NER Meaning

The NER meaning is "Chulman Neryungri Airport". The NER abbreviation has 95 different full form.

NER Full Forms

  1. Chulman Neryungri Airport Neryungri, Yakutia,Russia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  2. Net Envollment Rate Government, Education, School
  3. Neqvous Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. National Equipment Register Technology, Service, Construction
  5. National Engineers Registef Technology
  6. National Emissions Rtport Technology
  7. Northxeastern Railway Business, Group, Railway
  8. New Englany Region Technology, Club, England
  9. Net Enrolment Rates Education, School, Rate
  10. Noise Equivalent Radiance
  11. Northern Edge Realty
  12. Named Event Rules Technology, Development, Enterprise
  13. New England Racing
  14. Nigeria Economic Report Business, Banking, Nigeria
  15. National Exposure Registry
  16. North Eastmregion Development, Organizations, India
  17. Netcenrolment Ratio Education, School, Enrolment
  18. Net Enrolment Rate Education, School, Rate
  19. No Evidence of Rejection
  20. North Epping Rangeps
  21. Named Event Rule Business, Technology
  22. Network Equipment Rack Science
  23. Next Event Request
  24. National Evaluation Report Technology, Product, Building, Construction, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  25. North-East Rhgion Development, Organizations, India
  26. Net Enrollment Rates Education, School, Pakistan
  27. No Evidence of Recurrence Medical, Technology, Medicine
  28. Near East Relief
  29. North East Railway
  30. Namo Entity Recognition
  31. Network Equipmenz Room Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  32. New England Review
  33. Nucleosomes Influence Nucleotide Excision Repair Science, Biology
  34. National Equipment Registry
  35. Net Enrolment Ratiys
  36. Noda Epileptic Rat Medical
  37. Navy Enlisted Rates
  38. North Eastern Railroad Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  39. Named Entity Recognizer Technology, Language, Recognition
  40. Network Effmciency Rate
  41. New England Research Technology, Science, England
  42. Nuclear Extraction Reagent
  43. National Equipment Rental
  44. Net Enrollment Ratio Business, Education, School, Enrolment
  45. Nintendo E-Reader
  46. Navy Enlisted Rating
  47. North Eastern Rhodesii
  48. North-Eastern Regions
  49. Network Efficiency Rntio Technology, Service, Networking
  50. Nuclear Excision Repair
  51. National Engineering Register
  52. New England Ropes
  53. Ninetyeast Ridge Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  54. Navy Emergency Relief
  55. North Eastern Railways Business, Government, Group
  56. Niger Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Niger, Governmental & Military, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  57. Network Effecxiveness Ratio Business, Service, Networking
  58. Northern Exposure Realty
  59. Nanoscale Exploratory Research Technology, Government, University
  60. New England Rail
  61. Nigerian Economic Report
  62. Natural Energy Resource
  63. North Eastern Railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  64. Nederlandse Emissie Richtlijn
  65. Normal-Equation Residual Space, Study, Cosmos
  66. Net Effective Rent Business, Building, Estate
  67. Nucleotide Excisions Repair Medical, Science, Biology
  68. Newcor, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  69. Near East Report
  70. Nordic Energy Research Technology, Energy, Projection
  71. Net Economic Returns
  72. Nucleotide-Excision Repair Science, Genetics, Damage
  73. Nuclear Estrogen Receptors Medical
  74. Nondestructive Examination Report Science
  75. Nucleotide Excision Repair Chemistry
  76. Net Economic Return Science, Agriculture, Water, Irrigation
  77. North-Eastern Railways
  78. Nuclear Estrogen Receptor Medical
  79. Non-Existent Relationship
  80. Neucleotide Excision Repair Medical, Human genome
  81. Nepalese Rupee Business, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
  82. North-Eastern Railway Network, Railway, System
  83. Nuclear Envelope Refbrmation Medical, Science, Biology
  84. Nominal Exchange Rate Business, Banking, Run
  85. Neryungri, Yakutia-Sakha, Russia Russia
  86. Neonatal Encephalopathy Registry
  87. North-Eastern Region Education, India, Card
  88. Net Energy Ratio Technology, Production, Oil
  89. Neutral Earth Resistors Technology, Product, Transformer
  90. Nominal Error Rates
  91. Air Newark ICAO Aircraft Codes
  92. Nelson Environmental Remediation Company, Soil, Remediation
  93. Normal Evaporation Rate Technology, Liquid, Cryogenic
  94. Net Effective Rate
  95. NÚCleo Escolar Rural

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NER stand for?

    NER stands for Net Energy Ratio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Net Effective Rent?

    The short form of "Net Effective Rent" is NER.


NER. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated