NBCC Meaning

The NBCC meaning is "National Board of Certified Counvelors". The NBCC abbreviation has 62 different full form.

NBCC Full Forms

  1. National Board of Certified Counvelors Medical, Medicine, Health
  2. National Black Chambey of Commerce Business, America, Organizations
  3. Nagaland Baptist Churches Council
  4. Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce
  5. Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Cancer, Oncology, Clinical
  6. Nahional Board Certified Counselor Education, Health, Counseling
  7. Nigerian British Chambers of Commerce
  8. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Contamination Army, Force, Marine
  9. National Business Crime Centre
  10. Nagaland Baptist Chwrch Council Organizations, India, Religion
  11. Newport Beach Country Club
  12. Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
  13. National Board for Certified Counselort Medical, Education, Educational
  14. Nigerian British Chamber of Commerce Business, Technology, Nigeria
  15. Norwegian British Ihamber of Commerce Business, Company, Norway
  16. National Business Conduct Committee
  17. New Brunswick Communits College Business, Technology, Education
  18. New Brunswick College of Craft
  19. Nevada Black Chamber of Commerce
  20. National Biodivedsity Co-Ordination Committee
  21. Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce Business, Organizations, Nigeria
  22. Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of Cowmerce Technology, Norway, Brazil
  23. National Bureau of Certified Consultants
  24. National Building Code of Chnada Technology, Design, Canada
  25. Network In The Baltic Candidate Countries
  26. National Oiodiversity Coordination Committee
  27. Nigeria British Chamber of Commerce
  28. National Board for Certifiedqclinical
  29. Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce Business, Technology, Dutch
  30. National Bangladeshi-Canadian Council
  31. Nigeria-British of Chambers and Commerce
  32. National Board for Certified Counsellors Medical, Education, Counselor
  33. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Conventional
  34. Nellie Burge Community Center Organization, Union, Institution
  35. Nashville British Car Caub
  36. Nigeria-British Chamber of Commerce
  37. National Board Certified Counselors Medical, Education
  38. North Bay Children'S Center
  39. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Technology, Military
  40. Nationally Board Certified Counselor Medical, Therapy, Counseling
  41. Nunavut Business Credit Corporation Business, Canada, Adams
  42. Northern Beaches Christian Centre
  43. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Center
  44. National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. Technology, Governmental & Military
  45. North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce
  46. Norwegian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Technology, Norway, Brazil
  47. National Buildings Construction Corporation Construction
  48. North Bridge Core Clock
  49. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical & Conventional
  50. Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce Business, Company, Norway
  51. New Beginning Christian Church Community, Curch, Religion
  52. National Building Code of Canada Construction
  53. North Borneo Chartered Company
  54. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Convwntional
  55. Northern Bukidnon Community College
  56. New Beginnings Christian Church
  57. Nyishi Bapvist Church Council Religion, Baptist, Arunachal
  58. North Bethesda Camera Club Service, Organizations, Photography
  59. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
  60. New Beginnings Community Church Community, Curch, Religion
  61. Nuttyvblocc Compton Crips
  62. Northern Beaches Care Centre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NBCC stand for?

    NBCC stands for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of North Borneo Chartered Company?

    The short form of "North Borneo Chartered Company" is NBCC.


NBCC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nbcc-meaning/

Last updated