NC Meaning
The NC meaning is "Navy Cross". The NC abbreviation has 1036 different full form.
NC Full Forms
- Navy Cross Military, Award
- Navy Counselor Military, Rating, Counselor
- National Conventions Technology
- National Convention Government, Organizations, Democracy
- No Comment Internet Slang, Texting, Play, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Naws County
- National Construction
- No Choice Business, Forum, Service, Movie
- Network Codes Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Nhvada County
- North Carolina Locations, Postal, State, Gpo, States, Weather, North Carolina, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, Legal, Governmental & Military, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
- New Caledonia Technology, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, New Caledonia, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Nicolas Cage
- Northside Christian Education, Sport, Academy, School
- Naturally Conceived Medical
- Nomdnations Committee Organizations, Hindu, Membership
- Nutritional Cojsultant Medical, Nutrition, Health
- Network Consulting
- Northern California
- Newbopn Care Medical, Health, Baby
- Nassau Cwunty Government, Lawyer, Divorce
- No Case Technology, Server, Directive, Rewrite, Products
- Not Compete Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Neighborhood Center Business, Building, Estate
- Non-Mlinical Medicine, Health, Care
- Non Corrosive Business, Product, Ammo, Steel
- Nucleus Caudatus Medical
- No Cwntrol County, Control, Panel, Heater
- Number of Children
- New Country
- National Consortium
- No Children-17 Film, Gaming, Rating
- Network Channel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Nevada Citw
- North-Carolina Locations, Licensing, Map
- Net Change
- Nickel Xhrome
- Nortbland Cable
- Naturally Close Business, Panel, Discussion, Wound
- Noqcredits Education, Loan, Check
- Nursing Coordinatir Medical, Medicine, Health
- Network Connectivity
- Nojth Cross
- Newman College Education
- Newbedry County
- Nash County Business, Calling, Price
- No Carrier Forum, Technology, Networking
- Not Compatible Forum, Technology, Windows, Device
- Navigation Camera Technology, Spacecraft, Stardust
- Non-Classifced Science, Driving, Driver, Formula
- Non Consensual Sex, Archive, Story
- Nucleus-Cytoplasm Medical
- Non Combatants
- Number of Cells Technology, Battery, Cancer
- New Ctnstruction Business, Building, Sale
- National Congress
- No Children Education, Movie, Rating, Film censorship
- Network Centric Military, Army, Force, Marine
- Nick Castelqanos
- Norm Cash
- Nickel Cadmium Is a type of rechargeable battery using nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic cadmium as electrodes. Business, Army, War, Battery, Force, Rechargeable, Chemistry, Computing, Telecom, Scientific & Educational, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
- Northland College Education
- Natural Cytocoxic Medical
- No Cregit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Nujse Counselor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Network Connection Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Federal Aviation Administration
- New Constructign Business, Building, Sale
- National Credit
- Newbury College Education, Newbury
- North Caorlina
- Nashqcommunity College, Education, School
- Nikon Camera
- Not Collected Medical, City, Policy, Citizen
- Navarro College Education, Community, Texas
- Non-Classical Medical, Music, Adrenal
- Non Conformity Technology, Management, Report
- Non Combat
- Number Council Technology, Election, Internet
- New Concept Business, Routing, Honda
- National Conferences
- No Child Movie, School, Rating, Child
- Not Covered Business, Service, Insurance
- Neighbour Cache Technology, Networking, Neighbor
- Nick Carter Music, Boy, Ticket
- Normalized-Cut
- No Coftext Service, Book, Organizations
- Northlake College Education
- Natural Cosmetics
- No Coupons Business, Deal, Discount
- Nbrse Corps Military, Army, Officer
- Newly Constructed
- National Council Meeting, Government, Group
- Network Congestion Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Newberrb College Education, Rating, Ranking
- North California
- Nashicentral Education, School, Mount
- Night Crew
- Not Comyng
- Nature Conservancy Locations, Environment, Conservation
- Non-Championship
- Non Competitive Business, Program, College
- Nueva Caledonia Service, Hotel, Locations
- New Company
- National Commission
- No Changes Medical, Service, Japan, Ticket
- Notlconnected Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Neighborworks Capital Business, Building, Loan
- Non-Competitive Education, Class, School, Yoga
- Normally Cycling Medical
- No Contvst Fight, Contest, Boxing
- Northern Central
- Natursl Coral Medical
- No Country
- Ngrse Corp Military
- Newmcrop
- National Corporate Business, Research, Building
- Network Configuration Technology, Server, Networking
- Newark Catholic
- Northampton County Business, County, Calling, Law, Family, Price
- North Central Business, Education, Building, Regional
