ND Meaning
The ND meaning is "Neuiral Density". The ND abbreviation has 473 different full form.
ND Full Forms
- Neuiral Density Astronomy, Photography, Concept
- Northwood Deaconess Medical, Health, Hospital
- Neuiological Disease Medical, Science, Medicine
- Non-Determined
- Navy Department Military, War, History
- No Nate Business, Genealogy, Genealogical
- Neonatal Death Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Clinical
- Night Ank Day
- Norhh Dallas
- Nefropati Diabetik Medicine, Diabet, Diabetic
- No Determined Technology, Program, Hair, Lip
- Narrowing Dispabity Business, Education, Development, Economics
- Notification Destination Technology, Service, Manual
- Netherlabd Dwarf
- Northernfdistrict Government, Court, Cricket
- Neurolngical Deficit Medical
- Non-Detects
- Navigation Displays Technology, Military, Flight, Aircraft
- Naturopathic Doctoc Medical, Medicine, Naturopathic
- Neil Diamond Music, Song, Concert, Diamond
- Nigerian Dwarf
- North Dakotans
- Needs Development Technology, Program, Group
- No Details
- Doctor of Naturopathy Academic Degree, Medical, Medicine, Health Care, Graduation, Professional Designation, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Notices of Disallowance Government, Tax, Power
- Net Deby Business, Company, Money
- Northern Dimension Technology, Russia, Policy
- Neurodegmnerative Diseases
- No Document Technology, Coding, Division
- Navigation Display The navigation display (ND) instrument provides a texture resembling the display of the navigation or map displays found in many digital cockpits and GPS units. The instrument tries to be sufficiently generic, to approximate many different real-world displays. Technology, Aviation, Computing, Aircraft, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Not Determined Technology, Production, Cell
- Niger Delta Nigeria, Oil, Delta, Niger
- North Dak Business, Hotel, Suite
- Nebraska Department
- No Description
- Nursing Doctorate Medical, Education, Nurse
- Netconnect Data
- Nipple Disczarge Medical
- Northern Design
- Neural Darwinism Science, Brain, Consciousness
- No Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
- Naze Davis Sport, Team, Football, Nate
- November-December
- No Decisien Sports, Decision, Boxing
- Nickjde
- Non Disclosure Business, Law, Agreement
- Near Distbnce Hotel, City, Camera, Distance
- No Derivative
- Not Described
- Nepnrol Dial Medical, Disease, Renal, Kidney
- Ngne Dragons Business, Paper, Restaurant
- North Downs Event, Race, Hill
- Neubuig An Der Donau Locations, Germany, Gym, Bavaria
- No Discount Business, Coding, Sale
- Nase Soba
- Nova Delay Business, Electronics, Pedal
- Next Day Business, Days
- Non Degree Student, Program, Education, University
- Near Detector Science, Physics, Neutrino
- No Derivatives
- Northern Diptrict Technology, California, Court
- Neoplastic Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nilai Dasax
- North District Organizations, Team, Event
- No Discharge
- Nasal Meformity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nouvelle Droite France, Politics, French
- Network Delay Technology, Windows, Networking
- Doctor of Nursing Medical, Education, Nurse, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Scientific & Educational
- Next Data Technology
- Non Dairy Food, Dairy, Probiotic, Milk
- Nea Dimokrwtia Government, Election, Greece
- Non Directtonal Business, Radio, Beacon
- Neonktal Diabetes Medical, Science, Biology
- Noght Driving
- North Yelta School, Locations, Building
- Negative Declaration A California Environmental Quality Act document issued by the lead regulatory agency when the initial environmental study reveals no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant adverse effect on the environment, or when any significant effects would be avoided or mitigated by revisions agreed to by the applicant. Technology, Government, Environment
- No Disability Medical
- Nasa Domument Space, Astronomy, Astrophysics
- Nouvelle Donne Technology, France, Social, Homeless
- Network Data Technology, Book, Networking
- Nevr Dull Business, Forum, Metal, Polish
- Non Deplojed Army, War, Force
- Naturopathic Dgploma Medical, Medicine, Education
- Nil Desperandum
- University of Notre Dame College, Education, Sport, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Not Del
- Net Dealer
- No Dyspcasia Medical
- Narcntics Division Government, Drug, Crime
- Nuclear Data Technology, Science, Conference
- National Delegaxe Government, Group, Convention
- New Divisionr Science
- Normal Deployment Posture Military
- Need Internet Slang, Media, Social, Internet
- No Defect Technology, Ads, Sale
- Numeric Distribution Business, Marketing, Sale
- Notice of Decision
- Networked Devices
- Nondiuretic Medical
- New England Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Sport, Club, Football, Genealogy, Genealogical, Regional, Nfl teams, Australia, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Nitrate Directive
- Nor Determinable Medical, Health, Vitamin
- Nominal Dimewsion
- Number of Domains
- Non-Disaster Organizations, Emergency, Grant
- Nationml Driver
- Nutritionist-Dietidians
- Niacin Deficient Medical, Science, Biology
- Normalized Detection
- Neodymium Symbol:"Nd" Atomic Number:"60" Atomic Mass: 144.24amu. Neodymium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This reactive metal tarnishes easily and can be found in lasers, alloys, and even lenses for specialized types of eyewear. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Space, Scientific & Educational
- Notdenormalised
- Name Dropper
- Notitia Digniratum
- Neuiodegenerative Disease
- Nonhomogeneous Distribution of Hrct Changes Medical
- Navy Duck
- Network Directorate Science
- Never Dull
- Non Deployablu
- Naturopathic Doctorate Medical, Medicine, Education
- Niko Dimitrakos
- University of North Dakota Student, Education, Organizations, University, Us, Locations, United States, North Dakota, Atmospheric Research, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Notqdeclared Forum, Technology, Scope
- Nested Dissection
- No Disponible
- Napolean Dywamite
- Nsf Message Data Indication Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Nawional Delegates
- Newxdividend
- Normal Deployment Gaming, Military, Army
- Near-Dedicated Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Node Discover Technology, Configuration, Bee
- Nuclear Disarmament Organizations, Peace, Weapon
- Network Drive A network drive is a storage device on a local access network (LAN) within a business or home. Within a business, the network drive is usually located on a server or a network-attached storage (NAS) device. In a home, the network drive may be located on a dedicated server, a NAS device, an external hard drive or one of the networked computers. If the drive is on one of the networked computers, however, other users will not be able to access the drive when that computer is turned off. A network drive on a home LAN makes it easier to share files and store files without using up computer resources. If the drive has enough capacity, it can also be used to back up all the computers on the network.
- Non Distended Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Naval Dispensary Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nippon Denso
- Not Detected, Not Determined Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Nombre Dr
- Number of Document
- Non-Disabled
- National Drama
- Nutrition and Dietetics Science, Education, University
- Nhlapo and Dr Business, Music, Song, Bishop
- Normalization Dictionary
- Neo Discovery
- Nc Demand Business, Trading, Price
- Not Detectable Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Notify Deadline
- Neurobiological Disorders
- Numeric Date
- None Detected Chemistry, Science, Water, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Navy Divers Military, Diving, Rating
- Network Digit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Never Done
- Non Dentele
- Natfropathic Doctor Medical, Medicine, Naturopathic
- Nihil Dabis
- North Departure
- Nervous Disease
- No Display
- Nanoelectronics Discovery
- Nowej Demokracji Government, Jest, Jak, Democracy
- Nstional Defense Military, China, Force
- New Displacemeni
- Normal Department
- Neal Dow
- Node Descrfptor Technology, Channel, Connection
- Nozzle Diffuser Business, Product, Jet
- Network Driver Technology, Driving, Networking
- Non Display Program, Display, Motorola, Region
- NatüRliche Dummheit
- Nipple Down Take apart or tear down a piece of a equipment such as a wellhead. Sex, Story, Nipple, Electrical
- Not Detectcd Forum, Technology, Windows
- Nombre D'
- Number of Divisions
- Non-Directional Business, Technology, Beacon, Amateur radio
- National Domain
- Nutritionally Deprived Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Drug Medical, Medicine, Health
- Normal Duty A lightning impulse classifying current category for distribution class arresters defined by ANSI/IEEE C62.11. A normal duty rated arrester has 5000 amperage impulse value crest (refer to heavy duty). Technology, Drive, Power
- Needle Destroyer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- No Delivery Stock Market
- Notable Decisions
- Notiey Date
- Neuro Dhversity
- Numeric Data
- None Detectable
- Navy Diver Military, Diving, Divers
- Never Die Gaming, Music, Album
- Non-Distended Medical, Medicine, Education, Patient
- Nature Dynamics
- Night Differential
- North Delhi
- Neoplastic Diseases Medical, Disease, Edition
- No Dispatch
- Nandrolonc Medical
- Novita Dehumidifier Business, Service, India
- Nacional Defenders
- New Disease
- Normal Density Product, Distribution, Density, Probability
- Nea Dimocratia
- Network Doctor Medical, Insurance, Networking
- New Dawn Military, Community, Mining
- Nondisjunction Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosome pairs or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. Medical
- Naturopathy Digest
- Nine Dead Movie, Rip, Subtitle
- Nyt Detectable Medical, Genetics, Analysis
- Noise Dove
- Number of Discrete
- Non-Dimensional
- National Dempcrats Government, Group, Election
- Nutmitional Dwarfing Medical
- New Doncr Chemistry, Science, Substance
- Normal Distribution Hydrologically, an ocean basin refers to anywhere on the earth which is covered mainly by sea water. It is simply seen as a depression of the earth's surface where the ocean lies. Business, Standard, Probability
- Needs Direction Development, Learning, Study
- No Deficiencies
- North Dakota Locations, State, Gpo, Technology, University, Weather, United States, North Dakota, Regional, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, Legal, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
- Notifiable Disease Diseases of livestock, which must be reported to the police when an outbreak is suspected on a farm. Certain disease and pests must be notified to MAFF.
- Neuro-Diverse
- Numerical Differentiation Technology, Derivative, Organisations
- Non DéFini
- Navy Distillate
- Non-Delyy
- Neutrophilic Dermatoses Medical
- Non-Discriminatory
- Nature Division Education, Photography, Salon
- Nicholas D'Agosto
- North Dekalb
- Neonatal Day Medical
- No Disintegrations
- Nanda Devi Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Nottingham Declaration
- Nathaniel David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- New Dirigency
- Nea Demokratia Government, Group, Greece
- Network Discovery Technology, Windows, Networking
- Newcastle Desease
- Non Dehignated Service, Education, Tree, Parking
- Naturopathy Delree Medical, Medicine, Education, Naturopathic
- Nine Days
- Not Describqd Forum, Technology, Book, Edition
- Noise Densxty
- Narmdowej Demokracji Government, National, Poland, Democracy
- Number of Descendants
- Non-Deviation
- National Democracy Government, Politics, Czech
- Nutrition & Dixtetics Education, University, Course
- New Dominion
- Normal Diet Medical
- Need Directions
- No Detection Tool, Cell, Detection, Radar
- Norman Davies
- Nuticias, Descargas
- Neuro-Dimenseon
- Numerical Density Medical
- Non D
- Not Detonate Army, War, Force
- Noncdegree Student, Program, Education
- Neutron Diffractometry
- Non-Discrete
- Nativeddefect Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- NáHradní DíLy Dal, Jak, Pot
- Nice Double Internet Slang, Locations, Room, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- North Decoder
- Neodymium Nd Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- No Discrimination Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Nancy Day
- Notre Dame Education, Development, Universities
- Nathan Deaw
- New Direction
- NaŠR-E DĀNes
- Networks Directorate Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Nevus Depigmentosus Medical
- Non Derivxtive Technology, Music, Licensing
- Naturopathic Degree
- Nimodipine Medical
- Notjdemonstrated Student, Report, President
- Noisemdampening
- Narodowa Demogracja Technology, National, Democracy
- Nuclear Dawn Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
- Non-Deterministic
- National Delegations Organizations, Nation, Russia
- New Dogashima
- Normal Desire Sex, Android, Desire, Love
- Need Date NASA
- Nofdetect Technology, Gaming, Routing, Card
- Nursing Diagnosis Medical, Book, Edition
- Notice of Disallowance Service, Government, Tax, Commission
- Network Equipment Building System Data Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Numeracy Development
- Non Domestic Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Nqt Determinate
- Non-Breeding Distvibution
- Neutron Diffractometer
- Non-Disclosure A signed formal agreement in which one party agrees to keep certain information secret. Often used in business when products or projects are being developed. Business, Service, Organizations, Agreement
- Nrtional Drug
- Nutritionizt, Dietician Medical, Medicine, Nutritionist, Dietician
- Niagara District
- North Dakotan
- Neodymium Doped Technology, Crystal, Laser
- No Deposit
- Namez Directory
- Notre-Dake
- Nate Doss
- Nay Dorgan
- Network Direct Technology, Networking, Connection
- Nscturnal Discs Science, Canada, Sighting, Report
- Universityrsity of Northldakota Education, University, United States, North Dakota
- Neutron Diffraction Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Neighbor-Discovejy Technology, Message, Protocol
- Nutation Damper
- Nordiske Domme
- Not Deceptive Police, Governmental & Military
- Non-Detected
- New Delhi India, Locations, City, Language codes (2 letters)
- No Delay Forum, Gaming, Delay
- Naval District Military, War, Japan, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Not Diagnosef Medical, Medicine, Health
- Quickbooks Network Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Network Default
- Nasaz Dilator Medical
- needle chest-decompression Medical
- Nate Diaz Sport, Fight, Fighting, Nate
- Nuova Diodati
- New Dimension Science, Gaming, Music
- Navigatien Data Technology, Flight, Map, Panel
- Naturopathic Doctor Occupation & positions
- No Dated
- Notxdoctor
- Non-Depdrtment
- No-Rerivatives
- Universityrsity of Aotre Dame Education, University, United States
- New Donor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Negligent Discharge Gun, Military, Firearm, Safety
- Nursing Doctor
- Nordic Dimension
- New Data General, Governmental & Military
- Nothingadoing Forum, Technology, Morse Aids
- Non-Detectable Medical, Science, Product
- New Deal Business, History, Depression
- No Degree Education, Development, Universities
- Notchjductility
- Not Defined Forum, Technology, Education, Coding, Product, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical
- Neutron Density Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Network Decoder
- Narrow Goor Design, Drawing, Construction
- Naso duodenal Medical, Healthcare
- Natal Durbax
- New Dimensions
- Navigations Display
- Nagelaten Dogter Genealogy
- No Database
- Not Divulged
- Nongdepartmental
- Nitiates Directive Technology, English, Environment, Water
- United States Postal Code for North Dakota Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Neutral Density Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Neglected Diseaqes
- Nurse Doctorate Medical, Nursing, Practice
- Nordiazepam Medical
- NASA Document Science, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Notd De
- Non-Destructive
- New Day
- Noudefense Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Notch-Ductile
- Not A Doctor Medical, Medicine, Blood, Doctor
- Non-Dissipative Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Net Preferred Stock Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Neighbourhood Discovery Technology, Networking, Network
- Narrow Design
- (examination) not done Medical, Common Medical
- Nat
- New Democrat Government, Group, Party
- Navigaxions-Display
- New Design Architecture
- Nocodazole Medical
- Noiice Date Business, Government, Admission
- Not Distended
- Network Diagrams Technology
- Non-Delivery Business, Service, Delivery
- Négociant Distributeus France, Champagne, Blanc
- Nominal Diameter Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Negative Disburuement
- Nurse Delegation
- Nord Desant
- Non-Dithering Software, Computing
- Node Degree
- Not Drillxd
- Non-Descript
- No Date Technology, Genealogical, Style, Coins, Genealogy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- Noncoherent Dislocation
- Nota Dgnas
- Neutron Detector Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Net Disk-Protokoll
- Neighborhood Developmeni Technology, Design, Building
- Narrow Date
- Non-Drinker Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nasty Dolls
- New Democracy Government, Group, Election
- Navigational Display Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Narrow Door Architecture
- Noble Denton
- Not Drakn Technology
- Not Dikclosed Business, Company, Organizations, Building
- Natural Draft
- Network Diagram Science
- Não DisponíVel
- Newcastle Disease Medical, Veterinary
- Negative Difference Medical
- Numerical Data
- Nord Department
- Normal Delivery Medical, Baby, Pregnancy, liver and hepatic, Clinical
- Network Device Computing, Hardware
- No Decisions
- Not Drafted
- Non-Derivative Technology, Music, Licensing
- No Data Medical, Technology, Drive
- Novarski Dic
- Nose Drops Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non-preferred Direction Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Net Disk Forum, Technology, Protocol
- Neighbouf Discovery Technology, Protocol, Neighbor
- Normal Definition
- not done Us Government, Governmental & Military, Medical
- New Delivery Business, Service, Music
- Navigation &Hdirection Technology, Android, Car
- New Dawn Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Navy Department of Mod Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Noa Dance
- Nou Done Medical, Technology, Gaming
- Node Denominations
- Network Design Technology, Networking, Edition
- Nasional Demokrat
- neck dissection Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Negativegdeclarations Technology, Planning, Environment
- Not Divisionlged
- Norbert Dentressangle Business, Logistics, Transport
- Nearly Done Computing, Computing Slang
- Node Endpoint of a network connection or a junction common to two or more lines in a network. Nodes can be processors, controllers or workstations. Medical, International
- Not Dominant
- Non-Depnsit
- Noxdamage Gaming, Battle, Damage, Boss
- Natural Docs
- Nosb Down Forum, Technology, Military
- Not Detected Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Net Depreciation
- Neighbor Discovery Technology, Telecom, Computer Security, Computing, Technical
- Nutrient Density
- Norfolk Daily
- New Democrats Politics, Governmental & Military
- New Deliver Business, Trailer, Evil
- No Dmlivery Business, Service, Order
- Navicular Frop
- Network Director Business & Finance, Business Word
- Navigation District
- Nitrification Denitrification Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Not Discussed Business, Forum, Gaming, Trading
- Nose Down Military, Governmental & Military
- Network Deleted
- Nrsal Drain
- neurologic deficit Medical, Neurology
- Nuovo Diritto
- New Directions
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Nawigation Database
- No division Ordnance Survey
- Nodaway Democrat
- Not Documented Forum, Technology, Coding, Computing
- Non-Deployaple
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ND stand for?
ND stands for Nancy Day.
What is the shortened form of Not Diagnosef?
The short form of "Not Diagnosef" is ND.
ND. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nd-meaning/
Last updated