Neck Abbreviations and Neck Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Neck terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Neck abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Neck terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Neck Abbreviations
  1. ADAM : Advanced Dynamic Anthropomorphic Manikin
  2. ALPT : Alternative Load Path Technology
  3. BBT : Bird, Bottle Und Trout
  4. BFA : BüRo FüR Architektur
  5. BOT : Base of Tongue
  6. BT : Base of Tongue
  7. CBRG : Cochrane Back Review Group
  8. CCFT : Cranio-Cervical Flexion Test
  9. CDSA : Combat Direction Systems Activity
  10. CTO : Cervical-Thoracic Orthosis
  11. CTO : Cervical Thoracic Orthosis
  12. HVV : High Voltage Violet
  13. MCF : Mouth Cancer Foundatioz
  14. MM : Mighty Mite
  15. EORTC : European Organization Research and Treatment of Cancer
  16. SB : Special Blend
  17. SM : Seymourized Mini
  18. SN : Short Neck
  19. TL : Transzarent Lavender
  20. TORS : Trans Orgl Robotic Surgery
  21. FEES : Fujctional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow
  22. FHP : Forward Head Posture
  23. LT : Long Toqso
  24. NNPDC : Northern Neck Planningvdistrict Commission
  25. NPQ : Northwick Park Questionnaire
  26. NT : Neck Through
  27. NT : Neck Tone
  28. JISRF : Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
  29. JVR : Jugular Venous Reflux
  30. KF : Klippel Feil Syndrome
Latest Neck Meanings
  1. External Jugular Tein
  2. Plastic Closure Only
  3. Klippel Feil Syndrome
  4. Jugular Venous Reflux
  5. Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
  6. Neck Tone
  7. Neck Through
  8. Northwick Park Questionnaire
  9. Northern Neck Planningvdistrict Commission
  10. Long Toqso
  11. Forward Head Posture
  12. Fujctional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow
  13. Trans Orgl Robotic Surgery
  14. Transzarent Lavender
  15. Short Neck
  16. Seymourized Mini
  17. Special Blend
  18. European Organization Research and Treatment of Cancer
  19. Mighty Mite
  20. Mouth Cancer Foundatioz