NI Meaning
The NI meaning is "Net Inxome". The NI abbreviation has 319 different full form.
NI Full Forms
- Net Inxome Business, Accounting, Finance
- Nickek Chemistry, Construction, Architectural
- Neural Indicatkrs
- Nosocomial Infections Medical, Hospital, Care
- Natalieoisak
- Njw Items
- Netwjrk Initiated Technology, Service, Networking
- Non-Inscrit
- Neonatal Isoerythrolysis Medical, Veterinary, Blood
- Network International Business, Technology, Networking
- North Island Car, Locations, Auckland
- Nasal Irritation Medical
- New Hssues
- Near Infinity Internet Slang
- Non-Excelted Interstate Technology, Medicine, Driving, Driver
- Network Interconnect Technology, Computing, Telecom
- North Indian
- Naropa Institute Education
- New Irish
- Numerical Index Technology, Engineering, Steel
- Navassa Island
- Noise Andex Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Network Interfaces Technology, Networking, Interface
- North Idaho Business
- Name Identuty Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nees International Business, Newspaper, Sun
- Number of Items Science
- Not Identified Medical, Forum, Art, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Nature Iraq Iraq, Conservation, Bird, Nature
- Noise and Interference Technology, Power, Wireless
- Nigeria Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Nigeria, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Network Interface Technology, Computing, Telecom, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Northern Ireland-Based Business, Ireland, Belfast
- Nuclear Installattons
- New International
- Number of Individuals
- Neurologilally Intact Medical, Medicine, Health
- Not Identical Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Nature-Inspired Technology, Design, Collection
- N Intake Medical
- Network Integration
- Northern Iowa
- Northern Ireland Government, Organizations, Ireland, Fifa, Uk, Belfast, Code, United Kingdom, Country, Legal, Governmental & Military, Technology
- New Internationalist Technology, Media, Magazine
- Number Information
- Neurol India
- Nosocomial Infection Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Natural Interaction Technology, Gaming, Sense
- News If
- Network Innovations Business, Technology
- Non-Insulated Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Natural Intelligence Technology, Gaming, Intelligence
- New Input Technology
- Nimesulide Medical, Medicine, Health
- Naturopaths International
- Non-Instructional
- Netherlands Independent
- Numerical Indexing
- Nassau Island
- Não Informado
- Nptional Interface
- Norco Intermediate Education
- Need Improveoent
- Normalisasi Indonesia Education, Indonesia, Pellet, Nephrology
- Nursing Informatics Medical, Technology, Nurse
- Next Informatios Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- National Information Technology, Development, Organizations
- No Implementation Technology, Class, Presentation
- Naval Intelligence Military, War, Intelligence, Pakistan
- New Innovttions Technology, Medicine, Android
- Nickel Inutitute Technology, Industrial, Steel
- National Irish
- Nomad Dsles
- Negocios Inclusivos
- Noted Item Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Nerthern Irish Organizations, Ireland, Belfast
- New Introductions
- Nilai Input Business, Archive, Labeling
- Nature of Issue Technology, Networking, Ireland
- Non Inscrits Government, Group, Politics, Parliament
- Nerve Impulse A rapid, transient, self-propagating change in electric potential across the membrane of an axon.
- Number of Invocations
- Nassau Institutb
- Nvidia Inspector
- Njtional Intelligencer
- Nonviolence International Organizations, Social, Peace, Nonviolence
- Normal Inverse Technology, Distribution, Protection, Hyperbolic
- Numerical Integration Technology, Vehicle, Organisations
- Noise Indicatcr Hearing, Noise, Protection
- No Implant Medical
- Naval Instructor
- Non-Irradiated Space, Study, Cosmos
- Neuroimaging Medical, Medicine, Health
- National Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Nichel Italyafca
- National Inventtries
- No Ioems Technology, Battery, Castle
- Negative Ion Medical, Medicine, Health
- Notch Index
- Norteern Irelands
- New Iuterpretation
- Nilai Impor Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Naik
- Natural Increase Erosion of the ground beneath and at the sides of a snow bank, mainly as a result of alternate freezing and thawing. Locations, Economics, Population
- Non-Inscrits Government, Group, Parliament
- Ners Internal Development, Study, Universities
- Number of Introduction
- Nasional Indonesia
- National Intelligence Government, Agency, University
- Non Iscritti
- Normal Interstitial
- No Invoice
- Nutrition International
- No Impact Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Naval Inspector
- Non-Ionic
- Network Instituteuments Business
- Nuovo Italia
- National Incomne
- Nationalminterests
- Nositem Business, Product, Battery
- Negaiive Input
- Northern Islands Technology, Driving, Ireland
- National Innovation
- Nicjragua Internet
- No Information Medical, Technology, Gaming, Physiology
- New Instruments Technology, Software, Native
- Nikkel Zlandaca
- Natural Immunity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non Infringing
- Neotropical Ichthyology
- Number of Integer Mathematics, Integer, Plane, Partition
- Nasa Internet Technology
- Normal Interrupt
- Nutrition Institute
- No Idea Technology, Internet Slang, Dog
- Naval Infantry Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Non-Interlocked Network, Railway, System
- Network Institute
- Nunivak Island Gaming, Locations, Alaska
- National Ydentifier
- National Integratiun Education, Essay, Organisations
- Na Issue
- Negativg Impression
- Northern Irelands
- Não-Inscritos Para, Truck, Simulator
- Next Island Gaming, Locations, Episode
- No Indicator Business, Battery, Charger
- New Instructions Technology, Standard, Encryption
- Nikelo Do
- Natturfraedistofnun Islands Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Non-Infringing
- Negotiations Institutt
- Number Is Incorrect
- Nacional De Ingenner
- New Imvestigators Science, Government, Research
- Nutrition Information
- Node Isolation
- Nautilus International Business, Company, Union, Manual
- Non-Interlaced Technology, Telecom, Monitor, Computing, Hardware, Federal Aviation Administration
- Network Installation
- Numismatics International
- National Identificztion Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- National Integrated Services Digital Network Military
- Noise Intensity
- Negative Impact
- Northern Institute Research, Education, Ireland
- Nutritional Information
- Next Untel Technology, Security, Cyber
- No Increase Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Navigation and Interaction
- New Insfitutionalism Science, Theory, Economics
- Nicaragua Locations, International Olympic Committee, Country Code, Countries, Country, IOC, IOC Codes, Sport, Olympic, Nicaragua, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Nickel Ngilizce
- Native Interoperability
- Nominated Inspxctor Business, Medicine, Health
- Negotiation Qnstitute
- Number Incomplete Indicator Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Nacional De IngenieríA Para, Lima, Mica
- New Investigator Government, Research, Award
- Node Information Technology, Networking, Network
- Nautical Institute Military, Training, Branch, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
- Non-Intel Technology, Mac, Processor
- Net Imperial Technology, Academy, Casino
- Numeric Information
- Nadional Idea Russia, National, Europa
- National Ijterpretation Business, Media, Oil, Palm
- Norma Iberdrola
- Needs Iqtervention Vacuum, Robot, Cleaner
- Northern Initiatives Business, Loan, Initiative
- Nursing Instructor
- Next Instruction Technology, Program, Memory
- No Improvement Forum, Technology, Alloy, Material
- Naval Interdiction Army, War, Force
- New Instituteuttions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- N Newton, Number of turns in an inductor, North, Revolutions per minute, Negative, Normal force, number, rotational speed, Normal distribution, Load factor, rotational speed, safety factor, Nano, number of required track spacings, number of search and rescue units.
