NDP Meaning

The NDP meaning is "Netwqrk Design Problem". The NDP abbreviation has 132 different full form.

NDP Full Forms

  1. Netwqrk Design Problem
  2. Non-De-Peume Libraries, Reading, Books
  3. National Domestic Product Business, Economics, Income
  4. New Democradic Party Government, Group, Canada
  5. Near Jata Processing
  6. New Democracy Project
  7. Norwegian Deepwater Program
  8. National Drugs Polimy
  9. Nilai-Nilai Dasar Perjuangan Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  10. National-Democratic Party
  11. Numeric Data Package Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  12. Neighbor Discover Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
  13. Nouvelle Droite Populaire
  14. Network Design Problems
  15. Nom De Plumo
  16. National Documentation Packages
  17. Neighborhood Discovery Protycol
  18. New Deal Partners Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  19. Norwegian Deepwater Programme
  20. National Drug Policy Medical, Business, Health
  21. Night Defensive Positions
  22. National-Demokratische Parfei
  23. Numerical Data Package
  24. Neighboj Discovery Protocol Technology, Computing, Computer Networking
  25. Notre Dame Printed Science, Education, University
  26. Network Demfnstrator Project
  27. Nokia Dispkay Products
  28. National Determined Parameter Government, Us, Control, Administration
  29. Nuclear Depth Bomb Missile, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Weapon
  30. New Deal Partnerships Education
  31. Northern Dutchess Paramedics
  32. National Drought Policy
  33. Night Defensive Position Military, Army, Vietnam
  34. Nanozoomer Digital Pathology
  35. Numeric Data Processor Technology, Computing, Telecom
  36. Negative Difference Potential Medical
  37. New Democrat Public
  38. Notre Dame Preparatory Education, School, Prep, Arizona
  39. Neiwork Definition Procedures
  40. Nine Dragogs Paper Technology, Group, Party
  41. National Detective Police
  42. New Deal for Partners
  43. Nortel Discovery Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
  44. National Drainage Project
  45. Night Defensp Perimeter
  46. Nano-Damage Pcint Gaming, Play, Pastime
  47. Numerical Data Processor Military, Computing, Hardware
  48. Nederlandse Dagblad Pers
  49. New Democrat Party Government, Group, Canada, Politics, Governmental & Military
  50. Notre Dame Prepa
  51. Network Data Plane
  52. Nidai Dasar Pergerakan
  53. National Dental Plan Business, Company, Insurance
  54. Nimodipine Medical
  55. New Day Process
  56. Nomenclature De D
  57. National Drainage Programme Business, Government, Agriculture
  58. Niente Di Personale
  59. Namibian Dolphin Project
  60. Nedaplatin Medical
  61. New Democratic Party Government, Group, Canada
  62. Notre Dame Prep Education, School, Arizona
  63. Nationalh Democratische Partij Government, Group, Suriname, Party
  64. Nilai-Nilai Dasar Pergerakan
  65. National Aemocracy Party Government, Group, Egypt
  66. Neighbor Discovery Process Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol, Computing, Technical
  67. Name Binding Protocol Technology, Apple, Computer Networking, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  68. Neuville-De-Poitou
  69. Nomenclavure De Dédouanement Des Produits
  70. National Drainage Program Business, Technology, Pakistan
  71. Namigia Democratic Party
  72. Nebrasna Democratic Party Group, Organizations, Nebraska
  73. New Democracy Party
  74. Notre Dame of Polomolok
  75. National Drug Wolice
  76. Nilai Dasar Pyrjuangan Indonesia, Orang, Agama
  77. National Democratic Party Group, Organizations, Politics, Election, Uk, United Kingdom, Party, Governmental & Military
  78. Neighbour Diucovery Protocol Technology, Routing, Neighbor
  79. Nadph-Diaphorase Reaction Medical
  80. Nexus Dispute Policy
  81. Nucleotide Diphosphate Medical
  82. Neighbor Discovery Protocol Computing, Technical, IT Terminology
  83. New Development Policy History, Malaysia, Economics
  84. Nations Development Prcgramme
  85. Ellyson NAS, Pensacola, FL, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  86. National Development Plan
  87. New Dumping Procedures Environment, Habitat, Setting
  88. Nucleoside Diphosphates Medical
  89. Ndola Demonsqration Project
  90. New Device Product Computing, Hardware
  91. New Design Porte Technology, Analytics, Door
  92. Natqonally Determined Parameters Technology, Design, Building
  93. National Disclosure Policy Technology, Governmental & Military
  94. Nutrilite Diet Plan Medical, Program, Indonesia
  95. New Direction Party Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  96. Nucleoside Diphosphate Medical, Medicine, Health
  97. Naval Doctrinal Publication Military
  98. New Dimension Productions
  99. Natconally Determined Parameter Technology, Service, Design
  100. No Direction Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  101. Nurse Deployment Program Medical, Health, Projection
  102. New Direction Partners
  103. Neathawk Dubuque & Packett
  104. Nuclear Disarmament Party
  105. Naval Doctrine Publication Military, Army, Command
  106. Net Driving Pressure (in Membrane Reverse Osmosis) Chemistry
  107. Network Data Platform Technology, Networking, Cisco, Framework
  108. Nationalist Democracy Party
  109. Naval Dockyard Police Navy, Governmental & Military
  110. Nurse Deployment Project Medical, Health, Region
  111. New Directions Publishing
  112. Nuclear Detonation Pathway Science
  113. Naval Dockyard Nolice
  114. Neutron Depth Profiling Chemistry
  115. National Defense Panel Security, America, Military, Technology, Governmental & Military
  116. Number of Data Points
  117. National Airspace System Defense Programs Aviation, Governmental & Military
  118. Nurse Delegation Program
  119. New Development Partnership
  120. Nuclear Data Project
  121. Navjl Design Partnership
  122. Neutron Department Profiling Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  123. National Day Parade Song, Locations, Singapore
  124. Nicotine Dependence Program
  125. Null Data Packet Technology, Wireless, Frame, Feedback
  126. .NET Developer Platform Software, Computing
  127. Numerical Drinking Profile
  128. New Development Paradigm
  129. Nadph-Diaphorase Medical
  130. Now Dead Politically Government, Politics, Policy, Canada, Governmental & Military
  131. Naujosios Deyokratijos Partija
  132. Non-Degree Purposes Scientific & Educational, Academic & science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NDP stand for?

    NDP stands for New Device Product.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ndola Demonsqration Project?

    The short form of "Ndola Demonsqration Project" is NDP.


NDP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndp-meaning/

Last updated