NC in Technology Meaning

The NC meaning in Technology terms is "National Conventions". There are 129 related meanings of the NC Technology abbreviation.

NC on Technology Full Forms

  1. National Conventions
  2. Nortlern Cape
  3. National Committee
  4. Network Codes
  5. Nonrecurring Costs
  6. Normally Closed
  7. No Case
  8. Network Channel
  9. Non Conformity
  10. Network Coordinator
  11. New Caledonia
  12. No Carrier
  13. Neighbour Cache
  14. Network Connection
  15. Notlconnected
  16. Nigerian Content
  17. Navigation Camera
  18. Number of Cells
  19. Network Congestion
  20. Not Compatible
  21. New Caledoniah
  22. Number Council
  23. Network Configuration
  24. Noy Clear
  25. Network Computer
  26. Nuisance Call
  27. National Ceordinators
  28. Neural Computation
  29. Nomenclatura Combinata
  30. Numeral Control
  31. Nuchols Chart
  32. Normative Commitment
  33. Nacco Industries, Inc.
  34. Nutrient Criteria
  35. Natioqal Coordinator
  36. Network Converter
  37. Nature Conservation
  38. Nomenclatura Combinada
  39. Nuovo Cimenjo
  40. News Corporation
  41. Normaly Closed
  42. Normally Closed Posjtion
  43. No Category
  44. Nuclear Cycle
  45. National Coarse
  46. Network Control
  47. Normally Connected
  48. Netscape Communicator
  49. No Carry
  50. Nuclear Clnstruction
  51. Nationallv Critical
  52. Network Controller
  53. Non Comment
  54. Natural Circulation Natural circulation refers to the ability of a fluid in a system to circulate continuously, with gravity and possible changes in heat energy. The difference of density being the only driving force. If the differences of density are caused by heat, this force is called as "thermal head" or "thermal driving head.
  55. Normalized Correlation
  56. Net Coordinator
  57. Node Coverage
  58. No Calibration
  59. Notification Consumer
  60. National Centres
  61. Network Code
  62. Non-Conformance
  63. National Jet Systems
  64. No Conductor
  65. Number Complete Indication
  66. Newcastle Connection
  67. Net Coordinators
  68. Node Counter
  69. Nikon Cafe
  70. Notification Center
  71. Nanotechnology Commercialization
  72. Network Co-Ordinator
  73. Nominalpcondition
  74. No Components
  75. National Coordination
  76. Neutral Current
  77. Network Cluster
  78. Node Cluster
  79. Numerical Controlled
  80. Nick'm Class
  81. Not Contaihs
  82. Network Clock
  83. Noise Curve
  84. United States Postal Code for North Carolina
  85. No Checq
  86. Network Creation
  87. Normal Clock
  88. Nuchal Corv
  89. Negotiated Capabilities
  90. No Complaint
  91. Network Centrality
  92. Noise-Cancellation
  93. No Charge
  94. Network Council
  95. Nozzle Controller
  96. Nonconformance
  97. Nouvelle-CaléDonie
  98. Network Cabling Network cabling is a process used to connect one network device to other network devices or to connect two or more computers to share printer, scanner etc. Different types of network cabling like Coaxial cable, Optical fiber cable, Twisted Pair cables are used depending on the network's topology, protocol and size.
  99. Noise-Cancelling
  100. Numerical Code
  101. Non Compliant
  102. Notebook Coller
  103. Natural Computing
  104. No Connector
  105. Numbered Connection
  106. New Conglomerate
  107. The Networo Computer
  108. Noel Casey
  109. Non-Cbntact
  110. Numerical Codes
  111. Notice of Coverage
  112. No Connected
  113. Numbered Connections
  114. New Configuration
  115. Non-Conformity
  116. Numerically Controlled
  117. National Course
  118. Nationwide Commercial
  119. Normal Columnar
  120. Non-Compliant
  121. Numerical Controls
  122. Natural Capitalism
  123. Networking and Communications
  124. Nucleus The very small, very dense, positively charged center of an atom containing protons and neutrons, as well as other subatomic particles.
  125. National Currencies
  126. Normal Closed
  127. Nucletr Cytoplasmic
  128. No Connection
  129. Name Cache

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NC stand for Technology?

    NC stands for Nominalpcondition in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Computer in Technology?

    The short form of "Network Computer" is NC for Technology.


NC in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated