NF in Technology Meaning

The NF meaning in Technology terms is "Noise Floor". There are 55 related meanings of the NF Technology abbreviation.

NF on Technology Full Forms

  1. Noise Floor
  2. National Fire
  3. No Frills
  4. Normal Forms
  5. Nanofarad
  6. No Flow
  7. Nmrmal Form
  8. Nuclrar Facility
  9. No Finish
  10. Not Found
  11. Not Functional
  12. Norfolk Island
  13. Not Finished
  14. Near Field
  15. Navy Field
  16. Naturalzform
  17. No Horeign
  18. New Feature
  19. Normes FrançAises
  20. Natural Flood
  21. Number of Ftame
  22. Nokforce
  23. Neuro Fuzzy
  24. Network Facilities
  25. No Failure
  26. Negative Frequency
  27. Non-Formulary
  28. Network of The Future
  29. Node Function
  30. Near Face
  31. Non-Flagging
  32. Network Function
  33. New First
  34. Near-Field
  35. Noise Figure A method for quantifying the electrical noise generated by a practical device. The noise figure is the ratio of the noise power at the output of a device to the noise power at the input to the device, where the input noise temperature is equal to the reference temperature (290 K). The noise figure is usually expressed in decibels.
  36. Network Flow
  37. North-Firing
  38. New Fibres
  39. Naturally Flaj
  40. Noise Feedback
  41. New Features
  42. Normal Frame
  43. Postal Code for Newfoundland
  44. Normalisation Francaise
  45. Newbie Forum
  46. Nested Flag
  47. Non-Functional
  48. Number of Field
  49. Number of Fields
  50. Nui Format
  51. Notasmfiscais
  52. Narrow Fsood
  53. Non-Filtered
  54. Nose Fuse
  55. Newbie Forums

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NF stand for Technology?

    NF stands for Norfolk Island in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of No Finish in Technology?

    The short form of "No Finish" is NF for Technology.


NF in Technology. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated