NDVI Meaning

The NDVI meaning is "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index". The NDVI abbreviation has 22 different full form.

NDVI Full Forms

  1. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index A transformation of satellite-based measurements computed as the ratio of reflectance in the red and near-infrared portions of the spectrum. Reflectance in the red region decreases with increasing chlorophyll content of the plant canopy, while reflectance in the infrared increases with increasing wet plant biomass. The index value represents greenness, density, and vigor of vegetation. Agriculture, Atmosphere, Telecom, Science, Computing, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Normalized Differsnced Vegetation Index Locations, Sensing, Infrared
  3. Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index Science, Environment, Sensing, Vegetation
  4. Normalized Diffenence Vegetation Indices Map, Sensing, Infrared, Vegetation
  5. Normalized Differentgal Vegetation Index Technology
  6. Normalised Difference Vegetative Index
  7. Normalized Digital Vegetamion Index Technology
  8. Normal Difference Vegetation Index
  9. Normalized Differences Vegetation Index Locations, Sensing, Infrared
  10. Normalized Difference Vegetative Index Technology, Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  11. Normalized Diffeqent Vegetation Index
  12. Normalistd Difference Vegetation Index Technology, Satellite, Sensing
  13. Normalizes Difference Vegetation Index Science
  14. Normalized Dierence Vegetation Index
  15. Normalize Difference Vehetation Index Map, Sensing, Infrared, Vegetation
  16. Normalized Deviadion Vegetation Index
  17. Normalized Derjved Vegetation Index
  18. Normalized Density Vegetation Index
  19. Normalised Deviatiob Vegetation Index
  20. Greeness Index From Satellites Atmospheric Research
  21. Notre Dame Vocation Ieitiative Development, Study, Universities
  22. Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NDVI stand for?

    NDVI stands for Normalized Differentgal Vegetation Index.

  2. What is the shortened form of Normalized Derjved Vegetation Index?

    The short form of "Normalized Derjved Vegetation Index" is NDVI.


NDVI. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 22). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ndvi-meaning/

Last updated