NDRF Meaning

The NDRF meaning is "Neutrophil-Derived Relaxing Factor". The NDRF abbreviation has 21 different full form.

NDRF Full Forms

  1. Neutrophil-Derived Relaxing Factor Medical
  2. National Dysautonomia Research Foundation Medical, Disease, Health
  3. National Disaster Response Fund Management, Government, India
  4. National Defence Reserve Fleet Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  5. National Disaster Response Force Military, India, Team
  6. National Defense Reserve Fleet 1. Including the Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force, a fleet composed of ships acquired and maintained by the Maritime Administration for use in mobilization or emergency.2. Less the Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force, a fleet composed of the older dry cargo ships, tankers, troop transports, and other assets in Maritime Administration’s custody that are maintained at a relatively low level of readiness. Military, Army, Ship, Governmental & Military
  7. National Design & Research Foundation Technology, India, Engineer
  8. Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Nitric, Chemistry
  9. National Design Research Forum Technology, India, Engineer
  10. National Design & Research Forum Technology, Management, India
  11. New Digital Radio Frequency
  12. National Design and Research Forum Technology, Education, India
  13. National Disaster Rescue Force Locations, Chennai, Rain
  14. National Disaster Response Framework
  15. National Disaster Relief Fund Government, India, Minister
  16. National Disaster Recovery Framework United Nations
  17. Nusa Dua Reef Foundation
  18. Neurod-Related Factor Medical
  19. Nordic Demining Research Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  20. Naval Defense Reserve Fleet
  21. National Dyslexia Research Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NDRF stand for?

    NDRF stands for National Dyslexia Research Foundation.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Design & Research Foundation?

    The short form of "National Design & Research Foundation" is NDRF.


NDRF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndrf-meaning/

Last updated