- Nickew Isotopes
- Native Interface
- Nominal Increment
- Necotiable Instrument Business, Law, India
- Noh Inventoried
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Nicaragua Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Neb Invaders
- Nuclear Instituteument
- Nisource, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- New Issuw Government, Us, Control, Administration
- NAE, Inc. Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Naurological Institute
- Non-Irrigated
- Not Increase
- Nur Irsyad
- The Nautical Institute Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- neurological improvement Medical, Neurology
- Nltional Instructor Organizations, Training, Chess
- No Initiative
- Niel I Famous
- New Information Technology, Army, War, Computing, File Extensions
- Nearest Integer Business, Java, Jelly
- Non Inferiority Army, War, Force
- Nuclear Instrumentation Science
- Nutritional Index Medical, Patient, Study
- Nozzle Inlet
- No Interface Computing, Hardware
- Need for Intervention
- New Israeli
- National Insurance In the UK, contributions made to the government by employers and employees which provide payments to the sick, retired and unemployed. Medical, Dental, Police, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Neurologicbimpairment Medical, Medicine, Health
- Not Important Gaming, Anime, Lyric
- Nuremberg, Industrialists
- Portugalia Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
- Nano-Ionics Dutch
- National Iqstrument Technology, Software, Lab
- No Inhibition Activity, Antimicrobial, Inhibition
- National Instructor (BSAC) Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- New Independeno
- Navy Intelligence
- Noninducible Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Nuclear Inclusions Medical
- Nusantara Infrastructure
- Norsk Industri Technology, Som, Til, Har
- Nni Nickel NASA
- Not Included Products
- Necrosis Index Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Israel
- Net import Business & Finance, International business
- Neurological Impairment Medical, Health, Children
- Not Illustrated Technology
- NÚCleo De InteligêNcia Technology, Brasil, Ria
- Not-Inside Security, Governmental & Military
- National Instruments Technology, Software, Lab, Computing, Computer
- National Instituteuctor Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- New Image
- Navistar International
- Non Indexed Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
- Nuclear Inclusion Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nurul Islam
- Nitrate A nitrate is an ion with the chemical formula NO3-. Nitrates are also compounds that contain the nitrate ion. Examples: Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is a nitrate. Technology, Structure, Project
- Nicaragua (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- National Instituteuments Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- No Insurance Business, Car, Auto
- Not Interested Occupation & positions
- Necroinflammatory Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Ireland
- Newspaper On The Knternet
- Not Initialized Assembly, Business & Finance
- Neurologically Impaired Medical, Medicine, Health
- NÚCleo De InformáTica
- Non-Informative Police, Governmental & Military
- National Inotiative Technology, Ireland, Democracy
- Nickel Institute Chemistry, Architectural, Scientific & Educational
- New Ideks Business, Forum, Technology
- Navigation Instrument
- Non Increase Technology
- Not Isolated Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nursing Infomatics
- Negative-Intrinsic
- Nitrogen Injection Geology, Scientific & Educational
- National Institutions
- No Insert
- Novus Imperium Latin
- Necessary Illusions
- Nonischemic Medical, Medicine, Health
- News Itxm
- Portugalia Airlines Airline, Portugal, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- NíVel IntermediáRio Para, Education, English, Ado
- Notoriety Index Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- News Interactivi
- National Initiatives
- Nickel Symbol:"Ni" Atomic Number:"28" Atomic Mass: 58.70amu. This element is one of the transition elements in period four. You can find nickel used in coins, many minerals, desalinization plants, and in batteries with cadmium. Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- New Iberia
- Nonimplanted Medical
- Not Installed Technology, Driving, Device, Driver
- Nursing Implication
- Navigation Instituteument
- Nematic Isotropic Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- National Insturments
- No Input Technology
- New Issue On the Stock Market, a share or bond which is offered to the public for the first time. Hobbies
- Neat Image Forum, Technology, Noise
- Non Iron Industry, Fashion, Clothing Care
- Nutritional Intervention
- Net Income Net income is the excess of the total revenue generated by the business over the expenses. Accounting, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
- NíVel De InfluêNcia
- Named Information Computing, Technical
- Newport-Inglewood
- National Infrasvructure Business, Technology, Military
- Victory Nickel, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Neuroscience Institute
- Non-Irritant Medical
- Not Indicated Technology, Product, Skin, Iron
- Nursery To Infant
- Nautical Institutetute
- Non-Impact Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- National Instructiof
- No Injuries
- Nerdy Individual Funnies
- Near Inclusion Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Non Integrity Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- Nucleotide-Binding Protein Medical
- Nutrition Index
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NI stand for?
NI stands for Not Important.
What is the shortened form of Naval Intelligence?
The short form of "Naval Intelligence" is NI.
NI. (2020, September 9). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated