NERP Meaning

The NERP meaning is "National Emission Reduction Plan". The NERP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

NERP Full Forms

  1. National Emission Reduction Plan Business, Plant, Environment
  2. National Economic Recovery Plan Business, Malaysia, Policy
  3. National Emissions Reduction Plan Energy, Environment, Emission
  4. North East Regional Pride
  5. National Emergency Repatriation Plan Government
  6. New Estimated Runs Produced
  7. National Electoral Roll Purification
  8. New Economic Recovery Programme
  9. National Education Research Panel Development, Learning, Study
  10. National Environmental Research Parks Science, Environment, Habitat, Setting
  11. National Economic Recovery Programme
  12. National Environmental Research Park Technology, Science, Laboratory, Legal, Governmental & Military
  13. National Economic Revival Programme
  14. Northern Education Research Project
  15. National Environmental Research Park, Hanford, Washington Us Government, Governmental & Military
  16. Network Emergency Response Procedures Technology, Coding, Server, Reduction
  17. Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan
  18. Not Exclusively Raspberry Pi Technology, Chicago, Pumping
  19. Not-Exclusively-Raspberry-Pi Technology, Chicago, Pumping
  20. North Etobicoke Revitalization Project

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NERP stand for?

    NERP stands for National Electoral Roll Purification.

  2. What is the shortened form of Northern Education Research Project?

    The short form of "Northern Education Research Project" is NERP.


NERP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated