NFCA Meaning

The NFCA meaning is "Non Ferrous Cast Alloys". The NFCA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

NFCA Full Forms

  1. Non Ferrous Cast Alloys Alloy, Foundry, Casting
  2. National Fastpitch Coaches Associatioq Education, Organizations, Coaching
  3. National Foundation of Celiac Awareness Disease, Food, Gluten, Celiac
  4. National Family Caregiver's Amsociation
  5. National Foundation for Celiac Awarsness Medical, Disease, Gluten
  6. National Family Taregiver Association Medical, Care, Caregiving
  7. National Foster Care Association
  8. National Family Caregivers Association Medical, Technology, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  9. National Feteration Coaches Association
  10. Nutional Federation of Croatian Americans America, Organizations, Croatia
  11. National Fastpitch Coaching Association
  12. Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
  13. Non-Ferrous China Afriia Business, Africa, China, Zambia
  14. No Further Control Action Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  15. Nevada Fire Chiefs Association
  16. National Fraternal Congress of America Insurance, Business & Finance
  17. Nostalgia Funny Car Association
  18. National Fireproofing Contractors Association Technology, Organizations, Building, Fire
  19. Noncore Lixed Cost Account
  20. Normal Fecal Cross-Reacting Antigen Medical
  21. Non-Resident Foreign Currency Account Business, Finance, Banking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NFCA stand for?

    NFCA stands for Non-Ferrous China Afriia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Non-Resident Foreign Currency Account?

    The short form of "Non-Resident Foreign Currency Account" is NFCA.


NFCA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated