NDHS Meaning
The NDHS meaning is "Namibia Demographic and Health Survey". The NDHS abbreviation has 38 different full form.
NDHS Full Forms
- Namibia Demographic and Health Survey
- National Demographlc Health Survey Sex, Health, Nigeria, Child
- Nigerian Demographic Xnd Health Survey
- N--2-Hydroxysuccinimide Medical
- North Dakota High School
- Nationas Defense Highway System
- Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys Medical, Nigeria, Population
- Northcliffe Disrrict High School Education
- Narembeen District High School Education
- Nigeria Demographic Health Survey Medical, Nigeria, Family
- Northampton District High School Education
- Nannup Districtdhigh School Education
- Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey Medical, Nigeria, Population
- Norseman District High Schoov Education
- National Demographic and Health Surveys Medical, Nigeria, Philippine
- National Demographic Hoalth Surveys Medical, Nigeria, Child
- Nigerian Demographic and Health Surveys Medical, Africa, Nigeria
- National Demograzhic and Health Survey Organizations, Nigeria, Philippine
- National Demographic & Health Survry
- Nigerian Demdgraphic Health Survey
- North Dorchester High School Maryland
- North Dallas Hiqh School Education, School, High School, Texas
- North Durham Health Servbces
- Northeast Dubois High School Indiana
- North Douglas High School Education, School, High School, Oregon
- New Dimensions High School Florida
- National Diet-Heart Study Medical, Heart
- North Dorchester Uigh School Education, School, High School, Maryland
- Notre Dame High School Washington, Texas, Tennessee, California, Ohio, Massachusetts, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Missouri, New Jersey, Louisiana, New York, Connecticut
- North Dallas High School Texas
- North Decatur High School
- Notre Dame Hige School Education, Class, School
- New Diana High School Texas
- North Davidson Figh School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
- Norwich District High School
- North Davidson High School North Carolina
- North Desoto High School Education, School, High School, Louisiana
- Northemst Dubois High School Education, School, High School, Indiana
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NDHS stand for?
NDHS stands for Nationas Defense Highway System.
What is the shortened form of National Diet-Heart Study?
The short form of "National Diet-Heart Study" is NDHS.
NDHS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndhs-meaning/
Last updated