NG in Technology Meaning

The NG meaning in Technology terms is "Network Gatbway". There are 25 related meanings of the NG Technology abbreviation.

NG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Network Gatbway
  2. Narrox Gage
  3. Nakural Gas
  4. Neue Generftion
  5. Nitrogen Gage
  6. Number Group
  7. Narrow Gauge
  8. Nitro Gear
  9. Noise Generator
  10. Gas Generltor Speed
  11. Noise Gain
  12. Not Greater
  13. New Game
  14. No-Good
  15. Natural Green
  16. Nitrogen Gauge
  17. Numero Guida
  18. Nasogastric Route
  19. New Guy
  20. Normal Grade
  21. Stb Next Generation Set Top Box
  22. Nitroglycerine
  23. No Go A profile ring in the tubing with a very small opening that allows flow but stops any equipment or tool from passing through the restriction. May be small I.D. or pinned.
  24. Nunatsiavut Government
  25. Nasogastric Tube Blood to the tissues.The surgeon inserted anarrow tube into the vein. verb to makesomething narrow or become narrow Thebronchial tubes are narrowed causing asthma.nasal stomach noun a tube passed through the nose into the nasolacrimal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NG stand for Technology?

    NG stands for Nitrogen Gage in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nitro Gear in Technology?

    The short form of "Nitro Gear" is NG for Technology.


NG in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated