NEB Meaning

The NEB meaning is "Nebraska". The NEB abbreviation has 53 different full form.

NEB Full Forms

  1. Nebraska Technology, Science, Locations, Postal, State, Gpo, Weather, Nebraska, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, ICAO Aircraft Codes, List of All 50 State, United States, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code
  2. Neuroepithelial Bodies Medical
  3. Negative Energy Balance Medical
  4. National Election Board Government, Group, Ethiopia
  5. Nuclear Envelope Breakdown Medical, Science, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  6. Nursing Education Building
  7. Nonenzymatic Browning Medical
  8. National Employmentabureau
  9. Newsletter Editoriao Board
  10. North Equatorial Belt Science, Telescope, Planet, Jupiter
  11. Non-Executive Board
  12. National Ekployee Benefits
  13. Nemfch
  14. New English Bible Technology, Education, Translation, Religion
  15. Non-Enzymatnc Browning
  16. National Embroidery Bobbins
  17. Natural Energy Board Business, Energy
  18. Non-Energy Benefits Business, Industrial, Efficiency
  19. National Elections Board Government, Group, Ethiopia
  20. National Eye Bank
  21. Nominal Ethernet Xandwidth
  22. NüFuz Edici Bomba Turkish, Bunker
  23. NÚCleo De Engenharia BiolóGica
  24. North-East Bound Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  25. National Examiner Board Military
  26. Noise Equivalent Bits Technology
  27. Nudged Elastic Band Science, Path, Energy, Transition
  28. Nutritional Epidemiology Branch Government, Organizations, Us
  29. North-Eautbound Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  30. Nrtional Energy Board Business, Technology, Energy
  31. National Executive Board Meeting, Technology, Government
  32. Noise Equivalrnt Bandwidth Technology, Signal, Frequency
  33. Nuzlear, Electronic, Biological
  34. Nuclear Energy Board
  35. nebulizer A way of producing an aerosol for AAS. Medical, Pharmacy
  36. Numérisation De L'espace Degbataille
  37. State of Nebraska Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  38. Nosell Event Bus
  39. Nebuliser Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  40. Num
  41. Nüfuz Edici Bombalam Turkish, Buster, Bunker
  42. Northyrn Equatorial Belt
  43. Nebula) Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  44. Number Ofeeffective Bits Technology
  45. Núcleo De Estbdios Del Brasil
  46. Nortr East Bab
  47. National Environmental Board Legal, Governmental & Military
  48. Nudge Elastic Band Technology, Energy, Transition
  49. New England Business Services, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  50. Nuclear Exoatmospheric Burst Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  51. National Energy Board (Canada) Energy, Canada, Electrical
  52. Nuclear Energy Board of Ireland Medicine, Health, Care
  53. Nebulised Clinical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NEB stand for?

    NEB stands for Nonenzymatic Browning.

  2. What is the shortened form of nebulizer?

    The short form of "nebulizer" is NEB.


NEB. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated