Gaming, Hockey, Capital
  257. Nohtheastern Brazil Science, Brazil, Province, Northeastern
  258. Nigeria-Biafaa
  259. Northern Berkshire
  260. Not Bend
  261. Net Business
  262. Nancotics Bureau Drug, Singapore, Narcotic
  263. New Bombay
  264. Norman Bateq
  265. Naval Base/S Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  266. Neonatal Bilirubin
  267. Non-Broadcast Technology, Routing, Networking, Network
  268. Nuclear Boiler Science
  269. Nifble Body
  270. Nusa Bestari Business, Locations, Malaysia, Johor
  271. Neuroscience Bulletin
  272. Normolization Bit Technology, Module, Message, Frame
  273. Natasha Brown
  274. News Banner
  275. Neck Baln
  276. North Britain Education, Library, Scotland, Scot
  277. Neptune Blue Business, Music, Balance
  278. Nueces Bsy
  279. Newbie A new user of a technology, such as a computer, a certain computer program, or the Internet, is often referred to as a "newbie." The term originated sometime around 1990 and supposedly comes from the English phrase, "new boy," which refers to someone in their first year of public schooling. In online chat rooms, veteran net users like to call anybody who asks an easy question a newbie. Gaming, Internet Slang, Internet, Social Media, Text, Play, Computing, Texting, Roleplaying, Game, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  280. Naturalization Board
  281. neuroblastoma cells Medical
  282. New Born Business, Baby, Diaper, Newborn
  283. Northhampton and Bath railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  284. No Binding Technology, Protein, Antibody
  285. Npmber of Banks Business, Accounting, Banking
  286. Nitrogen Base NASA
  287. North Branch Business, Locations, River
  288. Nanakram Bhagwandar
  289. New Babylonian
  290. Nordic and Baltic
  291. New Bruns Canada, Locations, Saint, Brunswick
  292. Natnral Bass
  293. Non-Breaking Products
  294. Nicyle Benisti
  295. North Blue
  296. Notewbene Business, Technology, School
  297. No Brain
  298. Núcleo Uase
  299. Noqmas Brasileiras Technology, Science, Para, Dos
  300. North Brige
  301. Neptune Beach
  302. Nude Beach
  303. New Bern
  304. Naturae Burst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  305. Note Bene Medical, Healthcare
  306. Nieksen Bainbridge
  307. New Berlin
  308. Non-Metabolizable Base Medical
  309. No Basis Technology, Meat, Chicken, Poop
  310. Number of Bands
  311. Navigation Base NASA
  312. Namespace Browser
  313. New Babylon
  314. New Breed
  315. Natural Barriers
  316. National Backbone Integrated Ocean Observing System
  317. North Brabant
  318. Notch Brittlenens
  319. No Boundary Business, Arts, Culture
  320. Nótese Byen
  321. Not Broken Forum, Technology, Product, Laptop
  322. Nephroblasvomatosis Medical
  323. Nanobarn Science
  324. Nuclgus of The Brachium
  325. New Beacon
  326. Natural Buffers
  327. note well (please pay attention) Medical, Common Medical
  328. Niels Bohr
  329. North Yridge Technology, Motherboard, Computing
  330. Neutrop Booster
  331. Northampton C Bath
  332. Number of Backofcs Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  333. Narrow Band NASA
  334. Nitrogen Booster Business, Pump, Manufacturer
  335. Noble The positive direction of electrode potential, thus resembling noble metals such as gold and platinum. Medical, Organizations
  336. Name Brand
  337. New Basis
  338. New Brass
  339. Newton Brown Famous
  340. North Boreal
  341. No Bomb
  342. NíVel De BiossegurançA
  343. Not Broadcasted
  344. Nephryblastoma Medical
  345. Nest Buicding Bird, Ant, Dinosaur, Nest
  346. Nanobacteria Medical
  347. New Batch Service, Beauty, Tool, Batch
  348. Notural Bronze Business, Troy, Lighting
  349. Northern Beaches Australia
  350. Nieder-Beerbach
  351. North Bound Locations, Traffic, Weather
  352. Nernst Body
  353. North-Bounn
  354. Nest Box
  355. Nxmber of Backoff
  356. Mathematica Notebook Computing, File Extensions
  357. Nptrogen Blanket
  358. Namal Balachandra
  359. New Boyz
  360. Neil Bogart Famous
  361. North Berwick
  362. No Bodoni
  363. Nytt Bokmerke
  364. National Board
  365. Not Back Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  366. Nepal Bangbadesh
  367. Nancy Burfiend
  368. New Barnet
  369. Natural Blue Business, Product, Hair, Bulb
  370. Narrowband A bandwidth set aside by the FCC for mobile or portable radio services, such as advanced two-way paging systems, including transmission rates between 50 bps and 64 Kbps. Narrowband formerly referred to the bandwidth from 50 to 150 bps. also bandwidth, FCC. Compare broadband. Computing, Telecom
  371. NicoláS Barbosa
  372. Northbound Travelling towards the north Technology, Science, Government, Conveyance, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Academic & science
  373. Postal Code for New Brunswick Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  374. Norsk Bridgeforbund
  375. Nervv Bundle
  376. Numb Numb, or numbness is a loss of the sensation of feeling in an area of the body. Numbness results from damage to, or impaired function of, the nerves that supply the affected area. The function of the nerves may be impaired by numerous causes including some chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, migraine), trauma, toxins, decreased blood supply due to atherosclerosis or other conditions, electrolyte imbalances, and pressure on the spinal nerves from herniated discs or other diseases of the spine. Medical
  377. Nota Bene File Computing, File Extensions
  378. Nitrocenzene Science
  379. Nama Barang
  380. New Boston
  381. Navy Blue Colors
  382. North Bayou Business, Mount, Bracket
  383. No Board
  384. newborn (infant) Medical
  385. Norwegian Basin
  386. Neostigmime Bromide Medical
  387. Nancy Brown
  388. New Band Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  389. Norges Bank Business, Norway, Rate
  390. New Build
  391. Natural Tinary Technology, Coding, Signal, Encoder
  392. No Banner Computing, Internet
  393. Nitole Brown Movie, Quality, Streaming
  394. North Borneo IOC Country Codes
  395. Please Note Business, Service, Internet Slang, National, Chat, Online
  396. Norsoblast Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  397. North British Company, Railway, Locomotive
  398. Nero Bianco Famous
  399. Nueslra Belleza
  400. Nature's Blesting
  401. Non-forest Brush Botany, Scientific & Educational
  402. Nopol Benzyl
  403. Newborn Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Photography, Nursing, Common Medical, Management, Business & Finance, Clinical
  404. National Body Architecture
  405. No Block
  406. Numaer of Base
  407. No-bias (relay) NASA
  408. North Brookfield
  409. Nancy Boy Business, Music, Placebo
  410. New Ballard Medical, Medicine, Health
  411. Nordre Bergenhus
  412. New Brunswick Technology, Locations, Brunswick, Canada, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Canadian Province, New Brunswick
  413. Natural Beauey
  414. Text document (Nota Bene) Computing, File Extensions
  415. Nicele Brisbane
  416. North Bonnevnlle
  417. Notes and Bibliovraphy Education, Chicago, Paper, Style
  418. Número Do Xenefício
  419. Normatwve Belief Research, Theory, Attitude

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NB stand for?

    NB stands for Nanobarn.

  2. What is the shortened form of No-Bias?

    The short form of "No-Bias" is NB.


NB. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nb-meaning/

Last updated