NHW Meaning

The NHW meaning is "Non-Hispanic White". The NHW abbreviation has 20 different full form.

NHW Full Forms

  1. Non-Hispanic White Medical, Health, Study
  2. National Health and Welfare
  3. Non Hispanic Whites
  4. Neighbourhood & Home Watch
  5. Non-Hispanic Whites Medical
  6. Neighbourhood and Home Watch
  7. National Hospital Week
  8. National Hereford Women
  9. National Health and Welfare Department Medicine, Health, Care
  10. Neighbour Hood Watch
  11. Normal High Water
  12. Non-Hazardous Waste
  13. New Home Warranty
  14. National Health and Welfare Department (Canada's equivalent of DHHS) Medical, Fda
  15. New Heights Wrestling
  16. Nutrition, Health & Wellness Business, Nutrition, Food
  17. New Hardware Wizard
  18. Nutrition, Health and Wellness Business, Nutrition, Food
  19. Neutralized Highlevel Waste
  20. Northeast Health Wangaratta

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NHW stand for?

    NHW stands for National Health and Welfare Department (Canada's equivalent of DHHS).

  2. What is the shortened form of Nutrition, Health and Wellness?

    The short form of "Nutrition, Health and Wellness" is NHW.


NHW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/nhw-meaning/

Last updated