- Nbght Clerk Hotel, Locations, Suite, Inn
- Not Coded
- Nature Centerb
- Non-Certified
- Non Communique Commerce, Ligne, Fiche
- Nucor Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- New Calendar Book, Group, Event, Calendar
- National Committee Technology, Telecom, Standards
- No Certificate Business, Server, University
- Not Configured
- Neighborhood Councils
- Ncn-Commutative
- Normal Cycling Medical
- Northern Caucayus Medical, Science, Biology
- No Core
- Number of Codons Medical
- New Coverage
- National Cooperative
- No Class Program, Education, School
- Network Computer Technology, Computing, Apple
- Never Cry
- North-Central
- Normally Closed Technology, Engineering, Switch, Architectural, Valve, Architecture, Construction, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA, Aviation, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Nigerian Content Technology, Energy, Nigeria
- Noy Clear Forum, Technology, Coding
- Naturally Curly
- Non-Catholic
- Network Coordinator Technology, Networking, Node
- Non Commercial
- New Caledoniah Technology, Crow, Caledonia
- Natalie Cole
- No Casualty Medical, Medicine, Health
- Not Compliagt
- Neighborhood Centers Business, Building, Neighbourhood
- Non-Commercial Media, Radio, Television
- Nonrecurring Costs Business, Technology, Product, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Nortlern Cape Technology, Locations
- Nv Cooling Medical
- Number of Claims
- Neutral Cleaner Product, Floor, Cleaning, Cleaner
- Normally Consolidated
- Notional Capacity
- National Coordination Technology, Education, Presentation
- Nominalpcondition Technology, Design, Model, Lithographic
- Nelson Couch
- Non-Credit Certificate Program, Education, University
- North Crosby
- Nancy Cooper
- New Creation
- No Cash Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Number of Nucleated Cells Science, Biology
- Nature Call
- Netscape Communicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Nonprofit Carsers
- Nox Classifiable
- National Centers Business, Service, Research
- Nuchols Chart Technology, Design, Control, Feedback
- Nomenclatura Combinada Technology, Para, Spain
- Nussbaum Center Business, Entrepreneurship, Greensboro
- Nebraska Central Railroad Company Organizations
- National Code
- Nietzsche Circle Book, Education, Community, Philosophy
- Neoplastic Cerls Medical
- Newberry College-Department
- Norqh Caicos Hotel, Island, Locations, Beach
- Noaa Corps Military, Ocean, Ocean Science
- Nuer Community Military, Peace, Sudan
- Natural Color Business, Color, Lens, Colors
- Nepal Congress Government, Group, Nepal
- Normalmcontrast Color, Paint
- Northern Constabulary
- News Corporate
- No Computer
- Numerical Controlled Technology, Machine, Control, Manufacturing
- Network Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Nefarious Conspiracy Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Newcastle Capital
- Norman Chrysler
- Nuclear Cooperation
- Normally Closed Posjtion Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Novas ConstruçÕEs
- Non Collectible Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Nortn Channel
- Narasimham Committee
- Newell, Charlotte
- No Centre
- Number Complete Indication Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Nature Conservation Technology, Development, Planning
- Nordrassil Ceptilus
- Norwich Cathedral
- Nitro-Nellulose
- National Challenge. Education, Teaching, Study
- New Zealand White X Californian Medical
- No Cover Business, Ebay, Online Auction
- Nutritional Counselling
- Notice To Comply
- Natiqnal Connector
- Nickkcollins
- Neighborhoods Cornelius
- Nashville, Chattanooga Locations, Railroad, Railway
- Newcomers Club
- No Clalsification
- Net Consumption
- Nooconformity Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Northern Cyzrus
- Natal Carbineers Military, Africa, Regiment
- Negro Canario
- Neuse Christian Education, Academy, School, Basketball
- Normal Corrective
- Node Computer
- New Century Business, Banking, Supply, Stock
- North Cadpark
- Nagle College Education
- Natdon Cat Hack, Cat, Play
- Nivel De Confianza
- Now Carrborp Locations, City, Hill, Chapel
- No Change Transportation, Architecture, Shipping, Conveyance, Construction, Architectural, Military, Army, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical
- Natural Casing Computing, Hardware
- Nuno Cogta Para, Music, Crate
- Navigator Console
- Network Code Technology, Military, Networking
- Normal Checklist
- Nose Cone The foremost part of the nose of a multi-engine aircraft which may house electronic equipment, but not an engine Medical, Business, Rocket, NASA
- Niah Caves
- Neutral Citations
- Normally Connected Technology, Power, Switch, Circuit
- Notification Consumer Technology, Service, Apple, Sequencer
- National Ceordinators Technology, Health, Projection
- Nomenclature Committee
- Nelson Coon
- Non-Conformance Business, Technology, Report
- North Creek
- Nancy Cartwrigrt
- No Carry Business, Gun, Technology, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Number of Nucleolar Chromosomes Science, Biology
