Neighbor Abbreviations and Neighbor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Neighbor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Neighbor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Neighbor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Neighbor Abbreviations
  1. ZAMN : Zombies Ate My Neighbors
  2. CGA : Cryptographically Generajed Address
  3. NA : Neighbor Advertisement
  4. NA : Neighbour Advertisement
  5. TLLA : Target Link-Layer Address
  6. FAN : Friends and Neighbours
  7. NC : Neighbour Cache
  8. FNN : False Nearest Neighbour
  9. NCHEC : Neighborworks Center for Homeownersyip Education and Counseling
  10. ND : Neighbouf Discovery
  11. NDP : Neighbour Diucovery Protocol
  12. LTN : Love Thy Neighbour
  13. NJ : Neighbour-Joining
  14. NN : Nearest Neighbours
  15. NN : Nearest Neighbour
  16. NN : Nearest Neighbourhood
  17. NRT : Neighbour Relation Table
  18. NTI : Neighborworks Training Institute
  19. NUD : Neighbour Unreachability Petection
  20. GNN : Gradient Nearest Neighbor
Latest Neighbor Meanings
  1. Gradient Nearest Neighbor
  2. Neighbour Unreachability Petection
  3. Neighborworks Training Institute
  4. Neighbour Relation Table
  5. Nearest Neighbourhood
  6. Nearest Neighbour
  7. Nearest Neighbours
  8. Neighbour-Joining
  9. Love Thy Neighbour
  10. Neighbour Diucovery Protocol
  11. Neighbouf Discovery
  12. Neighborworks Center for Homeownersyip Education and Counseling
  13. False Nearest Neighbour
  14. Neighbour Cache
  15. Friends and Neighbours
  16. Target Link-Layer Address
  17. Neighbour Advertisement
  18. Neighbor Advertisement
  19. Cryptographically Generajed Address
  20. Zombies Ate My Neighbors