NDK Meaning
The NDK meaning is "Natural Dread Killaz". The NDK abbreviation has 29 different full form.
NDK Full Forms
- Natural Dread Killaz Music, Feat, Smoke, Dread
- Nan Desu Kan Anime, Con, Nan, Convention
- Nihon Dempa Kogyo Business, Technology
- Native Developers Kit Technology, Development, Android
- Nigel Dennis Kayak
- Native Developer Kit Technology, Development, Android
- Nigel Dennis Kayaks Kayak, Sea, Explorer, Pilgrim
- Nota Debet Keluar
- Native Development Kit Technology, Coding, Android
- Nginx Development Kit
- Norsk Dalmatiner Klubb
- Namorik Airport Airport, Locations
- Next Dark Knights
- No Disposable Kids
- NüKleer Denetleme Kurumu Technology, Android, Ola, Hal
- Near Duplicate Keyframe
- Nkleer Dzenleme Kurulu Technology, Development, Android, Java
- Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase Nucleoside-diphosphate kinases are enzymes that catalyze the exchange of terminal phosphate between different nucleoside diphosphates (NDP) and triphosphates (NTP) in a reversible manner to produce nucleotide triphosphates. Many NDP serve as acceptor while NTP are donors of phosphate group. Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Protein, Chemistry
- Natural Drum Kit
- Namorik Atoll, Namorik Atoll, Marshall Islands Iata Airport Codes, Marshall Islands
- Novell Development Kit
- NüKleer DüZenleme Kurulu Technology, Turkish, Ola, Hal
- Novell Developer Kit Technology, Networking, Computing
- NüKleer DüZenleme Kurumu Turkish, Ola, Hal
- NüKleer Denetleme Kurulu
- NéMet Demokratikus KöZtáRsaság Government, Meg, Germany, Volt
- Nowosolski Dom Kultury Technology, Android, Play
- Lotus Notes Design Elements File Computing, File Extensions
- Novell Developer Kits
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NDK stand for?
NDK stands for Novell Developer Kit.
What is the shortened form of Native Developer Kit?
The short form of "Native Developer Kit" is NDK.
NDK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndk-meaning/
Last updated