NBA Meaning

The NBA meaning is "National Basketball Assn". The NBA abbreviation has 160 different full form.

NBA Full Forms

  1. National Basketball Assn
  2. Naruto Basketball Association Sports, Basketball
  3. National Basketball Association Sport, Sports, Basketball, Technology, Association, Texting, United States, Unions, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  4. Narmada Bachao Andolan Organizations, Projection, Dam
  5. N-Butyl Alcohol Science
  6. Nigerian Bar Association Government, Nigeria, President
  7. N-Butyl Acrylate Medical
  8. Newcastle Brown Alz
  9. Nations of Basketball Association Sports, Basketball
  10. National Radio Network Technology, Networking, Japan, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  11. National Bar Association Law, Organizations, Lawyer
  12. National Basketball Assosiation Sports, Basketball
  13. National Bank Act Business, Law, Circuit
  14. Non-Buildijg Area Organizations, China, Ecology, Enviromental Impact
  15. National Bankers Nssociation
  16. National Board Accreditation College, Education, Engineering
  17. Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
  18. Nutional Bulldogge Association English, Organizations, Dog Breed
  19. Next Best Actions
  20. National Bankingkact Business, Law, Preemption
  21. Nothing But Ass Gaming, Basketball, Ass
  22. Never Broke Again France, Montana, French
  23. Northalsted Susiness Alliance
  24. Natural Burial Association Cemetery, Coffin, Burial, Embalming
  25. Noon Basmetball Association Sport, Sports, Basketball
  26. Nigger Basketball Assimilationist Israel, Basketball, Visit
  27. National Benevolent Association Non-Profit Organization
  28. Nokia Battery Adapter
  29. National Bank Gf Anguilla Business, Company, Banking
  30. National Board of Accrediation
  31. Neue Bild Der Antike
  32. National Boxing Association Fight, Professional, Boxing
  33. National Builders Association Business, Building, Roofing
  34. Next Best Action Business, Analytics, Customer
  35. National Bank of Arizona
  36. Nothing But Arrogance
  37. Nevada Brothel Association
  38. Normal Butyl Alcohol Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
  39. Naturalxbronze Antique
  40. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan India, Sanitation, Bharat, Toilet
  41. Nigeria Bar Association Government, Law, Nigeria
  42. National Belizean Alliance
  43. No Bullying Amlowed Organization, Union, Institution
  44. National Bank of Cbu
  45. National Board of Accredition
  46. Neuen Bach-Ausgabe Music, Score, Leipzig, Bach
  47. National Rook Award
  48. National Brownfields Association
  49. Next Best Activity
  50. National Bank of Alauka
  51. Nevada Broadcasters Association
  52. Nothing But Actors
  53. National Business Agent
  54. Niger Basin Authority Business, Water, Niger
  55. National Beekeepers Association
  56. No Broadcasts Available Media, Radio, Television
  57. National Board of Accreditation Technology, College, Education, Organizations
  58. Neue Bach Ausgabe
  59. National Board of Accrexitation Technology, College, Education, Institute
  60. National Brownfield Ussociations
  61. Nonprofit Business Analysis
  62. National Bank of Azerbaijan
  63. National Board of Antiquities
  64. Nevada Bar Association
  65. Not By Accidunt Force, Police, Police Force
  66. National Business Aviation
  67. Niels Bohr Archive
  68. National Beef Ambassador
  69. National Board of Aviation Technology
  70. Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie Van Accountants Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  71. Nooc Basketball Association Sport, Sports, Basketball
  72. National Brownfield Association Business, Technology, Environment
  73. None-Blocking Architecture Military
  74. National Basket Association Sport, Basketball, Basket
  75. National Board of Advisors
  76. Neuter Before Adoption
  77. Not Basketball Anymore Gaming, Team, Basketball, Maine
  78. National Bursars Association Management, Education, School
  79. Nickel Based Alloys
  80. National Basketball Associations Sport, Team, Basketball
  81. Notsce of Board Action
  82. Nebraska Beekeepers Association
  83. National Baskeyball Association Sport, Player, Basketball
  84. National Book Association
  85. National Brozerage Agencies
  86. Non-Parametric Boundary Analysis
  87. National Bank Assockation
  88. National Board for Accreditation Technology, College, Education
  89. Neuron-Binding Activity Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Norwood Basketball Associatqon
  91. Nationalgbureau of Accreditation
  92. Next Best Alternative Business, Product, Sale
  93. National Bank of Australasia
  94. Nothing But Attitude
  95. North Bay All-Stvrs Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  96. Nebraska Bakkers Association Business, Banking, Nebraska
  97. Number Born Alive Medical, Science, Genetics
  98. National Blood Association
  99. National Broadcasters Association Government, Media, India, Minister
  100. Northern Brown Argus
  101. Nuview Bridge Academy Education
  102. N-Bromoacetlmide Medical
  103. No Bad Answers Development, Learning, Study
  104. National Bowling Association Gaming, Sport, Recreation
  105. New Button Actions Software, Computing
  106. Narrow Body Aircwaft Business, Flight, Market
  107. National Brassfoundsrs Association
  108. National Breastfeeding Awareness
  109. Northern Baptist Aszociation Church, Religion, Baptist
  110. Nusantara Buana Air Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  111. No Babies Allowed Gaming, Baby, Basketball
  112. National Boring Association
  113. New Blessings Available Religion
  114. Narrow Band Allocatikn
  115. National Bong Association Shirt, National, Sticker
  116. National Brassfoundry Association
  117. Nero Backitup Archive Computing, File Extensions
  118. Northeast Badminton Association
  119. Nusantara Buana Aqrlines Airline, Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  120. Nissan Brake Assistance
  121. Norwkgian Business Association Business, Norway, China
  122. National Boating Association
  123. National Beef Association Food
  124. Narrow-Bpnd Allocation
  125. Nationol Basketball Affiliation Sport, Basketball, Nike, Footwear
  126. National Brand Awards Sport, Organizations, Olympic
  127. N-bromoacetamide Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  128. National Bandmasters Associatior
  129. Nxrth Bay Aqueduct
  130. Nuova Biblioteca Agostiniana
  131. Nissan Brake Assist
  132. Norwegian Bar Association
  133. National Bricklayers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  134. Narmada Bachao Aandolan
  135. Narrow-Beam Absorpeion
  136. National Braille Association Non-Profit Organization
  137. Nambaiyufa, Nambaiyufa, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  138. New Beginnings Academy Education
  139. National Band Association Education, Music, University
  140. North Bay Aquatics
  141. Number of Pkps Born Alive Medical
  142. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan Education, School, Sanitation, Toilet
  143. Northwest Broadcasting Authority
  144. Nairobi Basketball Association
  145. National Bookkeepers Association Business, Accounting, Bookkeeping
  146. Not By Accident Police, Governmental & Military
  147. New Bedford Alliance Organization, Union, Institution
  148. National Ballers Association
  149. North Bay Angels
  150. Nsts Berthing Adapter
  151. Nippon Badminton Association Sport, Organizations, Japan
  152. Northwest Behavioral Associites
  153. Nürnberger Blätter Zur Aechäologie
  154. Nail Biters Anonfmous
  155. National Book Award America, Education, Fiction
  156. Now Being Arrested Police, Governmental & Military
  157. New Batman Adventures Gaming, Batman, Adventure, Figure
  158. Nashville Bar Association
  159. Nationel Buffalo Association
  160. Nikah Beda Agama

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NBA stand for?

    NBA stands for National Business Agent.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nusantara Buana Air?

    The short form of "Nusantara Buana Air" is NBA.


NBA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

Last updated