NEP in Kidneys Meaning

The NEP meaning in Kidneys terms is "Nephrosis". There are 2 related meanings of the NEP Kidneys abbreviation.

NEP on Kidneys Full Forms

  1. Nephrosis Any degenerative disease of the kidney tubules, the tiny canals that make up much of the substance of the kidney. Nephrosis can be caused by kidney disease, or it may be a complication of another disorder, particularly diabetes. Diagnosis is made via urine testing for the presence of protein, blood testing for lower-than-normal levels of protein, and observation of edema. Treatment usually involves use of cortisone-like drugs.
  2. Nephritis Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys and may involve the glomeruli, tubules, or interstitial tissue surrounding the glomeruli and tubules.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NEP stand for Kidneys?

    NEP stands for Nephrosis in Kidneys terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nephrosis in Kidneys?

    The short form of "Nephrosis" is NEP for Kidneys.


NEP in Kidneys. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated