ND in Technology Meaning

The ND meaning in Technology terms is "Northern Dimension". There are 65 related meanings of the ND Technology abbreviation.

ND on Technology Full Forms

  1. Northern Dimension
  2. Nouvelle Donne
  3. Network Delay
  4. Northern Diptrict
  5. No Document
  6. Notification Destination
  7. Network Data
  8. Not Determined
  9. No Determined
  10. Neonatal Death
  11. Negative Declaration A California Environmental Quality Act document issued by the lead regulatory agency when the initial environmental study reveals no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant adverse effect on the environment, or when any significant effects would be avoided or mitigated by revisions agreed to by the applicant.
  12. Needs Development
  13. Navigation Displays
  14. Next Data
  15. Navigation Display The navigation display (ND) instrument provides a texture resembling the display of the navigation or map displays found in many digital cockpits and GPS units. The instrument tries to be sufficiently generic, to approximate many different real-world displays.
  16. Non Distended
  17. Network Direct
  18. Node Discover
  19. Non Derivxtive
  20. Network Digit
  21. Node Descrfptor
  22. Non-Directional
  23. Not Detectcd
  24. Network Equipment Building System Data
  25. Numerical Differentiation
  26. Not Describqd
  27. Network Driver
  28. Nuclear Dawn
  29. Nativeddefect
  30. No Discrimination
  31. Notqdeclared
  32. Network Discovery
  33. Nuclear Data
  34. Narodowa Demogracja
  35. Nofdetect
  36. Neodymium Doped
  37. Normal Duty A lightning impulse classifying current category for distribution class arresters defined by ANSI/IEEE C62.11. A normal duty rated arrester has 5000 amperage impulse value crest (refer to heavy duty).
  38. Networks Directorate
  39. Nsf Message Data Indication
  40. North Dakota
  41. No Defect
  42. Neodymium Symbol:"Nd" Atomic Number:"60" Atomic Mass: 144.24amu. Neodymium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This reactive metal tarnishes easily and can be found in lasers, alloys, and even lenses for specialized types of eyewear.
  43. Neighbor Discovery
  44. Nothingadoing
  45. Navigatien Data
  46. Neighbor-Discovejy
  47. Not Documented
  48. United States Postal Code for North Dakota
  49. Navigational Display
  50. Negativegdeclarations
  51. Network Diagrams
  52. Not Drakn
  53. Navigation &Hdirection
  54. Non-Derivative
  55. No Date
  56. Network Design
  57. Nou Done
  58. Neighbourhood Discovery
  59. No Data
  60. Net Disk
  61. Not Defined
  62. Neighborhood Developmeni
  63. Nitiates Directive
  64. Nosb Down
  65. Neighbouf Discovery

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ND stand for Technology?

    ND stands for Nothingadoing in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Driver in Technology?

    The short form of "Network Driver" is ND for Technology.


ND in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nd-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated