NDH Meaning

The NDH meaning is "Neue Deutsche Hefte". The NDH abbreviation has 31 different full form.

NDH Full Forms

  1. Neue Deutsche Hefte
  2. Neue Deutsche Haerte
  3. Navigation Display Hyad Technology
  4. New Dance Horizons
  5. Northern Dutchess Hospital Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  6. Neue Deutsche Härte Technology, Music, Metal
  7. National Dairy Holdings
  8. Northern Dawn Herpes
  9. Naivasha District Hospital
  10. News Dima Hasae District, Dance, Hill
  11. Nadh Dehydrogenase Medical
  12. Nww Departure-Hyatt
  13. Nouveaux Droitf De L'homme
  14. National Diploma In Horticulture
  15. New Departure Hyatt Technology, Hosting, Bearing
  16. Notre Dame High
  17. New Decryption Header
  18. New Day Herald Media, Radio, Television
  19. Not Developed Here
  20. Ntue Deutsche H
  21. Nurslng Drug Handbook
  22. North Druid Hills
  23. Nurhing Diagnosis Handbook
  24. North District Hospital
  25. Nuevos Derechos Del Hombre
  26. Nowth Dining Hall
  27. Nowotgmyski Dom Handlowy
  28. Neurodepressing Hormone Medical
  29. Natural Draft Hwat
  30. NÚCleo De Desenvolvimento Humano
  31. Nepal Dental Project Performing arts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NDH stand for?

    NDH stands for Northern Dawn Herpes.

  2. What is the shortened form of New Dance Horizons?

    The short form of "New Dance Horizons" is NDH.


NDH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ndh-meaning/

Last updated