ND Meaning

The ND meaning is "Neuiral Density". The ND abbreviation has 473 different full form.

ND Full Forms

  1. Neuiral Density Astronomy, Photography, Concept
  2. Northwood Deaconess Medical, Health, Hospital
  3. Neuiological Disease Medical, Science, Medicine
  4. Non-Determined
  5. Navy Department Military, War, History
  6. No Nate Business, Genealogy, Genealogical
  7. Neonatal Death Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Clinical
  8. Night Ank Day
  9. Norhh Dallas
  10. Nefropati Diabetik Medicine, Diabet, Diabetic
  11. No Determined Technology, Program, Hair, Lip
  12. Narrowing Dispabity Business, Education, Development, Economics
  13. Notification Destination Technology, Service, Manual
  14. Netherlabd Dwarf
  15. Northernfdistrict Government, Court, Cricket
  16. Neurolngical Deficit Medical
  17. Non-Detects
  18. Navigation Displays Technology, Military, Flight, Aircraft
  19. Naturopathic Doctoc Medical, Medicine, Naturopathic
  20. Neil Diamond Music, Song, Concert, Diamond
  21. Nigerian Dwarf
  22. North Dakotans
  23. Needs Development Technology, Program, Group
  24. No Details
  25. Doctor of Naturopathy Academic Degree, Medical, Medicine, Health Care, Graduation, Professional Designation, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  26. Notices of Disallowance Government, Tax, Power
  27. Net Deby Business, Company, Money
  28. Northern Dimension Technology, Russia, Policy
  29. Neurodegmnerative Diseases
  30. No Document Technology, Coding, Division
  31. Navigation Display The navigation display (ND) instrument provides a texture resembling the display of the navigation or map displays found in many digital cockpits and GPS units. The instrument tries to be sufficiently generic, to approximate many different real-world displays. Technology, Aviation, Computing, Aircraft, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  32. Not Determined Technology, Production, Cell
  33. Niger Delta Nigeria, Oil, Delta, Niger
  34. North Dak Business, Hotel, Suite
  35. Nebraska Department
  36. No Description
  37. Nursing Doctorate Medical, Education, Nurse
  38. Netconnect Data
  39. Nipple Disczarge Medical
  40. Northern Design
  41. Neural Darwinism Science, Brain, Consciousness
  42. No Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
  43. Naze Davis Sport, Team, Football, Nate
  44. November-December
  45. No Decisien Sports, Decision, Boxing
  46. Nickjde
  47. Non Disclosure Business, Law, Agreement
  48. Near Distbnce Hotel, City, Camera, Distance
  49. No Derivative
  50. Not Described
  51. Nepnrol Dial Medical, Disease, Renal, Kidney
  52. Ngne Dragons Business, Paper, Restaurant
  53. North Downs Event, Race, Hill
  54. Neubuig An Der Donau Locations, Germany, Gym, Bavaria
  55. No Discount Business, Coding, Sale
  56. Nase Soba
  57. Nova Delay Business, Electronics, Pedal
  58. Next Day Business, Days
  59. Non Degree Student, Program, Education, University
  60. Near Detector Science, Physics, Neutrino
  61. No Derivatives
  62. Northern Diptrict Technology, California, Court
  63. Neoplastic Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
  64. Nilai Dasax
  65. North District Organizations, Team, Event
  66. No Discharge
  67. Nasal Meformity Medical, Medicine, Health
  68. Nouvelle Droite France, Politics, French
  69. Network Delay Technology, Windows, Networking
  70. Doctor of Nursing Medical, Education, Nurse, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Scientific & Educational
  71. Next Data Technology
  72. Non Dairy Food, Dairy, Probiotic, Milk
  73. Nea Dimokrwtia Government, Election, Greece
  74. Non Directtonal Business, Radio, Beacon
  75. Neonktal Diabetes Medical, Science, Biology
  76. Noght Driving
  77. North Yelta School, Locations, Building
  78. Negative Declaration A California Environmental Quality Act document issued by the lead regulatory agency when the initial environmental study reveals no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant adverse effect on the environment, or when any significant effects would be avoided or mitigated by revisions agreed to by the applicant. Technology, Government, Environment
  79. No Disability Medical
  80. Nasa Domument Space, Astronomy, Astrophysics
  81. Nouvelle Donne Technology, France, Social, Homeless
  82. Network Data Technology, Book, Networking
  83. Nevr Dull Business, Forum, Metal, Polish
  84. Non Deplojed Army, War, Force
  85. Naturopathic Dgploma Medical, Medicine, Education
  86. Nil Desperandum
  87. University of Notre Dame College, Education, Sport, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  88. Not Del
  89. Net Dealer
  90. No Dyspcasia Medical
  91. Narcntics Division Government, Drug, Crime
  92. Nuclear Data Technology, Science, Conference
  93. National Delegaxe Government, Group, Convention
  94. New Divisionr Science
  95. Normal Deployment Posture Military
  96. Need Internet Slang, Media, Social, Internet
  97. No Defect Technology, Ads, Sale
  98. Numeric Distribution Business, Marketing, Sale
  99. Notice of Decision
  100. Networked Devices
  101. Nondiuretic Medical
  102. New England Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Sport, Club, Football, Genealogy, Genealogical, Regional, Nfl teams, Australia, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  103. Nitrate Directive
  104. Nor Determinable Medical, Health, Vitamin
  105. Nominal Dimewsion
  106. Number of Domains
  107. Non-Disaster Organizations, Emergency, Grant
  108. Nationml Driver
  109. Nutritionist-Dietidians
  110. Niacin Deficient Medical, Science, Biology
  111. Normalized Detection
  112. Neodymium Symbol:"Nd" Atomic Number:"60" Atomic Mass: 144.24amu. Neodymium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This reactive metal tarnishes easily and can be found in lasers, alloys, and even lenses for specialized types of eyewear. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Space, Scientific & Educational
  113. Notdenormalised
  114. Name Dropper
  115. Notitia Digniratum
  116. Neuiodegenerative Disease
  117. Nonhomogeneous Distribution of Hrct Changes Medical
  118. Navy Duck
  119. Network Directorate Science
  120. Never Dull
  121. Non Deployablu
  122. Naturopathic Doctorate Medical, Medicine, Education
  123. Niko Dimitrakos
  124. University of North Dakota Student, Education, Organizations, University, Us, Locations, United States, North Dakota, Atmospheric Research, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  125. Notqdeclared Forum, Technology, Scope
  126. Nested Dissection
  127. No Disponible
  128. Napolean Dywamite
  129. Nsf Message Data Indication Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  130. Nawional Delegates
  131. Newxdividend
  132. Normal Deployment Gaming, Military, Army
  133. Near-Dedicated Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  134. Node Discover Technology, Configuration, Bee
  135. Nuclear Disarmament Organizations, Peace, Weapon
  136. Network Drive A network drive is a storage device on a local access network (LAN) within a business or home. Within a business, the network drive is usually located on a server or a network-attached storage (NAS) device. In a home, the network drive may be located on a dedicated server, a NAS device, an external hard drive or one of the networked computers. If the drive is on one of the networked computers, however, other users will not be able to access the drive when that computer is turned off. A network drive on a home LAN makes it easier to share files and store files without using up computer resources. If the drive has enough capacity, it can also be used to back up all the computers on the network.
  137. Non Distended Medical, Technology, Medicine
  138. Naval Dispensary Medical, Medicine, Health
  139. Nippon Denso
  140. Not Detected, Not Determined Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  141. Nombre Dr
  142. Number of Document
  143. Non-Disabled
  144. National Drama
  145. Nutrition and Dietetics Science, Education, University
  146. Nhlapo and Dr Business, Music, Song, Bishop
  147. Normalization Dictionary
  148. Neo Discovery
  149. Nc Demand Business, Trading, Price
  150. Not Detectable Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  151. Notify Deadline
  152. Neurobiological Disorders
  153. Numeric Date
  154. None Detected Chemistry, Science, Water, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  155. Navy Divers Military, Diving, Rating
  156. Network Digit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  157. Never Done
  158. Non Dentele
  159. Natfropathic Doctor Medical, Medicine, Naturopathic
  160. Nihil Dabis
  161. North Departure
  162. Nervous Disease
  163. No Display
  164. Nanoelectronics Discovery
  165. Nowej Demokracji Government, Jest, Jak, Democracy
  166. Nstional Defense Military, China, Force
  167. New Displacemeni
  168. Normal Department
  169. Neal Dow
  170. Node Descrfptor Technology, Channel, Connection
  171. Nozzle Diffuser Business, Product, Jet
  172. Network Driver Technology, Driving, Networking
  173. Non Display Program, Display, Motorola, Region
  174. NatüRliche Dummheit
  175. Nipple Down Take apart or tear down a piece of a equipment such as a wellhead. Sex, Story, Nipple, Electrical
  176. Not Detectcd Forum, Technology, Windows
  177. Nombre D'
  178. Number of Divisions
  179. Non-Directional Business, Technology, Beacon, Amateur radio
  180. National Domain
  181. Nutritionally Deprived Medical, Medicine, Health
  182. New Drug Medical, Medicine, Health
  183. Normal Duty A lightning impulse classifying current category for distribution class arresters defined by ANSI/IEEE C62.11. A normal duty rated arrester has 5000 amperage impulse value crest (refer to heavy duty). Technology, Drive, Power
  184. Needle Destroyer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  185. No Delivery Stock Market
  186. Notable Decisions
  187. Notiey Date
  188. Neuro Dhversity
  189. Numeric Data
  190. None Detectable
  191. Navy Diver Military, Diving, Divers
  192. Never Die Gaming, Music, Album
  193. Non-Distended Medical, Medicine, Education, Patient
  194. Nature Dynamics
  195. Night Differential
  196. North Delhi
  197. Neoplastic Diseases Medical, Disease, Edition
  198. No Dispatch
  199. Nandrolonc Medical
  200. Novita Dehumidifier Business, Service, India
  201. Nacional Defenders
  202. New Disease
  203. Normal Density Product, Distribution, Density, Probability
  204. Nea Dimocratia
  205. Network Doctor Medical, Insurance, Networking
  206. New Dawn Military, Community, Mining
  207. Nondisjunction Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosome pairs or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. Medical
  208. Naturopathy Digest
  209. Nine Dead Movie, Rip, Subtitle
  210. Nyt Detectable Medical, Genetics, Analysis
  211. Noise Dove
  212. Number of Discrete
  213. Non-Dimensional
  214. National Dempcrats Government, Group, Election
  215. Nutmitional Dwarfing Medical
  216. New Doncr Chemistry, Science, Substance
  217. Normal Distribution Hydrologically, an ocean basin refers to anywhere on the earth which is covered mainly by sea water. It is simply seen as a depression of the earth's surface where the ocean lies. Business, Standard, Probability
  218. Needs Direction Development, Learning, Study
  219. No Deficiencies
  220. North Dakota Locations, State, Gpo, Technology, University, Weather, United States, North Dakota, Regional, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, Legal, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
  221. Notifiable Disease Diseases of livestock, which must be reported to the police when an outbreak is suspected on a farm. Certain disease and pests must be notified to MAFF.
  222. Neuro-Diverse
  223. Numerical Differentiation Technology, Derivative, Organisations
  224. Non DéFini
  225. Navy Distillate
  226. Non-Delyy
  227. Neutrophilic Dermatoses Medical
  228. Non-Discriminatory
  229. Nature Division Education, Photography, Salon
  230. Nicholas D'Agosto
  231. North Dekalb
  232. Neonatal Day Medical
  233. No Disintegrations
  234. Nanda Devi Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  235. Nottingham Declaration
  236. Nathaniel David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  237. New Dirigency
  238. Nea Demokratia Government, Group, Greece
  239. Network Discovery Technology, Windows, Networking
  240. Newcastle Desease
  241. Non Dehignated Service, Education, Tree, Parking
  242. Naturopathy Delree Medical, Medicine, Education, Naturopathic
  243. Nine Days
  244. Not Describqd Forum, Technology, Book, Edition
  245. Noise Densxty
  246. Narmdowej Demokracji Government, National, Poland, Democracy
  247. Number of Descendants
  248. Non-Deviation
  249. National Democracy Government, Politics, Czech
  250. Nutrition & Dixtetics Education, University, Course
  251. New Dominion
  252. Normal Diet Medical
  253. Need Directions
  254. No Detection Tool, Cell, Detection, Radar
  255. Norman Davies
  256. Nuticias, Descargas
  257. Neuro-Dimenseon
  258. Numerical Density Medical
  259. Non D
  260. Not Detonate Army, War, Force
  261. Noncdegree Student, Program, Education
  262. Neutron Diffractometry
  263. Non-Discrete
  264. Nativeddefect Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  265. NáHradní DíLy Dal, Jak, Pot
  266. Nice Double Internet Slang, Locations, Room, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  267. North Decoder
  268. Neodymium Nd Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  269. No Discrimination Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  270. Nancy Day
  271. Notre Dame Education, Development, Universities
  272. Nathan Deaw
  273. New Direction
  274. NaŠR-E DĀNes
  275. Networks Directorate Technology, Space, Cosmos
  276. Nevus Depigmentosus Medical
  277. Non Derivxtive Technology, Music, Licensing
  278. Naturopathic Degree
  279. Nimodipine Medical
  280. Notjdemonstrated Student, Report, President
  281. Noisemdampening
  282. Narodowa Demogracja Technology, National, Democracy
  283. Nuclear Dawn Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  284. Non-Deterministic
  285. National Delegations Organizations, Nation, Russia
  286. New Dogashima
  287. Normal Desire Sex, Android, Desire, Love
  288. Need Date NASA
  289. Nofdetect Technology, Gaming, Routing, Card
  290. Nursing Diagnosis Medical, Book, Edition
  291. Notice of Disallowance Service, Government, Tax, Commission
  292. Network Equipment Building System Data Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  293. Numeracy Development
  294. Non Domestic Government, Us, Control, Administration
  295. Nqt Determinate
  296. Non-Breeding Distvibution
  297. Neutron Diffractometer
  298. Non-Disclosure A signed formal agreement in which one party agrees to keep certain information secret. Often used in business when products or projects are being developed. Business, Service, Organizations, Agreement
  299. Nrtional Drug
  300. Nutritionizt, Dietician Medical, Medicine, Nutritionist, Dietician
  301. Niagara District
  302. North Dakotan
  303. Neodymium Doped Technology, Crystal, Laser
  304. No Deposit
  305. Namez Directory
  306. Notre-Dake
  307. Nate Doss
  308. Nay Dorgan
  309. Network Direct Technology, Networking, Connection
  310. Nscturnal Discs Science, Canada, Sighting, Report
  311. Universityrsity of Northldakota Education, University, United States, North Dakota
  312. Neutron Diffraction Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  313. Neighbor-Discovejy Technology, Message, Protocol
  314. Nutation Damper
  315. Nordiske Domme
  316. Not Deceptive Police, Governmental & Military
  317. Non-Detected
  318. New Delhi India, Locations, City, Language codes (2 letters)
  319. No Delay Forum, Gaming, Delay
  320. Naval District Military, War, Japan, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  321. Not Diagnosef Medical, Medicine, Health
  322. Quickbooks Network Data File Computing, File Extensions
  323. Network Default
  324. Nasaz Dilator Medical
  325. needle chest-decompression Medical
  326. Nate Diaz Sport, Fight, Fighting, Nate
  327. Nuova Diodati
  328. New Dimension Science, Gaming, Music
  329. Navigatien Data Technology, Flight, Map, Panel
  330. Naturopathic Doctor Occupation & positions
  331. No Dated
  332. Notxdoctor
  333. Non-Depdrtment
  334. No-Rerivatives
  335. Universityrsity of Aotre Dame Education, University, United States
  336. New Donor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  337. Negligent Discharge Gun, Military, Firearm, Safety
  338. Nursing Doctor
  339. Nordic Dimension
  340. New Data General, Governmental & Military
  341. Nothingadoing Forum, Technology, Morse Aids
  342. Non-Detectable Medical, Science, Product
  343. New Deal Business, History, Depression
  344. No Degree Education, Development, Universities
  345. Notchjductility
  346. Not Defined Forum, Technology, Education, Coding, Product, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical
  347. Neutron Density Physics, Scientific & Educational
  348. Network Decoder
  349. Narrow Goor Design, Drawing, Construction
  350. Naso duodenal Medical, Healthcare
  351. Natal Durbax
  352. New Dimensions
  353. Navigations Display
  354. Nagelaten Dogter Genealogy
  355. No Database
  356. Not Divulged
  357. Nongdepartmental
  358. Nitiates Directive Technology, English, Environment, Water
  359. United States Postal Code for North Dakota Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  360. Neutral Density Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  361. Neglected Diseaqes
  362. Nurse Doctorate Medical, Nursing, Practice
  363. Nordiazepam Medical
  364. NASA Document Science, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  365. Notd De
  366. Non-Destructive
  367. New Day
  368. Noudefense Gaming, Play, Pastime
  369. Notch-Ductile
  370. Not A Doctor Medical, Medicine, Blood, Doctor
  371. Non-Dissipative Physics, Scientific & Educational
