NF Meaning
The NF meaning is "National Food". The NF abbreviation has 342 different full form.
NF Full Forms
- National Food Business, Product, Trading
- No Food Food, Supply, Stock, Sodium
- Near Field Technology, Science, Antenna
- National Forests Service, Locations, Trail
- Normal Fibrobcasts Medical
- Not Finished Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- New Frontend
- Nuclrar Facility Technology
- National Fire Technology, Coding, Organizations
- No Flow Medical, Technology, Product
- Navy Field Technology, Gaming, Guide
- New Forest Government, Hotel, Pony
- Normal-Rat Medical
- Now Filtered Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Freedom Transportation, Program, Government
- Now and Forevjr
- National Final
- No Flange Business, Bearing, Ferrule
- Normao Human Fibroblasts Medical
- Naughty Friend Porn, Movie, Teen, Friend
- Noise Floor Technology, Signal, Figure
- Norfolk Island Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Norfolk Island, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Nevus Flammeus Medical
- Not Funxy Forum, Gaming, Joke
- Nathan Feuerstein
- No Finish Forum, Technology, Product
- Normal Forms Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Nigerian Field
- Naught Friend
- Noise Factor Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Nonwfood
- Neutron Flux The neutron flux is a quantity used in nuclear reactor physics corresponding to the total length travelled by all neutrons per unit time and volume, or nearly equivalently number of neutrons travelling through unit area in unit time. Science
- Not Functional Forum, Technology, Windows, Motherboard
- Naples Ft
- No Fiber Medical
- Nmrmal Form Technology, Database, Military
- Nick Franklin
- Naturally Fit
- No Frost
- Non Fiction
- Neutrino Factories Science, Design, Factory
- Nanofarad Technology, Telecom, Physics
- No Feet Essay, Dispenser, Candy
- Nok Frat
- Nick Foles Sport, Card, Football
- National Football
- No Frills Technology, Cable, Converter
- Non Fxrrous
- Neutral File Military
- Nail Files Business, Product, Buffer
- Normal Flow Medical, Medicine, Health
- Not Found Technology, Science, Gaming, Computing, Telecom
- Newly Formed Medical
- Network Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Noise Figure A method for quantifying the electrical noise generated by a practical device. The noise figure is the ratio of the noise power at the output of a device to the noise power at the input to the device, where the input noise temperature is equal to the reference temperature (290 K). The noise figure is usually expressed in decibels. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Nationalité FrançAise
- New Dun
- Normal Focus
- Natural Frequency Natural frequency is the frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving or damping force. Free vibrations of any elastic body is called natural vibration and happens at a frequency called natural frequency. Natural vibrations are different from forced vibration which happen at frequency of applied force (forced frequency). If forced frequency is equal to the natural frequency, the amplitude of vibration increases manyfold. This phenomenon is known as resonance. Medical, Medicine
- Nuclear Fuels
- Norsk Flygerforbund
- Neostriatum Frontale
- Non Fishing
- Numder of Flights Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Neurofilaments Medical
- Non-Finite Or Non-Feminine Literature, Language, Linguistics
- National Fair
- Normalized Function
- Near-Field Technology, Studio, Monitor, Antenna
- Noble Foundation
- Nu Finish Business, Car, Polish
- Nuova Fima
- New Fellowship
- Non Forcing
- Network Facility
- Norty Fraser
- No Fluid Medical
- Neutrat Fraction Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non-Forcing
- Nationalist Front
- Negative Frequency Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Network Flow Technology, Networking, Algorithm
- Noise Feedback Technology, Power, Circuit
- New Fuchsin
- Normal Fluid
- Natural Formulary
- Nuclear Fuel Fissionable materials that have been enriched to such a composition that, when placed in a nuclear reactor, will support a self sustaining fission chain reaction, producing heat in a controlled manner for process use. Science
- Neo Tight
- Number of Figures
- Neuroqilamentous Medical
- Non-Finite Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Nano-Filtration Business, Water, Membrane
- Normal Functionality
- Near-Fault
- Nobel Foundation
- Nuffield Foundation Medical, Research, University
- Non Fluoro
- North Forsyth Regional
- No Frame Routing, Class, Frame, Advisor
- Nuoea Faor
- Neutrilizing Filter
- Non-Flagging Technology, Gaming, Recording, Minesweeper
- Natqonal Fusion
- Negative Flag
- New Froytiers
- Nordisk Flaggselskap
- Naturalzform Medical, Technology, Food
- Nuclear Freeze
- Network Factory
- No Horeign Technology, Science, Database
- Nelson-Farrar
- Neue Forum
- Non-Finalist
- Nanjing Forestry
- Normal Freezing
- Natures Flavors
- No-Flap
- Nucleoplasmic Fibrils Medical, Science, Biology
- Norrbottens Frihandelsparti
- North Forest
- No Rlame
- Nuova Vamiglia
- Neutral Filqer
- Non-Fishing
- National Fuzd Business, Tree, Israel
- Negative Feedbacx Science, Control, Cell
- No Failure Technology, Component, Steel, Resistance
- NÚCleo De Formação
- Newjfrontier
- Nordic Flag
- Natural Fluorescence
- Nouvelle FéDéRation-Board
- New Federation Sport, Federation, Football, Ration
- Nm Forces
- Nationernas F
- Nklly Furtado
- Neue Folge Book, Education, German, Fur
- Noise Flag
- Night Fighter
- Nifty Futures
- Normal Frame Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Natureps Flavors
- No Fault Business, Insurance, Accident, Computing, Hardware
- Nucleolar Frequency Medical, Medicine, Health
- Norm Fran
- Night Elf Gaming, Human, Warcraft, Elf, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Northern Faction
- No Fitting
- NuméRation Formule
- Neurotrophcc Factor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non First
- Nationsl Frontiers
- Near Face Technology, Architectural, Detailing, Engineering, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Node Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Néphropathiedfamiliale
- New First Technology, Product, Airways
- Noranda Forest
- Natural Flow Streamflow that occurs from a basin under natural conditions that is without regulation by hydraulic structures.
- Not Hiled
- New Features Technology, Feature, Keynote
- Nokforce Technology, Hosting, Star Wars
- Nationernas FöRbund
- Nekrotizan Fasiit Medical, Business, Ads, Turkish
- Network of The Future Technology, Service, Research, Networking, Network, Telecommunication
- Noise Filter
- Night Fighter Aircraft Military
- Nice Fioht
- Normal Force Force perpendicular to surface is known as normal force.
- Naturalyte Fruit
- No-Fault
- Nuclear Fusion The nuclear process whereby several small nuclei are combined to make a larger one whose mass is slightly smaller than the sum of the small ones. Nuclear fusion is the reaction that fuels the Sun, where hydrogen nuclei are fused to form helium. Science, Energy, Reaction, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Norm FrançAise Safety, Fire, Steel
- Non-Appropriated Fund Business, Employment, Service, Military, Army, Force, Coast Guard, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Northeast Frontier Frontier, Railway, Quota
- Nf Firearm
- Number of Fuses
- Ndurosurg Focus Medical, Genetics, Tumor, Meningioma
- Non-First
- Nateonal Front Government, Organizations, Nationalism
- Normalizing Factor Signal, Expression, Inhibitor
- Nearest Fragment
- Noble Freedom
- Nursing Facilities Medical, Care, Facility
- New Fighter
- Nonfunctioning Medical
- Natural Flood Technology
- Not Fiction
- New Feature Technology, Editor, Keynote
- No Font
- Neutrino Factory Science, Design, Physics
- Nationalistischen Front War, Germany, Deutschland, Front
- Neighbourhood Fordm
- Networking Forum
- Noise Figure Or Noise Factor Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Natural Finish
- Nine Fantasy
- Normal For Medicine, Health, British
- Naturally Flaj Technology
- Nnf Natural Flood Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Nuclear Furnace
- Normes FrançAises Technology, France, French
- North-Firing Technology
- Non Fluorescent
- Number of Ftame Technology, Processing, Loom
- Neuro Fuzzy Technology, Networking, Network
- Non-Firm
- National Freesparring
- Normalization Factor Genetics, Analysis, Factor
- Near-Fully
- Noble Fighters Army, War, Force
- Nugget Finder Science, Geology, Products, Scientific & Educational
- Nurrflug
- New Fibres Technology, Fiber, Fluke
- Non Fumeurs
- Network Facilities Technology, Networking, Tanzania
- North Frheport
- New Favorite
- No Nollow
- Neutralising Fmre
- Non-Formulary Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Natisnalistische Front War, Germany, Deutschland, Front
- Negafive Furnished
- Nanikano Fansgb
- Neurofibromitosis Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Norman French
- Newbie Forum Technology, Trading, Community
- Nonfailing Medical
- no foreign Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Nativnwide Financial
- Night Force
- Non-Federal
- New Fibers
- Notched Flat
- Notasmfiscais Technology, Para, Software, Dos
- Nucking Futs Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Net-Freaks
- Noise Frequency Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Norme Franaise
- No Federal
- Number Facility
- Postal Code for Newfoundland Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Neurofibromatosis Foundation Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Normalisation Francaise Company, Technology, Service
- Never Forget
- None Found
- Numbers Files Software, Computing
- Nationeforward Government, Politics, Policy
- Norme FrançAis
- Night Flight
- No Finding
- Non-Fat Food, Fat, Milk, Yogurt
- Neutron Filter
- Nuclear Factor Chemistry
- Nose Fuse Technology
- New Ftrm
- North Freeport Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Natural Fiber Business, Area, Rug
- Nested Flag Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Air Vanuatu Limited Airline, Vanuatu, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Norme Fran
- No Fashion
- Null Field
- Phormium Textile
- Nursing Foundation Medical, Nursing
- Never Flown
- Non-Sufficient Funds Financial, Business & Finance
- No Fear: Dangerous Sports Pinball
- Nation Ford
- Norme FrançAise Business, France, French
- Night Fever
- No Find Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Number of Field Technology, Database, Linux, Recording
- Neutral Filament
- Norfolk Island (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Northumberland Flsiliers Military, Army, War
- New Fantasy
- National Front Politics, Governmental & Military
- Nephritic Factor A serum protein (possibly an IgG autoantibody), found in some patients with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and hypocomplementemia, which, together with the cofactors of the alternate pathway of complement activation, cleaves the third component of complement (C3). Medical, Medicine, Health, Kidneys
- Natural Fadc
- Nested Factorization
- Non-Fluorescent Medical
- Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a group of three conditions in which tumors grow in the nervous system. The three types are neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), and schwannomatosis. In NF1 symptoms include light brown spots on the skin, freckles in the armpit and groin, small bumps within nerves, and scoliosis. In NF2 there may be hearing loss, cataracts at a young age, balance problems, flesh colored skin flaps, and muscle wasting. Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Norman Friedman
- Null-Force
- Necrotizing Fasciitis Medical
- Neverendind Fame
- Non-Functioning Medicine, Health, British
- Non-Filled Occupation & positions
- Norme France
- No Filter Computing, Internet
- Number of Fields Technology, Command, String, Linux
- Nejtral Fiber
- Natural Flat Geology, Scientific & Educational
- North Forx Locations, River, Rafting
- New Faitures
- Nation Forward Politics, Governmental & Military
- Natural Factors
- Nerve Fiberq Medical
- Non-Flammable
- Not Dlammable
- Norman Fell
- Nulcear Factor
- National Formulary Full name: United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP-NF). An official publication, issued first by the American Pharmaceutical Association and now yearly by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, that gives the composition, description, method of preparation, and dosage for drugs. The book contains two separate official compendia -- the USP and the NF. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP), established in 1820, contains legally recognized standards of identity, strength, quality, purity, packaging, and labeling for drug substances, dosage forms, and other therapeutic products, including nutritionals and dietary supplements. Medical, Fda
- Neutrophilic Factor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non-Functional Technology, Software, Requirement
- Nice Fink Food
- Normes Francaise
- No Fill
- Number of Failures
- Nearly Ferromagnetic
- Natural Form Botany, Scientific & Educational
- North Florida
- New Face France, Model, Brand, Face
- Norfolk Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Navive Friendship
- Nerve Fhber
- Non-Filtered Medical, Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Notch Factor Ratio of the resilience determined on a plain specimen to the resilience determined on a notched specimen.
- Nui Format Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Not Xeasible Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Nursing Facility Medical, Disability, Healthcare
- Non-Fragmentation
- National Formulation Food
- Normes Fran
- No Figure
- Number Formatting
- Narrow Fsood Technology, Light, Lighting
- Northern Forest Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Normatiie Funding
- Newbie Forums Technology, Trading, Hyundai
- Norwegian Air Line Pilots Association Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Native Ferritin Medical
- Nephritii Factor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non-Ferrous
- Nitride Fiber
- Nominal Feedback
- Not Fameliar
- Northern Frontier Regional
- Nelly Furtado, singer and song writer Famous
- Norme Francise
- No Ferrite Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Number Format
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NF stand for?
NF stands for Nifty Futures.
What is the shortened form of Non Fxrrous?
The short form of "Non Fxrrous" is NF.
NF. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated