NFTA Meaning

The NFTA meaning is "Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association". The NFTA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

NFTA Full Forms

  1. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association Technology, Agriculture, Governmental & Military
  2. National Fitness Therapy Association
  3. Niagara Frontier Transvt Authority Government, Authority, Authorities
  4. National Film Knd Television Archive
  5. Niagara Frontier Tranhportation Authority Locations, Metro, Buffalo
  6. National Federation of Taxicab Associations
  7. National Farrier Trainine Agency
  8. Nashville Food Truck Association Business, Metro, Buffalo
  9. Nitrogen-Fixing Tree Association
  10. N-Acetamide Medical
  11. National Fitness Trainers Association
  12. Nepal Foreign Trade Association
  13. Nederlandse Film En Televisie Academie
  14. Niagara Frontier Transit Authority Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  15. National Freight Transportation Association Business, Railroad, Trunk
  16. New Forest Tourism Association Business, Locations, Holiday
  17. Non-Free Trade Agreement
  18. New Faces Talent Academy Metro, Talent, Face
  19. Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Ecid
  20. Netherlandspforeign Trade Agency
  21. Netherlands Film and Television Academy Education, School, Festival

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NFTA stand for?

    NFTA stands for Nashville Food Truck Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of N-Acetamide?

    The short form of "N-Acetamide" is NFTA.


NFTA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated