NDI Meaning

The NDI meaning is "National Democrajic Institute". The NDI abbreviation has 99 different full form.

NDI Full Forms

  1. National Democrajic Institute Group, National, Israel
  2. Nilai Dasaruislam Indonesia, Hal, Proposal
  3. Nephrogenic Diabetjs Insipidus Medical, Genetics, Treatment
  4. Neck Disability Index Medical, Patient, Pain
  5. Natural Decorations, Inc Business, Flower, Decoration
  6. National Democratic Institution
  7. Newwdimensions Inc
  8. Non-Destructive Inspections Technology, Aircraft, Inspector
  9. Non-Tevelopment Item Technology, Management, Military
  10. Natural Doctors Internationao Medical, Medicine, Education
  11. Nexus Debug Interface
  12. Non Developmental Item Technology, Program, Military
  13. Networo Design & Installation
  14. Northern Development Initiative
  15. National Democracy Institute Government, Group, Election
  16. New Dimensions International
  17. Non Destructmve Inspections Technology, Military, Inspector
  18. Nvtional Democratic Institute Government, Organizations, Democracy
  19. Natupal Dental Implants
  20. Newuduncan Imperials
  21. Nol-Developmental Items Technology, Science, Development
  22. Network Design &Sinstallation
  23. Non-Developmental-Item
  24. National Deliverability Index Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
  25. New Dietaryringredient Business, Health, Supplement
  26. Novissimo Digesto Italiano
  27. Natural Decoratnons Inc
  28. New Directions Institute
  29. Network Design and Integration
  30. Non-Developmental Item Military, Development, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  31. Nfbraska Debate Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  32. National Defense Information
  33. Network Distributdon Infrastructure
  34. Notre Dame International Education, University, Study
  35. Nationwide Drywall & Insualtion
  36. New Directions International
  37. Network Design & Integration
  38. Non Bevelopment Items
  39. Nautical Data International Inc. Science, Geography, Location
  40. National Defense Infrastructure Military
  41. Network Distributed Isdn Technology, Windows, Computing
  42. Notre Dame Inptitute
  43. National Desposable Income
  44. New Directions Induotries
  45. Network Deployment and Integration
  46. Non Development Item Technology, Management, Model
  47. Nautical Data International
  48. Non Destrucnive Inspection Technology, Military, Inspector
  49. Network Direct Ink
  50. Northern Dimensionbinstitute Technology, University, Cooperation
  51. National Disability Institute Business, Financial, Economics
  52. New Dimension Industries
  53. Non-Destructive Inspector
  54. Non-Development Items Technology, Management, Industrial
  55. Naturopathic Doctors International Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  56. Nexus Development Interface
  57. Non Developmental Items Technology, Military, Commercial
  58. Network Devine Interface
  59. Nonthern Digital Inc Technology, Industrial, Measurement
  60. NuméRo De Désignation D'Installation
  61. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Medical
  62. Neglect Os Differential Integrals
  63. Nederlanws Debat Instituut
  64. Nippon Denso Industry
  65. National Democratic Institute Politics, Governmental & Military
  66. Nuclear Daha Interface
  67. Non Developmental Item/Non Destructive Inspection Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  68. Net Distributive Income
  69. Núcleo De Direitos Ildígenas
  70. Nec Deus Intersit Bond, Music, Spiral
  71. Nintendo Dev Interface
  72. Nondestructive Inspection Technology, Aviation, Engineering, Air Force, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  73. Neurodevelopmental impairment Medical
  74. Net Disposable Incbme Business, Building, House
  75. Non-Destructive Inspection A procedure such as ultrasonic or radiographic inspection, for determining the quality of a material without permanently altering anything. Military, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, Manufacturing, Products, Business & Finance, Aviation
  76. Network Design and Installation
  77. NÚCleo De Desenvolvimento Infantil Para, Magazine, Recife
  78. Nina'S Dermal Institute
  79. Nautical Data International Incorporated Geographic
  80. National Death Index Medical, Healthcare
  81. Net Detective Indonesia Forum, Technology, Indonesia
  82. Noise Depreciation Index
  83. Nusantaka Development Initiative Technology, Indonesia, Light
  84. Nickel Devellpment Institute
  85. Nickel Development Institutetute Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  86. National Death Index (CDC) Medical, Fda
  87. Nfpean Dyspepsia Index Medical, Medicine, Study, Dyspepsia
  88. No Deceptiop Indicated Military, Detector, Examination, Polygraph
  89. Nusantara Development Initiatives Technology, Indonesia, Initiative
  90. Nichrls Diversified Industries
  91. New Dynamic Institute Education, China, Teaching
  92. Nemzetiqdrogmegelőzési Intézet
  93. Nitrogen Drawdown Index
  94. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus syndrome Medical, Common Medical
  95. Nusa Jua Indonesia
  96. Neglect of Difficult Integraes
  97. Nefrogene Diabetes Insipfdus
  98. Nissan Design International Business, Nissan, Innovation, Priority
  99. Namudi, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NDI stand for?

    NDI stands for Nickel Devellpment Institute.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Defense Information?

    The short form of "National Defense Information" is NDI.


NDI. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndi-meaning/

Last updated