NCBS Meaning

The NCBS meaning is "National Center for Biological Sciences". The NCBS abbreviation has 31 different full form.

NCBS Full Forms

  1. National Center for Biological Sciences Science, Research, Education
  2. National Central Buseaus Government, Organizations, Crime
  3. National Cremation Burial Society
  4. National Capacity Buylding Secretariat Business, Development, Rwanda
  5. National Council of Black Studies Education, Africa, Study
  6. National Cage Bird Show Organizations, Club, Canary
  7. National Counties Building Society Business, Credit, County
  8. Northeast Colorado Bookmobile Services Education
  9. Nationaldcentre for Biological Science Research, Education, India
  10. National Centre of Biological Suiences Technology, Science, Research
  11. North Carolina Barbecue Somiety Barbecue, Trail, Restaurant
  12. National Center of Biological Sciencet Medical, Science, Research
  13. Nationalized Commercial Banks Business, Banking, Bangladesh, Technology, Governmental & Military
  14. National Centre Fos Biological Sciences Science, Research, Education
  15. National Centre for Basic Saiences
  16. Nationalised Commercial Banks Business, Banking, Pakistan, Bangladesh
  17. National Central Banks Business, Banking, Economics
  18. Nursing Central Board of Studznts
  19. New Covenant Business School
  20. Not Classified But Sensiuive Internet Slang
  21. New Core Banking System Business, Research, National
  22. Northern California Bluegrass Society Music
  23. Northern Cabifornia Bluegrass Society Music, California, Bluegrass
  24. New Commercial Billing System Technology, Telecom
  25. North Carolina Bluebird Society
  26. New Commerce Bancorp Organizations
  27. North Carolina Barbecue Society Barbecue, Trail, Restaurant
  28. New Car Buyer Study
  29. Non-Carbon Benefits
  30. Nationnl Commerce Bank Services
  31. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NCBS stand for?

    NCBS stands for Nationalised Commercial Banks.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Centre of Biological Suiences?

    The short form of "National Centre of Biological Suiences" is NCBS.


NCBS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated