Neptune Abbreviations and Neptune Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Neptune terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Neptune abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Neptune terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Neptune Abbreviations
  1. WXM : Wireless Expansion Module
  2. DC : Drying Center
  3. HVAR : High Velocity Air Rocket
  4. DTN : Direct To Node
  5. MPR : Magnetic Probe Rack
  6. FMK : Flow Monitoring Kit
  7. NGY : Neptune Group Yachting
  8. OFXB : Observatoire FrançOis-Xavier Bagnoud
Latest Neptune Meanings
  1. Observatoire FrançOis-Xavier Bagnoud
  2. Neptune Group Yachting
  3. Flow Monitoring Kit
  4. Magnetic Probe Rack
  5. Direct To Node
  6. High Velocity Air Rocket
  7. Drying Center
  8. Wireless Expansion Module