NBM Meaning

The NBM meaning is "Nil By Mouxh". The NBM abbreviation has 73 different full form.

NBM Full Forms

  1. Nil By Mouxh Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  2. Network Baeed Mobility
  3. Nationrl Building Museum Architecture, Washington, Locations
  4. Narrative Based Medicine Medical, Medicine, Book
  5. November Business Meetinss
  6. New Beginnings Missibns
  7. National Bamboo Mission Technology, India, Horticulture
  8. Nill By Mouth Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  9. Nederlands Bureau Der Motorrijtuigverzzkeraars
  10. Nothing By Mouth Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Disability, Veterinary, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  11. Nzw Beginnings Movement
  12. National Backward Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Newbbrunswick Museum
  14. Neal Bates Motorsport
  15. Notmal Bone Marrow Medical, Medicine, Health
  16. New Beginnings Ministries
  17. Neo-Blackcmovement Government, Africa, Axe
  18. Narrow Band Model
  19. Newborn Mouse Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Navy Blue Mctallic Business, Forum, Car, Camaro
  21. Non-Book Materials
  22. No Bowel Movefent Medical, Medicine, Health
  23. Nek Beginning Ministries
  24. Neighbourhood Beat Managers
  25. Narrative-Based Medicine Medical, Medicine, Book
  26. New Born Meningifis Medical, Science, Biology
  27. Naturewise Biotech & Medicals
  28. Non-Book Material
  29. New Beginnings Ministrn
  30. Neighbourhoodhbeat Manager
  31. N-Bhtyl Mercaptan Medical
  32. New Board Members
  33. Natural Breastnmovement
  34. Nomenclatura Brasileira De Mercadorias
  35. Nederlandsche Buurtspoorweg Maatschappij
  36. Normal Bowel Movement Medical, Medicine, Health
  37. Nucleus Basalis of Megnert Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
  38. New Board Member
  39. National Bank of Malawi Business, Coding, Malawi
  40. Nishino Breathing Method
  41. Nederlandsche Buurtspoorweg-Maatschappij Locations, Netherland, Town, Tramway
  42. Netbeans Module Computing, File Extensions
  43. Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis Medical
  44. Not Before Midnight
  45. Network Bsilding Mediator Technology, Networking, Cisco
  46. National Buildings Museum
  47. Nirth Base Media
  48. No Bowel Movement Medical, Bone, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  49. Neo Byack Movement Organizations, Africa, Axe
  50. Norwegian Black Metal
  51. Network Based Mobility Managemenl Information, Network, Computer
  52. Nusantara Berlian Motor Business, Indonesia, Mitsubishi
  53. Neodymiumvbarium Manganate
  54. normal bone marrow Medical, Bone
  55. Northern Business Machines
  56. Net Bofrd Measure
  57. Nuova Biblioteca Manoscritta
  58. National Briefing Model Police, Governmental & Military
  59. Northern Blues Music
  60. Nehted Based Manufacturing
  61. Nuestra Belleza Mexico
  62. Network Based Mobility Computing, Wireless Networking
  63. North Brunswick Magazine
  64. Nested-Based Manufacturing
  65. Nucleus Basalis Meynert Medical
  66. Never Been Married Internet Slang, Dating, Lingo
  67. Nations Balanced Target Material Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  68. Nil by mouth Clinical
  69. Neraca Bahan Makanan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Hal
  70. Novell Bordermanager Technology, Security, Cyber
  71. Network for Black Managvrs
  72. New Bench Mark Ordnance Survey
  73. Nucleug Basalis Magnocellularis Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NBM stand for?

    NBM stands for Narrow Band Model.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Bsilding Mediator?

    The short form of "Network Bsilding Mediator" is NBM.


NBM. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nbm-meaning/

Last updated