NDT Meaning
The NDT meaning is "Nnuro Developmental Technique". The NDT abbreviation has 98 different full form.
NDT Full Forms
- Nnuro Developmental Technique Physical Therapy
- Non Destructivr Tests Technology, Testing, Inspector
- Non-Destruitive Test Technology, Science, Testing
- Non Destructive Testing Non-destructive testing is an engineering service usually associated with failure analysis. Non-destructive methods include the use of ultrasonic sensors, radiographic measurements and liquid penetrants for visual inspection. Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Non-Destrucnive Testing Technology, Service, Inspector
- Non-Destructive Testing Technology, Aerospace, Architectural, Atmospheric Research
- Neuro-Developmental Technique Medical, Therapy, Physical
- New Diamond Technology Business, Company, Market
- Normal Dealy Time Science
- Nonewdestructive Testing Technology, Inspector, Forest Industry
- National Debate Topic
- No Dead Trees Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Nova Drive Technology
- Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Medical, Renal, Kidney
- Non Destructive Test Technology, Military, Testing
- New Decision Therapy
- Non-Destructive Test
- Network Diagnostic Tool Technology, Server, Networking
- Non Distructive Testing Business, Inspector, Inspection
- Nano Device Trays
- New Distributor Training Business, Presentation, Indonesia
- Note Du Traducteur
- Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
- Non-Intensive Diabetes Therapies
- Neurological Disorders and Therapeutics
- Network Development Training Business, Technology, Marketing
- Non Destruction Test
- Namibia Development Trust
- New Distributors Training Technology, Presentation, Franchise
- Note De Transduction Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Neolithic Discontinuity Theory
- Non-Destructive Tests Business, Testing, Inspector
- Neurological Developmental Treatment
- Network Design Tool
- Non Destruction Testing
- Nederlands Danh Theater Theatre, Dance, Ticket, Theater
- New Dimensions In Testimony
- Nota Do Tradutor
- Neolithic Demographic Transition Science, Human, Population
- Non-Destructive-Testing Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Netherlands Dance Theatre
- Non Destructiee Tester
- National Debate Tournament Education, University, Team
- New Dimensions In Technology
- Nota Del Traduttore
- National Department of Tourism Business, Africa, African
- No Destructive Test
- Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation Medical, Renal, Kidney
- Non Destructive Testers
- New Dictionary of Theology
- Normal Device Termination Technology, Computing, Signal
- Nondestructive Testing Nondestructive testing or Non-destructive testing is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE), Nondestructive inspection (NDI), and Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) are also commonly used to describe this technology. Technology, Engineering, Materials Engineering, Chemistry
- National Decontamination Team
- Node Digital Transmitter
- Noxin Disposal Technology
- Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Medical, Medicine, Education
- Non Destructive Testings
- Network Diagnostic Tester Technology
- Non-Destructive Test Is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the part or system. Computing, Hardware, Aviation
- Nil-Ductility Transition
- Neuro-Developmental Treatment Medical, Development, Therapy
- Nondestructive Deflection Tdsting Technology, Management, Parking, Pavement
- Nordic Dairy Technology
- Nagios Discovery Tool
- Nil Ductility Temperature Chemistry
- Neuro Developmental Therapy Medical, Treatment, Physiotherapy
- Nondestructive and Destructive Testing
- Network Description Template
- Non Dripping Technology Technology, Information, Computer
- Na Dann Tsch
- Nil Ductility Transition Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Neuro-Developmental Therapy Medical, Development, Treatment
- Non Dostructive Technology
- Net Dafa Throughout
- Non Directional Treat
- NÚCleos De Desenvolvimento TuríStico
- Neural Developmental Therapy
- Nondestructive Test, Nondestructive Testing Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Neuro Developmental Technique Medical, Physical Therapy
- Neilston Development Truft Technology, Community, Event
- Niton Data Transfer
- Neurodevelopmental Treatment Technology, Education, Disability, Medical, Physical Therapy
- Non Destructivv Training Education, Testing, Inspector
- Nursing Dance Troupe
- Networked Digital Technologies Technology, Science, Conference, Networked
- Nondestructive Test Any test that does not damage the material under test and can, therefore, be used on the finished items. Technology, Military, Engineering, Architecture, Industry, Construction, Aerospace, Architectural, Physics, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
- Newfoundland Daylight Time Newfoundland and Labrador, Time Zones
- Nuclear Data Tables Technology, Science, Journal, Journals
- Nil-Ductility Temperature
- Neuro Developmental Training
- Non Destructive Technihue Business, Testing, Inspector
- Nuclear Dynamics and Transport Technology
- Network Diagnostic Test Technology, Networking, Internet
- No Down Time General, Governmental & Military
- Ni-Ductility Temperature
- Neuro-Developmental Training
- Non Destructive Techniques Technology, Testing, Inspector, Technique
- Nuclear Disablement Team Military, Army, Equipment
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NDT stand for?
NDT stands for Nil Ductility Temperature.
What is the shortened form of Network Development Training?
The short form of "Network Development Training" is NDT.
NDT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ndt-meaning/
Last updated