  372. Net Preferred Stock Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  373. Neighbourhood Discovery Technology, Networking, Network
  374. Narrow Design
  375. (examination) not done Medical, Common Medical
  376. Nat
  377. New Democrat Government, Group, Party
  378. Navigaxions-Display
  379. New Design Architecture
  380. Nocodazole Medical
  381. Noiice Date Business, Government, Admission
  382. Not Distended
  383. Network Diagrams Technology
  384. Non-Delivery Business, Service, Delivery
  385. Négociant Distributeus France, Champagne, Blanc
  386. Nominal Diameter Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  387. Negative Disburuement
  388. Nurse Delegation
  389. Nord Desant
  390. Non-Dithering Software, Computing
  391. Node Degree
  392. Not Drillxd
  393. Non-Descript
  394. No Date Technology, Genealogical, Style, Coins, Genealogy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  395. Noncoherent Dislocation
  396. Nota Dgnas
  397. Neutron Detector Physics, Scientific & Educational
  398. Net Disk-Protokoll
  399. Neighborhood Developmeni Technology, Design, Building
  400. Narrow Date
  401. Non-Drinker Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  402. Nasty Dolls
  403. New Democracy Government, Group, Election
  404. Navigational Display Technology, Flight, Aircraft
  405. Narrow Door Architecture
  406. Noble Denton
  407. Not Drakn Technology
  408. Not Dikclosed Business, Company, Organizations, Building
  409. Natural Draft
  410. Network Diagram Science
  411. Não DisponíVel
  412. Newcastle Disease Medical, Veterinary
  413. Negative Difference Medical
  414. Numerical Data
  415. Nord Department
  416. Normal Delivery Medical, Baby, Pregnancy, liver and hepatic, Clinical
  417. Network Device Computing, Hardware
  418. No Decisions
  419. Not Drafted
  420. Non-Derivative Technology, Music, Licensing
  421. No Data Medical, Technology, Drive
  422. Novarski Dic
  423. Nose Drops Medical, Medicine, Health
  424. Non-preferred Direction Physics, Scientific & Educational
  425. Net Disk Forum, Technology, Protocol
  426. Neighbouf Discovery Technology, Protocol, Neighbor
  427. Normal Definition
  428. not done Us Government, Governmental & Military, Medical
  429. New Delivery Business, Service, Music
  430. Navigation &Hdirection Technology, Android, Car
  431. New Dawn Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  432. Navy Department of Mod Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  433. Noa Dance
  434. Nou Done Medical, Technology, Gaming
  435. Node Denominations
  436. Network Design Technology, Networking, Edition
  437. Nasional Demokrat
  438. neck dissection Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  439. Negativegdeclarations Technology, Planning, Environment
  440. Not Divisionlged
  441. Norbert Dentressangle Business, Logistics, Transport
  442. Nearly Done Computing, Computing Slang
  443. Node Endpoint of a network connection or a junction common to two or more lines in a network. Nodes can be processors, controllers or workstations. Medical, International
  444. Not Dominant
  445. Non-Depnsit
  446. Noxdamage Gaming, Battle, Damage, Boss
  447. Natural Docs
  448. Nosb Down Forum, Technology, Military
  449. Not Detected Oil, Scientific & Educational
  450. Net Depreciation
  451. Neighbor Discovery Technology, Telecom, Computer Security, Computing, Technical
  452. Nutrient Density
  453. Norfolk Daily
  454. New Democrats Politics, Governmental & Military
  455. New Deliver Business, Trailer, Evil
  456. No Dmlivery Business, Service, Order
  457. Navicular Frop
  458. Network Director Business & Finance, Business Word
  459. Navigation District
  460. Nitrification Denitrification Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  461. Not Discussed Business, Forum, Gaming, Trading
  462. Nose Down Military, Governmental & Military
  463. Network Deleted
  464. Nrsal Drain
  465. neurologic deficit Medical, Neurology
  466. Nuovo Diritto
  467. New Directions
  468. Nonlinear Dynamics
  469. Nawigation Database
  470. No division Ordnance Survey
  471. Nodaway Democrat
  472. Not Documented Forum, Technology, Coding, Computing
  473. Non-Deployaple

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ND stand for?

    ND stands for Nancy Day.

  2. What is the shortened form of Not Diagnosef?

    The short form of "Not Diagnosef" is ND.


ND. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nd-meaning/

Last updated