NHE Meaning
The NHE meaning is "Na+/H+ Antipvrter". The NHE abbreviation has 53 different full form.
NHE Full Forms
- Na+/H+ Antipvrter Medical
- Na+/H+ Uxchange Medical
- Na-H+ Exchanger Medical
- North Hartsville Elementary
- National Highway Express
- New Hampshire Eagles
- Na-H+ Exchange Medical
- North Harlem Elementary
- National Heat Exchange
- New Hampshire East
- Na+/H+ Exchanger Science
- Normalized Hydrogen Electrode Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- New Horizon Exploration
- National Health Educators
- Nevzorov Haute Ecole
- Na+-H+ Exchanger Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Non Human Entity
- New Horizon Energy
- National Health Expenditures Medical, Care, Expenditure, Fda
- Network of Home Education
- Na-H Exchange Medical
- Nonhemolytic Enterotoxin Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Hope Elementary
- Na Exchange Medical
- Network Health Exchange Government
- Na+/H+ Exchangers Medical
- New Haven Elementary
- Na/H Exchanger Medical
- Northlake Hills Elementary
- National Hotel Exchange
- New Hampshire Estates
- New Hydrogen Energy Science, Energy, Japan, Fusion
- Nutrition and Health Education
- Non-Haemolytic Enterotoxin Medical
- Na+-h+ Exchanger Chemistry
- New Household Economics
- Nutrition & Health Education Government, Presentation, Child
- No Hold Element Figure Skating
- Nuclear Hypersensitive Element Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Nuclease Hypersensitive Element Medical
- No Happy Ending
- National Health Expenditure Medical, Medicare Beneficiary
- Notes and Helps Editor
- No Habitat Exists Technology
- Nation's Health Expenditures Medical, Healthcare
- Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise Norway, Azerbaijan, Norwegian
- Nick House Entertainment
- Sodium-Hydrogen Exchanger Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Non Handicapping Environment
- Newport Heights Elementary
- NÚCleo Hospitalar De Epidemiologia Hospital, Brasil, Anal
- Non-Handicapping Environment
- Normal Hydrogen Electrode A reversible hydrogen electrode (Pt) in contact with hydrogen gas at 1 atmosphere partial pressure and immersed in a solution containing hydrogen ions at unit activity. Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NHE stand for?
NHE stands for No Hold Element.
What is the shortened form of National Health Expenditures?
The short form of "National Health Expenditures" is NHE.
NHE. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 22). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/nhe-meaning/
Last updated