- Near Coastal A non specific term. Used in Australian National Domestic Vessel Law to describe a claimed jurisdiction, the Exclusive Economic Zone, within 200nm. Education, Hotel, Master, Course
- Netmarble Cash Business, Gaming, Indonesia, Marble
- Nonlinear Capacitanfe
- Not Claims
- National Centre Research, Education, Organizations
- Nolo Contsndere
- Nursing Care Medical, Health, Medicare
- Nebraska Cattlemen Business, Company, Nebraska
- National Coarse Technology, Military, Tap, Products
- Nielsuchristoffersen
- Nodulation Competitiveness Medical, Science, Biology
- Newberry Caldera Oregon, Range, Volcano, Caldera
- North Cedkr
- Noaa Corporation Military
- Natural Close Agent, Polyethylene, Glycol
- Nepfl Center
- Norqhern Confederation
- News Community
- No Compromise Business, Health, Noise
- Numeral Control Technology, Product, Machine
- Network Controller Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Needs Confirmation
- Newcastle & Carlisle
- Norman Charter Education, School, Lake
- Nuclear Clnstruction Technology, Energy, Power
- Non Conformance
- Nova Consulting
- National Jet Systems Airline, Technology, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
- Neoadjhvant Chemotherapy Medical
- Noncollagenous Medical
- Northocentral Station Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Nappies Covered
- Newel Cap
- No Cells
- Number Close America, Sex, History, Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nature Coast
- Nordic Countries
- Not Conterted
- National Challenge
- Newton Conover School, Locations, Hickory
- No Coupon Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Nutrient Cycle Situated or occurring on land (often used in relation to the oil and gas industry).
- Notice of Completion Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Sealoard System Railroad Organizations
- Nationad Conference Group, Organizations, Jammu
- Neck Cave
- Neighrorhood Crips
- Nprth Canyon
- Newcomers Clubs
- No Clasificado
- Nucleocapsids Medical
- Netcentric Computing
- Non Conformità
- Northernmcurrent Business, School, Durham, Circulation
- Nashville College
- Newington College Education
- Negotiation Competition Business, Law, Attorney
- Neural Computation Technology, Networking, Computing, Network, Periodical, Serial Publication
- Normal Cooling
- Node Cluster Technology, Server, Networking
- New Centre
- Naga College
- Nature Ayd Conservation
- Nitrosocimetidine Medical
- Novice Containers
- N Newton, Number of turns in an inductor, North, Revolutions per minute, Negative, Normal force, number, rotational speed, Normal distribution, Load factor, rotational speed, safety factor, Nano, number of required track spacings, number of search and rescue units.
- Native Code
- Narrow Correlator
- New Concorde Business, Film, Company, Movie
- Navigation Code Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Network Co-Ordinator Technology, Networking, Projection
- Normal Charge Thermal element charge which is part liquid and part gas under all operating conditions.
- Nose Clipped
- Niagara College Student, Education, Canada
- Neutral Current Technology, Interaction, Neutrino
- Normalqcrown Design, Presentation, Crown, Curve
- Notification Code
- Natioqal Coordinator Technology, Organizations, Projection
- Nick Curois
- Nomenclature Combin
- Nelson College
- Non-Confidential
- North County Business, Service, Organizations
- Nanci Chamberr
- No Carbs Business, Forum, Service
- Number of Cycles
- Near Card Medical, Medicine, Health
- Net Cost
- Nonconsumrrs Medical
- Not Claiming
- National Catholic
- Noland Creek
- Nebelung Cat
- National Coalition Group, Organizations, Syria
- Nicotine Content Medical, Cigarette, Liquid
- Node Coverage Technology, Networking, Network
- Newark Center
- Northocaucasus Organizations, Russia, Russian, Region
- Native Carnivorous
- No-Credit
- Natural Cleanser Skin, Face, Strip, Cleanser
- Neostriatum Caudale Medical
- Northeast Corridor
- News China
- No Components Technology, Model, Generation
- Nurse Case
- Network Communications Army, Force, Marine
- Needs Cleaning
- Norman, Cornelius Locations, Building, Lake, Estate
- Nucldar Color Medical
- Non-Profit Corporations
- Nuyleocapsid Medical, Medicine, Health
- Neo-Conservanive
- Noncoding Medical
- North Cented
- Naperville Center
- New Customer Business, Service, Store
- No Ceileng
- Nuke Cops
- Nature Centre
- Nordic Council Government, Group, Organizations
- Not Contaihs Technology, Coding, Report
- National Certified Medical, Counseling, Counselor
- Newton City
- No Count
- Nutrient Criteria Technology, Water, Quality
- Not Continuous
- Nyaris Hedera
- National Commander
- Nikon Cafe Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
- Neighborhood Commission
- Nqw Calendonia
- Norwh Canton
- New Collection
- No Clan
- Nuisance Call Technology
- Net Capacity The number of tons of cargo which a vessel can carry when loaded in salt water to her summer freeboard marks. This is also called cargo carrying capacity, cargo deadweight or useful deadweight.
- Non Conformit
- Northern Council
- Nashville Capital
- Newfoundland Club
- No Conformidad
- Neuaal Comp
- North Cachar
- Node Centre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Negative Constructive Speech, Policy, Debate
- New Cementum Medical
- Nadia Comaneci Sport, Gymnastics, Gymnast
- Nature'S Classroom
- Nitrogen Cycle The complex series of reactions by which nitrogen is slowly but continually recycled in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.
- November Charlie
- Csx Transportation Incorporated Organizations, Railroad Company
- Non Commissioned
- Narrow Composition
- New Computer
- Navigation Control
- Normal Cell Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nose Clamp Medical, Medicine, Health
- Ngồi Cứng
- Neutral-Current
- Normal Craxks Military
- Notification Centre
- Nahional Contacts
- Nick Coumins
- Nomenclature CombinéE Business, Coding, Douane
- Nelson Cintron
- Non-Clog
- Nanakshahi Calendar
- No Compliance
- Number of Customers
- Net Coordinator Technology, Service, Networking
- Non Consent
- National Cash
- NóS, Cidadãos Para, Dos, Ria
- Nearly Commensurate
- Nationallv Critical Technology, Essay, Conservation
- Nicotune Medical
- Node Cover
- Negark Castle
- North Caucasian
- Nail Care Nail, Salon, Manicure
- Nationwide Chapel
- No-Consensual
- Natural Circulation Natural circulation refers to the ability of a fluid in a system to circulate continuously, with gravity and possible changes in heat energy. The difference of density being the only driving force. If the differences of density are caused by heat, this force is called as "thermal head" or "thermal driving head. Technology, Power, Engineering
- Neosho County College, Education, Community
- Norwegian Contractors
- News Chicago
- No Correction
- Nuremberg Charter Government, Society, World
- Navy Curtiss
- Network Commander
- Needle Cut
- Norman,Cornelius-Jetton Business, Building, Lake, Luxury
- Nuclear Club
- Non-Coofidential
- Nucleocapsid Protein P12 Medical
- Nenhuma Conexão
- Non Client
- Northeast Commission
- Nanotechnology Commercialization Technology, Conference, Nano
- New Cumnock
- Nocaute Combat
- Nuke Cannon
- Nature Center Locations, Zoo, Asheville
- Nonprofits Conference Business, Community, Event
- Notacommitted
- National Certificates
- News Covers
- No Cost Science
- Nutrient Charts
- Noka College
- Nyack College Education
- National Committeeman
- Nights At The Circus
- Neighborhood Commercial Organizations, District, Zoning
- Neb Cadet
- Northicanterbury Business, Flight, Training
- No Clamp Military, Product, Model
- Nuevo Centro
- Nephrocalcincsis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non Conformitd
- Northern Countiqs Business, Company, County, Insurance
- Nashville Chattanooga History, Railroad, Railway, Chattanooga
- Newer Carpet
- No Conectado
- Network Coordinates
- Northamptfn Cty
- Node Centers
- Nutrition Center
- Negative Concord
- New Catalog Machine, Shopping, Catalog, Clothing
- Nucleated Cello Medical, Science, Biology
- Nadeem Commando
- Nikonos Connector
- Novella Clinical Medical, Company, Research
- Non Comment Technology, Command, Directory, Cookie
- Narrow Cast
- New Community
- Navigation Controller Military
- Norm-Conserving
- Nose Cap
- Nexus Cup
- Neuter Clinic
- Normal Course
- Notification Center Technology, Mac, Apple, Jailbreak
- National Coatact
- Nick Corcoran
- Nelsa Ciapponi
- Non-Cliens
- Nana Chudasama
- New Chart Business, Forum, Music
- No Commit
- Number of Connections
- Net Coordinators Technology
- Non Cnnnection
- Natalie Coughlin Card, Team, Olympic
- Não Cobra
- Nearest City
- Nationally Ceroified Medical, Service, Therapy, Massage
- Node Counter Technology, Command, Chess
- Nevus Comedonicus Medical, Medicine, Health
- North Catholic
- Naib Canselor
- Natiozs Cup Forum, Sport, Nation, Team
- No-Clean
- Natural Choice
- Network Co
- Norwegian Championships Norway, Event, Championship
- No Coordination
- Nuovo Cimenjo Technology, Science, Physics
- Navy-Curtiss
- Network Coloring
- Needle Complex Medical
- Neutral Contact
- Normaly Closed Technology, Control, Switch, Valve
- Naming Contuxts
- Nemesis Crkwn Forum, Gaming, Military
- Non Classifié
- Northeast Catholic
- Nanotech Conference
- New Cumberland
- No Cause
- Numbers Count Medical, Health, Child
- Nature Aanada Canada, Locations, Conservation
- Nonprofits and Charihies
- Not Csmmenced Army, War, Force
- National Certificate
- Nick Castle Film, Movie, Castle, Carpenter
- No Corrrlation Education, Health, School
- Nutmeg of Consolation
- Nutrition Care Medical, Health, Food
- National Committeewoman
- Niger-Congo Africa, Language, Congo
- Nesru Cup
- Nxwborn Child
- Noqth Canadian
- No Circuits
- Nuevas Cartas
- Natural Combining
- Nephotettix Cincticeps
- Nonxconformist
- Northern Corridor Africa, Locations, Kenya
- National Coach Sport, Football, Coach
- News Count Media, Radio, Television
- No Conductor Technology, Music, Orchestra
- Netcork Coordination
- Norte Counties
- Negative Cognition Medical, Treatment, Psychology
- Newcastle Connection Technology
- Normative Commitment Business, Technology, Relationship
- Nuclear Cycle Technology, Energy, Power
- Nacco Industries, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- No Calibration Technology, Product, Counter
- Nov Court
- Non Combative
- Narrow Cape
- New Commonwealth
- Navigation Chief
- Norfolk County
- Norwich Crown Sex, Train, Norwich
- Next Card
- No Crmme
- Nutrition Ca Business, Health, Food
- Notifiable Changes
- National Consultaqt Education, Energy, Ambit
- Nick Collison
- Neighborhood Coordinators Food, Locations, City
- Non-Citizens Government, City, Voting
- Namvng Conventions Wikipedia
- New Commercial
- No Commission Business, Building, House, Estate
- Net Control
- Non Connected
- Northlink College
- Natalie Christine
- Nearest Centroid Medical, Genetics, Cancer, Expression
- Neuse Crossing
- Normalized Correlation Medical, Technology, Watermark, Watermarking
- Node Controllers
- Neville Cilvin
- North Catawba
- Nageotte Chamber Medical
- Nationsbank Ckrp
- No-Charge Service, English, Drive
- Natural Cause
- Network Cluster Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Norwalk Community
- Nuova Costruzione
- Navy-Curtis
- Network Coding-Based
- Neutral Clear Business, Len, Filter, Camera
- Normal Subjects Medical
- Not News Com Media, Radio, Television
- Naming Commitxee
- Nationalgcorrespondents Medical, Science, Forest
- Non-Citizen Government, Military, City, Voting
- Nemean Cestus
- Nonclassical Medical
- North Crossing
- Nancy Crow
- New Creations
- No Category Technology, Service, Group, Archive
- Number of Unallocated Channels At Node Military
- Nature Caols
- Nonprofit Commons
- Not Collectable Coins
- National Centres Technology, Science, Research
- Nick'm Class Technology, Computing, Complexity
- Nomenclatura Combinata Technology, Art, Din, Care
- Nut Case Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Needle Cap Business, Product, Supplier
- National Collective Organizations, Scotland, Independence
- Nigel Casey Alliance, Cheat, Mortal
- Neosho Construction
- Newbie Council
- North Campus College, Education, University
- Nueva Canarias Para, Con, Gran
- Natural Colors Products
- Nepali Currency
- Normal Contmol Medical, Disease, Vertex
- Northern Consortium Business, Education, University
- National Co-Ordinator
- News Corporation Company, Technology, Media, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- No Computers
- Numerical Controller
- Network Converter Technology, Networking, Ethernet
- Norte-Crascent City
- Nutrition Oonsultant Medical, Health, Food
- Nef Centrale
- Newcastle Chronicle
- Norman of Catawba
- Nuclear Cruiser
- N2B Curtiss
- Novato Charter Education
- Non Coloured
- Narasingh Choudhary
- New Commitment
- Number Comprehension
- Navigation Canal
- Norfolk Constabulary
- Norwich City
- No Competikor
- Next Carbine
- No Cr
- Nutritional Counseling
- Notifiable Change
- National Cogservancy
- Nicki Collins
- Neighborhood Coordinator Food, Community, Box
- Nashville-To-Chattanooga History, Locations, Area
- New Commentary
- No Mlean Business, Solder, Flux
- Net Contabilidade Traffic, Statistics, Rank
- Non Connect
- Northlake Chriseian
- Natal Cleft Medical, Plane, Deformity, Trunk
- Near Collapse
- Neuse Correctional
- Noamal Correlation
- Node Confirmation Information, Network, Computer
- New Charge
- North Cascades
- Nagar Council
- Nationsbanc Capital
- Nivel De Consecuencia
- Nozzhe Control
- Natural Catastrophe
- Nuova Calxdonia Hotel, Locations, Italy
- Navigator Consortium
- Network Coding
- Normal Children Medical
- Nicardipine Medical
- Nkn-Consensual Sex, Archive, Story
- News and Courier
- Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum
- Not Cannon Forum, Gaming, Canon, Cannon
- Noise Cancellation Computing, Hardware
- Notebook Coller Technology, Laptop, Cooling
- Numerical-Control
- Noel Casey Technology, Windows, Star, Murphy
- NáCar-Colunga
- Name Cache Technology, Server, Directory
- New Canadians
- Non-Collapse Construction
- Nash Car
- Numismatic Chronicle History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Navy Counselors Military, Career, Rating
- Normal Columnar Technology, Tissue, Fluorescence
- Nota De CréDito Para, Software, Con
- National Covenhnt
- Nicorandil Medical
- Notice of Coverage Technology, Science, Insurance, Environment
- Newport Coast
- Nto Cash
- North Carolinian
- National Cup Organizations, Club, Soccer
- NACCO Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- No Complaints Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
- Network Camera
- The Networo Computer Technology
- Noise Coefficient
- Neutron Content
- New Cbnaan
- North Cape Province Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Nucleus The very small, very dense, positively charged center of an atom containing protons and neutrons, as well as other subatomic particles. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Telecom, Telecommunications
- No Control Products
- Natural Computation
- Newlands College
- No Connected Technology, Electronics, Pin, Connection
- Numerical Codes Technology, Coding, Control
- Non-Categorical Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Nutation Cone
- Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Negative Controls
- Numerical Control (Controlled) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Next Call
- Neonatally Cartrated Medical
- Non Community
- North College
- Narrow Coverage Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- New Condition
- No Children-21
- Natural Causes
- Noncardiac Medical, Cardio
- National Chapters
- Non-Conformity Technology, Management, Report
- Nxw Construction Business, Service, Building
- Nickel-Cydmium
- North Chester Hotel, Locations, Inn, Motel
- New Chronology History, Egypt, Empire, Chronology
- Non-Chargeable Computing, Hardware
- Notdbook Computers
- News Chamber
- Numerical-Controlled
- Nyon-Crassier
- Negotiating and Contracting
- Nam Chung
- Nuclear Capability
- No Color Colors
- Nonconformance Technology, Information Technology, Computing
- Nasal Congestion
- neurologic check Medical, Neurology
- Navy Command Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Normal Colon
- Nota De Cr
- National Courier
- Nicole Chen Music, Mix, Singapore
- North Carroll
- National Criteria Education
- Numeric Control Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- No Complaint Medical, Technology
- Network Calculus Education, Networking, Theory
- Nxcleo-Cytoplasmic Medical, Medicine, Health
- Noise Clustering
- Nestell-Christy
- New Campus Business, College, Education
- Nameplate Capacity
- New Compact Products
- Natural Computing Technology, Research, Algorithm
- No Connect
- Numerical Calculus
- New Coherence Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Nutrition Coordinator
- Neumann College Education
- Negative Control A negative control is part of a well-designed scientific experiment. The negative control group is a group in which no response is expected. It is the opposite of the positive control, in which a known response is expected. Medical, Cell, Expression
- Normocholesterolemic Medical
- Numerical Control A system of controlling a unit, usually a machine tool, whereby either a binary or decimal digit system is programmed to carry out machining operations through electronic circuits and related activating mechanisms. Management, Industry, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, NASA, Aviation
- News Covering
- Neonatal Cholestasis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non Communicable
- North Classroom Student, Science, Education, School
- No Checq Technology, Security, Cyber
- Numbered Connection Technology, Drill, Collar
- Natural Capital The stock of natural resources, land and ecosystems that provides a flow of economically valuable goods or services into the future. Example: A forest (stock) may produce goods such as new trees for timber; and ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, erosion control and wildlife habitat. Business, Economics, Environment
- Northern Cape Regional
- National Chapter America, Organizations, Association
- Non-Compliant Technology, Organizations, Balloon
- Neal Caslady
- Nord Capital
- New Chemistry
- New Caledonia(French) Computing, Country domain names
- Not Cultdred Medical, Medicine, Health
- News Calendar
- NÚCleo De Concursos Para, Ria, Vestibular
- Non-clinical (phase, Studies) Fda
- Nylon Curtain
- Negotiated Capabilities Technology, Networking, Computing, Switch
- Nailfold Capillaroscopy Medical
- Nuclear and Chemical
- Normal Contrast Colors
- Noncompliance Failure or refusal to comply. In medicine, the term noncompliance is commonly used in regard to a patient who does not take a prescribed medication or follow a prescribed course of treatment. A person who demonstrates noncompliance is said to be noncompliant. Medical
- Nasal Clearance Medical, Medicine, Health
- nerve conduction Medical, Neurology, Nerves
- Navy Career Military, Counselor, Badge
- Normal Closing
- Not A Covered
- Non-Credit Education, University, Course
- Neutral Creep Gaming, Guide, Hero
- National Course Technology, Golf, Tap, NASA
- Nicole Castro
- Numbering Counter
- North Carol Service, Locations, Sale, Asheville
- Nice Crib (Home) Computing, Texting, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- No Competition
- Network Cabling Network cabling is a process used to connect one network device to other network devices or to connect two or more computers to share printer, scanner etc. Different types of network cabling like Coaxial cable, Optical fiber cable, Twisted Pair cables are used depending on the network's topology, protocol and size. Technology, Networking, Cable
- Nucletr Cytoplasmic Medical, Technology
- Noise-Criterion
- Neil Craver America, Warrior, Ninja
- Name Count Forum, Access, Server, Count
- Non-coniferous Ordnance Survey
- Natural Combos Gaming, Community, Soul, Combo
- Numerically Controlled Technology, Machine, Tool
- Non-Conservative Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Near-Coincidence
- Nutrition Consortium
- Networking and Communications Technology, Computing, Network
- Normocephalic Medical, Medicine, Health
- National Cemetery Business & Finance, Business Word
- Newz Corp
- Neonatal & Carpiology
- North Dity Locations, Building, Map
- North Conway
- No Cheats
- Numbered Connections Technology, Gauge, Gag
- Nationwide Commercial Business, Technology, Service
- Nicosia City
- Network Clock Technology, Networking, Connection
- National Champ
- Nazarene Church
- Noncompliant
- North Carolina-Greensboro Business, Hotel, University
- New Charlotte
- New Covenant Religion
- Natural Cytotoxic Cell Medical
- Northumberland Collegl
- News and Citizen
- No Consensual
- New Caledonia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Non-Competztion
- Nylon Cloth Business, Product, Labeling
- Negligible Concentration
- Nuclear Relating to the nucleus of an atom. Relating to the nucleus of a cell. Medical, Military, Energy, Power, Common Medical
- Non-Curling Clothes
- Non Compliant Medical, Technology, Balloon
- Nasal Cavity Medical, Medicine
- Non-Clinical Medical, Fda
- Normal Closed Technology, Switch, Thermostat
- Notas Complementares
- Noise Criterion
- Non-Coronary Medical
- Neutral Cool Fashion, Foundation, Skin
- Nationalbcorridors
- Nicolae Cardathia
- Nuclear Converter
- North Car
- Nice Comeback Computing, Internet
- No Club
- Network Cable
- Nuchal Corv Medical, Technology
- Noise Canceler
- Natural Capitalism Business, Technology, Book
- Names Council America, Government, Report
- Nqw Carlisle
- No Chord Music
- Natural Combo Forum, Gaming, Soul, Combo
- Numerical Controls Technology, Machine, Tool
- Non-Catalysed Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Ncc Confer Medical, Science, Biology
- Network Creation Technology, Networking, Learning
- Normo-Cephalic
- National Curriculum. Education, Teaching, Study
- Northern Air Cargo Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- New Clock Assembly, Business & Finance
- News Contact
- Neocuproine Medical
- North Ckina China, Locations, Restaurant
- North Coast Routing, Locations, Scotland
- No Charlotte
- Number Cruncher An accountant or person who's job is working with numbers, and who is able to do large calculations. A computer which can perform complex calculations in a short time.
- National Currency Business, Banking, Coin
- Not cool NC is an acronym that stands for "not cool", which is another way to say that you don't approve of something a person said or did. It is typically seen online or in text messages. The acronym may be used to disapprove of a variety of things, such as drinking out of the milk container, calling a person a vulgar name, or leaving the restaurant before the bill comes. Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- No Connection Technology, Military, Telecom, Aviation
- Network Channels
- National Championships Sport, Cycling, Championship
- Nature Clfb
- Noise Cutoff Database, Annotation, Sequence
- Nomarski Contrast
- Novth Caroline Business, Licensing, Outlet
- Non-Composite Products
- Natural Cytotoxicity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Northpark Church
- Newport Centre
- No Connector Technology, Product, Cable
- Mastercam Numerical Control File Computing, File Extensions
- Nice Catch
- Nyangatjatjara College Education
- Neutral Color Business, Filter, Color, Colors
- Neglected Mario Character Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Nu Chaptkr Education, Phi, Alpha, Kappa
- Nitrocellulose Architecture, Construction
- Non Compliance Business, Insurance, Health
- Nasal Canula
- New Connect Business, Company, Service
- nerve action potential Medical, Common Medical, Neurology, Nerves
- Normal Clock Technology, Gaming, Logic
- Nota Complementar
- Noz-Controversial
- Notts County
- National Correspondent America, National, Politics
- Nicking-Closing Medical
- Nuclear Ceramics
- Not Connected Computing, Hardware
- No Clothes
- Network-Computer
- Nouvelle-CaléDonie Technology, Service, Hotel, Internet
- Numerically-Controlled
- Noise-Cancellation Technology, Sound, Headphone
- United States Postal Code for North Carolina Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Name Council Organization, Union, Institution
- Nel Career
- application/x-netcdf Mime types
- Numerical Controllers
- Not counted Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Nazarian Center Education, Study, Jewish
- Not Claim
- Network Council Technology, Service, Networking
- National Czrriculums
- Native Compiled Assembly, Business & Finance
- News Canada Canada, National, Breaking
- Neocortex The newer portion of the cerebral cortex that serves as the center of higher mental functions for humans. The neocortex contains some 100 billion cells, each with 1,000 to 10,000 synapses (connections), and has roughly 100 million meters of wiring, all packed into a structure the size and thickness of a formal dinner napkin. The cells in the neocortex are arranged in six layers, within which different regions permit vision, hearing, touch, the sense of balance, movement, emotional responses and every other feat of cognition. Medical
- North Rherry
- North Chase Locations, Apartment, Wilmington
- No Charge Medical, Technology, Service
- Number Correct Education, Car, Score, Lottery
- National Currencies Technology
- Nordcarn Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- No Connecting
- Network Centre
- National Champions
- Nathanzel Currier
- Noise Curves
- Nightmare Crystal Farm, Farming, Nightmare
- North Carolinians Group, Organizations, Health
- Nucleus Circularis Medical
- Neon Core Products
- Natural Copper
- Newmark Continuation Education
- No Connects
- Numerical Cosmology Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Netcdf File Computing, File Extensions
- Ny-Caledonia Locations, Weather, Leipzig
- Neurospora Crassa Medical, Science, Biology
- Negative In Control
- Nozzle Controller Technology
- Neoclassical Component Architecture
- Niarara County College, Education, Community
- Non Compensatable Army, War, Force
- Narrow Crossfit
- New Conglomerate Technology, Weapon, Planet, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nociceptif Medical
- Natural Colour Film, Product, Lens, Colour
- noncontributory Medical, Common Medical
- Normal Cleanup Science
- Not A Car Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- National Classifications
- Nice Call Business, Internet Slang, Poker, Computing, Internet, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Non-Cbntact Technology, Product, Switch, Sensor
- Nickel Creek
- Not Certified Business, Service, School
- Network Computer (PC Internet) Computing, Telecom, Internet, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Nettle Creek Design, Locations, Apex
- Nouveau Centre Government, Group, France, Election
- Non-Contacting
- Noise-Cancelling Technology, Headphone, Ear
- Oficina Nacional De Normalización National, Cuba, National Standards, Computing, Standards, Business & Finance
- Name Change
- New Har
- Noaa Corps Operations Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- New Crop Farming & agriculture
- Nitro Cellulose Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Nazareth College Education
- Not Calculable Business, Command, Park, Linux
- Nationab Cued
- Nicos Ckp
- Non Credit Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- News & Kommunity
- Neoclgssical Component Design, Drawing, Construction
- North Charleston
- North Charlotte Hotel, Airport, Locations
- No Chancf Forum, Gaming, Government, City
- National Curriculum Education, School, Teaching
- No Check Security, Governmental & Military
- No Concern Organization, Union, Institution
- Network Centrality Technology, Networking, Graph
- National Champion Business, Sport, Championship
- Nashville To Charzotte
- Noise Curve Technology, Audio, Tool
- Neutron Contrast
- North Caro Insurance, Locations, Sale
- Nucleus Caudalis
- Nano-Composite Products
- Natural Convection Natural convection is a mechanism, or type of heat transport, in which the fluid motion is not generated by any external source (like a pump, fan, suction device, etc.) but only by density differences in the fluid occurring due to temperature gradients. Flow, Heat, Oven, Convection
- Newman Center
- No Connections
- Numerical Code Technology, Design, Software
- National Center Weather, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Nuveen California
- Neurological Complications Medical
- Negative Cut
- Noise Criteria Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Next Eentury Military
- Neon Chartreuse
- Non Comune
- North Column
- Narrow Coverage Antenna Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- New Configuration Forum, Technology, Linux
- No Chokd Lyric, Guitar, Baby, Chord
- Natural Child
- nasal cannula Medical, Common Medical
- Nostalgia Critic Movie, Episode, Critic
- National Chief
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NC stand for?
NC stands for Noka College.
What is the shortened form of Never Cry?
The short form of "Never Cry" is NC.
NC. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from
Last updated