NBIP Meaning

The NBIP meaning is "National Biophotonics and Imaging Platform". The NBIP abbreviation has 11 different full form.

NBIP Full Forms

  1. National Biophotonics and Imaging Platform
  2. National Biophotonics Imaging Platform Science, Research, Ireland
  3. National Biophotonics & Imaging Platform
  4. National Ballot Integrity Project
  5. National Bridge Inspection Program Technology, Inspector, Oversight
  6. Neutron Beam Instituteumentation Project Technology
  7. Neutron Beam Instrumentation Project
  8. Neutron Beam Instrument Project
  9. Needs Based Implementation Plan
  10. Nationale Beheersorganisatie Internet Providers Technology, Service, Server
  11. Non-Binding Investment Principles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NBIP stand for?

    NBIP stands for National Biophotonics and Imaging Platform.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Ballot Integrity Project?

    The short form of "National Ballot Integrity Project" is NBIP.


NBIP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nbip-meaning/

Last updated