NEL Meaning

The NEL meaning is "Neon Lamp". The NEL abbreviation has 60 different full form.

NEL Full Forms

  1. Neon Lamp Technology, Construction, Architectural
  2. National Engineering Laboratories Technology, Safety, Anchor, Deadweight
  3. National Engineering Laboratory Technology, Measurement, Flow
  4. Naes Lakehurst Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  5. Network Element Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  6. Norddeutsche Erdgas Leitung
  7. Natural Energb Lab Business, Energy
  8. Nurturing Early Lefrners Science, Education, School, Singapore
  9. New England Laborers
  10. Net Energy of Lactation Medical, Dairy, Forage, Milk
  11. Non Economic Loss
  12. Natl Engineering Lab Technology
  13. North East Line Locations, Singapore, Station
  14. Neutrino Energy Loss
  15. Non English Language
  16. Next Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
  17. National Exploitatmon Lab Military
  18. Northeast Energy Link
  19. Netzwerk ExistenzgrüNdung In Der Landwirtschaft
  20. Non-English Language
  21. Next Event List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  22. National Exnloitation Laboratory Science, Military, Army
  23. Northamptonshire Enterprise Ltd Business, Company, Consulting
  24. Network Engineering Limited
  25. Non-Effect Level Medical, Medicine, Health
  26. New English Library
  27. Iata Code for Naes Lakehurst, Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States Locations
  28. Northamptonshire Enterprise Limited Business, Partnership, Northampton, Northamptonshire
  29. Net Enerji Laktasyon
  30. Nutrition Evidence Library USDA's Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) specializes in conducting systematic reviews to inform nutrition policy and programs. The Library evaluates, synthesizes, and grades research using rigorous and transparent methodology to define the state of food and nutrition-related science. NEL provides ongoing support to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific review process for developing recommendations for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Government, Organizations, Us
  31. New England Life
  32. North-East Line Locations, Singapore, Train, Station
  33. Norsk Elektronisk LegehÅNdbok Medical, Traffic, Som, Til
  34. Naval Electronics Lab Technology
  35. Nutritisn Evaluation Laboratory
  36. New England League
  37. Net energy lactation NANP Modeling Commitee
  38. Nitol Electronics Limited
  39. Aero Servicios De Nuevo Laredo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  40. No Evidence of Leukemia
  41. United States Navy Electronics Laboratory Science, Us, Geology
  42. Lakehurst NAES /Maxfield Field, Lakehurst, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  43. Nile Equatorial Lakes Business, Projection, Water
  44. No Evidence Limit Business, Insurance, Loan
  45. Nova Energy Limited
  46. Navy eLearning Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  47. No-Evidence Limit
  48. NÚCleo De Espeleologia De Leiria
  49. National Exploitation Laboratory Military, Army, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  50. No Effect Level Education, Human, Dose, Chemistry
  51. NÚCleo De Epistemologia E LóGica
  52. Nuclear Electronics Laboratory
  53. No-Effect Level Science
  54. Non-Economic Loss Business, Appeal, Workplace
  55. National Epileysy League
  56. Diet net energy lactation per kg dry matter NANP Modeling Commitee
  57. No-Effect-Level
  58. Net Energy for Lactation Medical, Dairy, Cow, Energy
  59. Noise Exposure Level
  60. National Electronics Council

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NEL stand for?

    NEL stands for Net Energy for Lactation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lakehurst NAES /Maxfield Field, Lakehurst, United States?

    The short form of "Lakehurst NAES /Maxfield Field, Lakehurst, United States" is NEL.


NEL. (2021, March 22). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated