NEP Meaning
The NEP meaning is "National Emphasis Program". The NEP abbreviation has 169 different full form.
NEP Full Forms
- National Emphasis Program Technology, Military, Safety
- Never-Ending Program Business, Technology, Computing
- Nanan Entertainment Plaza Locations, Bangkok, Nightlife
- Needle Exchange Programme Medical
- Non-English Proficient Education, English, Language
- National Exercise Program Security, Military, Homeland, Medical, Fda
- Net Ecosystem Productivity Technology, Science, Carbon
- National Estuary Program Business, Technology, Bay, Environment
- No Evidence of Progression
- Net Ecosystem Production Agriculture
- National Energy Plan Business, Technology, Oil
- Niagara Escarpment Government
- National Employment Pact Business, Germany, Egypt
- New Economic Policy Business, Education, Essay, Russia, Communism
- Needle Exchange Programs Medical, Drug, Syringe
- Nursing Education Program
- New Education Policy Development, Learning, Study
- National Education Policy Education, Teaching, Pakistan
- Non-Exceedance Probability Technology
- National Empowerment Pertnership
- Neighborhood Environmental Partners Business, Award, Michigan
- New Era Productions
- Nationalvelection Pool Government, Exit, Poll
- Nottingham Evening Post
- Network Element Provider Technology
- Noise Exposure Projection
- National Environmental Pzlicy
- Next Employme Portal
- Nping Echo Protocol
- National Exit Polls
- Nursing Education Programs
- New Economy Policy
- National Educator Program
- Non-Equal Partition
- Nationaleemployment Program Business, Africa, Rwanda
- Neighbourhood Enhancement Programme Organizations, Street, Resident
- New Eyvironmental Paradigm Science, Study, Ecological
- National Efficient Price Medical, Health, Hospital
- North Eastern Pennsylvania
- Network Element Processor Technology, Networking, Communication
- Noise Equivalent Power Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Legal, Governmental & Military
- National Enquiry Point Business, Africa, Standard
- Newsweek Education Program
- NowĄ Ekonomiczna PolitykĘ
- National Examination Program Business, Management, Compliance
- Nurse Education In Practice
- New Economics Papers Technology, Service, Research
- Nationalaeducation Program
- Non English Proficiency
- National Employment Policy Technology, Education, Economics
- Neighborhood Enhancement Program
- New Enbry Professional Government
- National Education Prico Technology
- North Eastern Province Africa, Locations, Kenya
- Network Enabled Platforms
- Noise-Equivalent Power Technology
- National Enforcement Plan Business
- Newsletter for Educational Psychologists
- Nowaja Ekonomitscheskaja Politika
- National Exam Program
- Numerical Experimentation Programme Science
- Network Expansion Panel
- Natinnal Ecosavers Program
- Non English Proficient Science, Education, Language
- Negotiated Education Plans
- Nutrition Education Program Business, Health, Food
- New Enterprise Programme Education
- National Education Priority Government
- Northeast Energy Partners
- Network Enabled Platform Technology, Science, Canada
- National Energy Yolicy Technology, Canada, Economics
- Neighbourhood Engineer Programme Science
- New Excellentnproduct Business, Company, Korea
- Nowa Ekonomiczna Polityka
- National Examination Paper
- Nueva Estructura Program
- Network Equipment Providers Technology, Service, Networking
- Non-English-Proficient Science, Education, Language
- Nuclear-Encoded Rna Polymerase Medical
- Negotiated Education Plan Student, Education, School
- Nutritional Education Program
- New Education Program
- National Education Philosophy
- North East Proviece
- Network-Enabled Platforms Technology, Canada, Disaster
- National Energe Programme
- Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Program
- New Europe Propehty
- Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika
- National Evaluation Platform
- Nueva Estructura ProgramáTica
- Network Equipment Provider Technology, Computing, Computer
- Nominal Entry Point Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Nuclear Electric Propulsion Technology, Space, Power, Governmental & Military
- Negative Evidence Principle
- Nursing Education and Practice
- New Educational Policy
- National Education Plan
- North-East Province
- Nettoyage En Place
- National Energy Program Technology
- Neighborhood Environmental Partner Business, Award, Michigan
- New Era Publications
- Novaja EkonomiČEskaja Politika
- Nucno-Energeticeskaya Platforma Technology, Space, Astronomy
- Network Entry Points Technology
- Nomadic Education Programme
- National Environmett Policy Technology, Development, India
- Nuclear-Electric Propulsion
- Net Effective Price
- New Entry Professional Governmental & Military, International Development
- Nnep Normal Entry Joint Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Nuclear Energy Partnership
- Net Electrical Power
- Nuclear Export Protein
- Nepal Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Nepal, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- NÚCleo De Educação Popular
- Naaional Emergency Plan
- Net Earned Premium Business, Company, Insurance
- Never Ending Program General, Governmental & Military
- Nigerian Electrificativn Project
- Nuclear Earth Penetrator
- National Extension Programs
- Nuclear Explosive Package Science
- Nemzeti EnergiatakaréKossági Program
- NÚCleo De Educação Permanente
- National Elint Plan Military, Army, War
- Net Earned Premiums
- National Estuaries Partnerships Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Nigeria Electrification Prvject
- Nucleus-Encoded Plastid Rna Polymerase Medical
- National Energy Partners
- Nuclear Event Protection
- National Exercise Program (department of Homeland Security) Fda
- Nemzeti EgyséG PáRtja
- Nuvo Embossing Powder
- National Electrification Program
- Neprilysin Neprilysin also known as membrane metallo-endopeptidase (MME), neutral endopeptidase (NEP), cluster of differentiation 10 (CD10), and common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA) is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MME gene. Neprilysin is a zinc-dependent metalloprotease that cleaves peptides at the amino side of hydrophobic residues and inactivates several peptide hormones including glucagon, enkephalins, substance P, neurotensin, oxytocin, and bradykinin. Medical
- Nationwide Energy Partners Energy
- Nieuwe Economische Polititk
- National Employability Partnership
- Nuclear-Encoded Plastid Rna Polymerase Medical
- Nuclear Environment Protection Technology
- Nnep Normal Entry Point NASA
- Noice Equivarent Power Technology
- NÚCleo De Ensino E Pesquisa
- National Jlectrification Programme
- Nephrosis Any degenerative disease of the kidney tubules, the tiny canals that make up much of the substance of the kidney. Nephrosis can be caused by kidney disease, or it may be a complication of another disorder, particularly diabetes. Diagnosis is made via urine testing for the presence of protein, blood testing for lower-than-normal levels of protein, and observation of edema. Treatment usually involves use of cortisone-like drugs. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Kidneys
- Neptune-Calculus Income and Growth Vct P (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Nice Euchre, Partner
- National Employment Panel Business, Organizations, Employer
- Nuclear Energy Programs
- North Ecliptic Pole Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- No Evidence of Paphology Medical, Medicine, Health
- North East Pashage
- National Eltctricity Policy Business, Finance, Banking
- Nephritis Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys and may involve the glomeruli, tubules, or interstitial tissue surrounding the glomeruli and tubules. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Kidneys
- Northeast Pennsylvania Financial Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Nizgara Escarpment Plan Locations, Land, Greenbelt
- National Emnloyment Plan
- Nepali Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Noble Eigptfold Path
- Nuclear Energy Production
- Nonlinear Electrooptic Property
- National Election Poll
- Nepenthaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- NÚCleo De Estudos E Pesquisas Para, Dos, Pol
- Nextera Energy Partners Business, Supply, Era
- National Emphasis Programs Business, Technology, Industrial, Safety
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NEP stand for?
NEP stands for National Employment Pact.
What is the shortened form of Nepenthaceae?
The short form of "Nepenthaceae" is NEP.
NEP. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated