NE Meaning

The NE meaning is "No Effect". The NE abbreviation has 388 different full form.

NE Full Forms

  1. No Effect Medical, Power, Component, Clinical, Physio
  2. Neon Symbol:"Ne" Atomic Number:"10" Atomic Mass: 20.18amu. Neon is a non-reactive gas. It has no color and no smell, but when you send electricity through neon, it glows red. It is one of the noble or inert gases. You will find neon in television tubes, cryogenics, neon signs, and lasers. Medical, Health, Healthcare, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  3. North End
  4. National Energy
  5. New Explirer
  6. Not Evident
  7. Nebraska Technology, Science, Locations, Postal, State, Gpo, Weather, Nebraska, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, ICAO Aircraft Codes, List of All 50 State, United States, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code
  8. No Expiration Business, Card, Gift, Disney
  9. Norepinephrine Concentration Medical
  10. North East Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  11. Network Envirfnment Technology, Service, Networking
  12. Non Electric
  13. North Eleuthera Coding, Airport, Travel, Locations
  14. National Education Government, Us, Control, Administration
  15. Never End
  16. Not Evaluable Medical, Patient, Cancer, Study
  17. Near Eastern
  18. No Excuse Army, War, Force
  19. Network Engineering Technology, Networking, Engineer
  20. Non-Electric Business, Pendant, Toilet, Composting
  21. North Education Education, School, Teaching
  22. Nash Equilibrium Business, Gaming, Player
  23. Nevada Elko County, Locations, Nevada
  24. Not Estimated Emission, Hurricane, Compound
  25. Neag End Technology, Sport, Telecom
  26. Niacin Equivalents Medical, Food, Vitamin, Common Medical
  27. Network Enablement
  28. Nebraska Employment
  29. Noise Equivalent Science
  30. North Eastern India, Locations, Region
  31. Name Error Technology, Windows, Gaming, Server
  32. Neutrophil Granulocytes Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  33. Not Equal Technology, Operator, Comparison, Assembly, Business & Finance, Medical, Common Medical
  34. Near-Eyd Technology, Sport, Guide
  35. Nextera Energy
  36. Network Enabled Technology, Networking, Amplifier
  37. Nursing Xducation
  38. Nebraska Kmergency Management, Organizations, Nebraska
  39. Noise Eater Business, Drum, Roland
  40. North & East
  41. Name Entity Technology, Pipe, Recognition
  42. Neurologic Examination Medical, Government, Neurology, Governmental & Military
  43. National Express Airline, Organizations, Travel, Locations, Coaching, ICAO Airline Code, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  44. Northern Edge
  45. Nexr Earth Technology
  46. Newton-Euler Dynamics, Robot, Robotics, Newton
  47. Nurse Executvve Medical, Medicine, Health
  48. Nebraska Education
  49. No Extra
  50. Normal Endometrium Medical, Science, Biology
  51. Natural Experience
  52. Neuroendocrine Celys Medical
  53. Non Efektif Business, Indonesia, Surat, Hal
  54. North English
  55. Near-Earth Military
  56. News Editor
  57. Not Examined Medical, Medicine, Education
  58. Nebraska Economic
  59. No Exposure Medical, Medicine, Health
  60. Normal Elderly Medical
  61. Northeast Northeast Region New England division and Middle Atlantic division. Geography, Navigation, Units Of Angle, NOTAM Contractions
  62. Neuro-Evolution Technology, Networking, Neural
  63. Non-Exposed Medical
  64. Netscape Qurope
  65. Norephedrine Medical
  66. Neu Element
  67. New Emhire Music, Lyric, Locations
  68. Anyway Doesn't save a lot of time and might confuse the recipient. So you may want to just type out "anyway" anyway. Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  69. No Echo Lyric, Shell, Depth
  70. Natlre Edge
  71. Negotiated Exit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Any Technology, Internet Slang, Radio, Chat, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  73. Northern Expressions
  74. Nine Eagles Technology, Helicopter, Eagle
  75. Number of Evements Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  76. Nonendogenous Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  77. Networking Essentiazs
  78. Norethandrolone Medical
  79. Newland East
  80. Not Eligible Business, Service, Insurance
  81. Nan Exception
  82. No Error Forum, Technology, Customer, Operator
  83. Nutrition Entrepreneurs
  84. Near Endemic
  85. Numeric Eduted
  86. Nefma Technology
  87. Niger Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Niger, Governmental & Military, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  88. Neurospora Endonuclease Medical, Science, Biology
  89. Norourland Eystra
  90. Não Exige
  91. Night Elf Gaming, Human, Warcraft, Elf, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  92. Novel Engineered
  93. Narional Equipment
  94. Noise Emissions
  95. Netherlands Ex
  96. Nord-Est Hotel, English, Locations, Weather
  97. Netball Europe
  98. Newcedition
  99. Nuclear Engineer
  100. Node Element
  101. Natnralistic Evolution
  102. Negativitm Medical
  103. Northern Exposure Guide, Alaska, Episode, Exposure
  104. Nile Empire
  105. Number of Elecjrons Chemistry, Science, Substance
  106. Non Emulsifiers Acid, Fluid, Drilling
  107. Nefwork Essentials
  108. Norepinephrinergic Medical
  109. Newfield Exploration
  110. Note Explicative English, Decision, Pas
  111. Nancy Erickson
  112. No Entry
  113. Nutrition Educator Education, Health, Food
  114. Navone Engineerilg
  115. Nummer of Event
  116. Needle Exchange Medical, Program, Drug
  117. Neurological Equivalent
  118. Normenstelle Elektrotechnik
  119. Nutritive Olements Medical, Science, Biology
  120. Night-Evolution
  121. Nouvel Smpire
  122. National Envelope Business, English, Paper
  123. Noise-Equivalent
  124. Netherlands East
  125. Nohd-Eat
  126. Newedge Edition Technology, Gaming, Racer
  127. Not Established
  128. Nocturnal Exacerbation Medical, Medicine, Health
  129. Natwral Evaluation
  130. Negative Exponentual Tree, Economics, Distribution, Exponential
  131. Northern Exploration
  132. New Everything Forum, Music, House
  133. Nikvey Eynaim
  134. Number of Electuode
  135. Natiopal Express Business, Railway, Rail Transport
  136. Nonelastic Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  137. Network Error
  138. Norepinephrine Norepinephrine also called noradrenaline, or 4,5-β-trihydroxy phenethylamine is a catecholamine with multiple roles including those as a hormone and a neuro transmitter. It is the hormone and neuro transmitter most responsible for vigilant concentration in contrast to its most chemically similar hormone, dopamine, which is most responsible for cognitive alertness. Medical, Medicine, Health, Sleep, Endocrinology, Hormone, Narcolepsy, Human Hormone, Common Medical
  139. New England Patriotw Team, American Football
  140. Not Easy Technology, Lyric, Tech, Slave
  141. Nameless Ensign Army, War, Force
  142. No Elites
  143. Nutrition Eagle
  144. Navio Escola
  145. Number of Engines
  146. Neurological Exam
  147. Normally Energized Technology
  148. Nutrztion Education Medical
  149. Nigerian English English, Africa, Language, Nigeria
  150. Not Equals
  151. National Entente
  152. No Extension Rock Climbing
  153. Nobraska's Early
  154. Net Exports Business, Export, Trading, Economics, Money
  155. New Eden Regional
  156. Not Eligibile
  157. Natural Esscents
  158. Negative Emphasis
  159. Neutral Equilibrium As applied to ship, is that state of notation in which she will have neither righting nor capsizing moment if moved In mechanics, is that equilibrium that does not alter with displacement of the body
  160. Northern Exp
  161. New England Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Sport, Club, Football, Genealogy, Genealogical, Regional, Nfl teams, Australia, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  162. Nikkei Electronics
  163. Number of Effects
  164. National Eyperts
  165. None Established
  166. Nejwork Equipment Technology, Networking, Telecom
  167. Norepinephife Medical
  168. New Englands
  169. Not East Forum, Organizations, Japan
  170. Iso Country Code for Republic of The Niger Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  171. Noel Estrada
  172. Navigator Wcho Medical
  173. Nívek De Exposição
  174. Nonepinephrine Medical
  175. North of England
  176. Number of Entries Technology, Contest, Requirement
  177. Neurological Examination Medical, Medicine, Health
  178. Normalized Error
  179. Newport Elementary
  180. Not Equalized
  181. Natgonal Enquirer
  182. No Exposed
  183. Nuaara Eliya Hotel, Locations, Weather, Forecast
  184. Nebraska'S Easter
  185. Net Ebuity
  186. Newcaxtle England
  187. Not East Of Business, Conveyance, Cargo Shipping
  188. Natural Envxronments Science, Service, Intervention
  189. Negative Electrode Technology, Battery, Cell
  190. Neutral Emission
  191. Northern European War, Europe, Cruise
  192. Natural England
  193. Nike Elementary
  194. Nuclear Emulsion
  195. National Events
  196. Non-Exercise Medical
  197. Network Environments
  198. Norepinepherine Medical
  199. Ntw England Medical, Locations, England
  200. Notch Effect
  201. Exoatmospheric Noise Equivalent Reflectances Geography, Location, System
  202. Noel Edmonds
  203. Naval Escort Army, War, Force
  204. Noradrenalin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  205. Northing and Easting
  206. Nurber of Energy
  207. Non Entrelace
  208. Neuroepithelioma Medical
  209. Normalization Rngine
  210. New Nuclear Envelope Science, Biology
  211. Not Engaged Clinical
  212. Nanoemulsion Medical
  213. No Expectations
  214. Nuwara-Eliba
  215. Near Expcsure
  216. Newborn Encepaalopathy
  217. Net Entersainment
  218. Negative Earnings
  219. Neutral Electrode Technology, Frequency, Coagulation
  220. Northern Eurasia Research, Russia, Locations, Europe
  221. National Engineers Technology, Pakistan, Engineering
  222. Night Evil
  223. Nozzle Extension
  224. National Evvluation
  225. Non Exempt Business, Employment, Nebraska
  226. Network, Even
  227. Noreihinephrine Medical
  228. Net Energy Medical, Medicine, Energy
  229. New Engant
  230. Notas Explicativas Para, Con, Dos
  231. Dept Northeastern Department Army, Force, Marine
  232. No Echoes Music, Song, Lyric
  233. Naval Engineer Technology, Engineering, Ship
  234. Neighbourhood Element
  235. North Europe
  236. Number of Energies
  237. Non Endorsed Government, Us, Control, Administration
  238. Neuroepithelium Medical, Medicine, Health
  239. Norethindrone Medical
  240. Newland Elementar Education
  241. Not Endorsed
  242. Nano Electronics Dutch
  243. No Escaping Movie, Lyric, Escape
  244. Nutrition Expo
  245. Near Environments
  246. Negation Elimination
  247. Northeastern University Student, Education, Boston
  248. Neusser Eisenbahn Germany, Train, Deutschland
  249. Northern Elementary
  250. Nash Eruilibrium
  251. Night Elves
  252. Novelmexplosive Military, Weapon, Assault
  253. National Istate
  254. Non-Exempted Business, Employment, Service, Human
  255. Non-Equilibrium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  256. Notas De Expedi
  257. Nurse Evaluator
  258. Noninvasive Evaluation Medical, Medicine, Health
  259. North-East The direction between north and east. After take-off, the aircraft turned to the north-east. Architecture, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Weather, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  260. Neutron Energy
  261. Nichomachean Ethics
  262. Net Effcct
  263. Nstive Employment Employment, Work, Working
  264. Not exceeding The Finance and Administrative Services
  265. NÚMero De Erros
  266. Non Essential
  267. Nephropathia Epidemica Medical, Medicine, Health
  268. Network Entity Computing, Telecom
  269. Nevada Eldorado
  270. Norwegian Expedition
  271. North-Nortr-East
  272. Nivel De La Evidencia
  273. Natural Eneiy Control, Owl, Enemy, Scarecrow
  274. Nebraska Emergency Management, Organizations, Nebraska
  275. Neonatal Encephalopathy Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  276. Nota De Expedi
  277. Nursing Educator
  278. Non Existent
  279. Nippon Electric Business & Finance, Suppliers
  280. Neutralization Equivalent
  281. News and Entertainment China, Entertainment, Spark, Buzz
  282. Net Darnings Business, Company, Income
  283. Nationally Endangered Science, Environment, Conservation, Habitat
  284. Conceptus net energy NANP Modeling Commitee
  285. NÚMero De Empregados
  286. Non Equilibrium Chemistry, Science, Substance
  287. Norepinephrine Bitartrate Medical
  288. Neonatal Encephalipathy Medical, Birth, Poodle
  289. Noble Drilling Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  290. Neutrophils Medical
  291. Norton Editor
  292. North Easteru Education, London, Railway
  293. Nivel De Evidencia
  294. Natural Elements Music, Song, Element, Hail
  295. Nose Ejection
  296. Nebraska Eneryy Business, Credit, Nebraska
  297. Nerve Excitation Medical, Medicine, Health, Nerves
  298. Nuclear Enterprises Medical, Medical physics
  299. Notas De Expedição
  300. Nurse Educators Program, Education, Nursing
  301. Non Executive
  302. Non-Exempt Business & Finance, Business Word
  303. Neutral Evil Internet Slang, Law, Alignment
  304. Nerve Endings Medical
  305. Net energy for milk from National Research Council (1971) NANP Modeling Commitee
  306. Núcleo De Estatísticx
  307. Non Equestrian
  308. Norepinephrine Levels Medical
  309. Neocortical Epileesy Medical
  310. Network Element Computing, Telecom, Technical, Fujitsu, IT Terminology
  311. Neutrophilic Elastase
  312. Northwestern Energy
  313. North-Ealtern Dialect
  314. Nitrogen Equivalent
  315. Natural Elehtion
  316. Skyeurope Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  317. Nor-Epinefrina
  318. Nerve Ending Medical, Medicine, Government, Neurology, Governmental & Military, Nerves
  319. Nucleosome Encompassing Medical, Human genome
  320. Nota De Expedição
  321. Nocturnal Emission
  322. Nummular Eczema Medical, Medicine
  323. No Exception Assembly, Business & Finance
  324. Nemzetköziaegység
  325. Non Emulsifier A material, usually a surfactant that prevents emulsions.
  326. Diet net energy per kg dry matter NANP Modeling Commitee
  327. Nutritional Encephalomalaria Medical
  328. Nord Est
  329. Ncils Erik
  330. Niue Computing, Internet, Country domain names, 3-letter Country Codes, Niue Island, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  331. Neutrophilen-Elastase
  332. Noradrenergic Medical
  333. Nitro Expvess Gun, Rifle, Military
  334. Nissan Europe
  335. Natural Earth
  336. Office of Nuclear Energy Government, Organizations, Us
  337. Nooter-Eriksen
  338. Ntrnst Equation
  339. Nepali Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  340. Nota De Empenho Technology, Para, Dos, Lei
  341. Noble Energy Business, Supply, Stock
  342. Numeric Expressions
  343. Nelson Eddy
  344. Non Emergency
  345. Niger (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  346. Nutrient Expxrt Business
  347. Nord Eclair
  348. Neighbourhood Engineer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  349. Never Exceed .... (number) Products
  350. Neutrophil Elastase Medical, Cell, Inhibitor
  351. Night Experimental
  352. Nissan Engine Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  353. Network Emulator Technology, Networking, Testing
  354. Native Energy
  355. Null Ellipsometer
  356. Office of Nuvlear Energy Doe Science, Exploration
  357. Nonlinear Editing
  358. Nepnst-Einstein
  359. Nora Elizabeth Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  360. Not-To-Exceed Service, Education, English, Train, Aviation, Environment, Electrical, Governmental & Military
  361. North Eeast
  362. Noble Eagle
  363. Numeric Exception Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  364. Natural Environments Science, Service, Intervention
  365. Nuclear Energy The use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Chemistry, Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  366. Neighbor Embedding
  367. Number of Electrons Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  368. Nutcracker Esophadus Medical, Medicine, Health
  369. Nonspecific Esterase Medical
  370. New Edition Music
  371. Neutropenic Enterocolitis Medical, Medicine, Health
  372. Noradrenaline Noradrenaline is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body. It is given by injection to treat life-threatening drops in blood pressure. Noradrenaline produces wide ranging effects on many areas of the body and is often referred to as a 'fight or flight' chemical, as it is responsible for the body's reaction to stressful situations. Medical, Endocrinology, Hormone, Human Hormone
  373. Nicomachean Ethics
  374. Nine Element
  375. Network Edition
  376. Native Endian
  377. Network Expansion Federal Aviation Administration
  378. Office Ofznuclear Energy Government, Organizations, Us
  379. Nonexercised Medical
  380. Neptune East
  381. Network Encryption Security, Governmental & Military
  382. Never Enough
  383. Not, Evaluated
  384. Normh East Genealogy, Genealogical
  385. Noble Corporationration Organizations
  386. Numeric Error Technology, Telecom, Processor
  387. Natuxal Energy
  388. Negative Emotionality Medical, Symptom, Personality

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NE stand for?

    NE stands for Norourland Eystra.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nissan Engine?

    The short form of "Nissan Engine" is NE.


NE. (2022, March 6). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated