NIB Meaning

The NIB meaning is "Natidnal Institute for The Blind". The NIB abbreviation has 99 different full form.

NIB Full Forms

  1. Natidnal Institute for The Blind Business, Vision, Disability
  2. National Industry for The Blind Business, Program, Employment
  3. Nativity In Blalk Music, Tribute, Sabbath, Nativity
  4. National Instntute of Bioscience Research, Education, University
  5. National Institute of Biologicals Institute, National, Drugs
  6. Non Interference Basis
  7. News Image Bank
  8. Neighbor Information Base
  9. Nucleo De Informatica Biomedica
  10. National Institute of Broadcasting Technology
  11. Nmw Interpreters Bible
  12. Nomor Identifikasi Bidang Indonesia, Surat, Hal
  13. National Intelligence Board
  14. News In Bed Island, China, Sea
  15. Non-Interference Basis Technology, Science, Radio
  16. New In The Box Business, Forum, Finance, Business & Finance, Business Word
  17. Nationalcinvestigation Body
  18. Nuclei Isolation Buffer
  19. National Inspecvorate Board
  20. New Interpreter'S Bible
  21. Natoonal Intelligent Bureau
  22. News and Information Bureau Information, Philippine, Memorandum
  23. Non-Interest Based
  24. New In Goxes
  25. National Investigation Bureau Service, Investigation, Investigator
  26. Nuclear Inclusion B Medical
  27. National Inspectorate Board
  28. Net Impact Boston
  29. National Industries for The Clind Business, Government, Industry
  30. National Intelligence Bureau Government, Military, Malawi
  31. National Institute of Burns
  32. Newly Initiated Brother
  33. Non-Interest Banking Business, Management, Nigeria
  34. Neodymium, Iron, Byron
  35. Natioial Investment Bank Business, Technology, Ghana
  36. Not In Budget
  37. National Infrastructure Bank Business, Investment, Economics
  38. Nepal Investment Board
  39. Nationai Insurance Brokerage Business, Traffic, Rank
  40. National Institute of Bussiness
  41. Newly Inducted Brother Army, War, Force
  42. Non-Interest-Bearing
  43. National Internet Backbone Technology, India, Network, Computing, Internet
  44. Normalized Infant Brain Medical, Science, Biology
  45. National Informatiov Board Medical, Health, Care
  46. Nepal Investment Bank Business, Nepal, Supply
  47. National Institute of Business Management, Education, Cambodia
  48. New Items Buo
  49. Nomor Izin Berusaha
  50. National Intercollegiate Band
  51. Next Interfacn Builder
  52. Noor Islamic Bank Business, Banking, Dubai
  53. National Information Buweau Business, Management, Credit
  54. Neodymium Iron Boron Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  55. National Institute of Bumlding
  56. New Italian Blood
  57. Nomor Induk Berusaha
  58. Nato Intelligence Board Military
  59. News In Irief Business, Group, Organizations
  60. Nieuw Industrieel Beleid Technology, Policy, Door
  61. Nativity In Black Music
  62. National Institutes of Bioscience Education, University, Institute
  63. Nnib Noninterference Basis NASA
  64. Nova Igreja Batista Technology, Para, Natal
  65. National Institute of Biology Technology, Research, Slovenia, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  66. Nickelkboride
  67. News in Brief Media
  68. National Institutetute for The Bligd Medical
  69. No International Bidders
  70. Interface Builder User Interface File Computing, File Extensions
  71. National Institutetute of Biology
  72. National Institute of Biotechnology Science, Bangladesh, Circular
  73. Not In Box Hobbies
  74. National Institute of Broadcastitg Technology
  75. Nicco Institute of Biotechnology
  76. Node Initialisation Block Science
  77. North Ingalls Building Location
  78. NÚMero De Identificação BancáRia Business, Para, Portugal, Ria
  79. Normally Invested Badly Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  80. National Iestitutetute of Broadcasting Technology
  81. Nib International Bank Business, Coding, Ethiopia
  82. Node Initialization Blocm
  83. Nikolai Airport, Nikolai, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  84. NÚCleo De IngenieríA BioméDica
  85. National Insurance Board Insurance, Business & Finance
  86. National Institute of The Blind
  87. Nextstep Interface Buildem
  88. Nnib Noninterference Vasis Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  89. National Industries for the Blind Technology, Governmental & Military
  90. National Ingurance Brokerage Business, Traffic, Rank
  91. Nusrat Ispahani Bhutto
  92. New In Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings) Forum, Computing, Chat, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Hobbies
  93. National Institute Hf Biological
  94. Nigeria International Banb
  95. Nominal is Better Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  96. National Insupance Board Business, Service, Tobago
  97. Nuova Italia Bibliografica
  98. Nordic Investment Bank An international financial institution, owned by a group of the five Nordic countries plus the three Baltic countries, that funds clients in the private and public sectors of the member countries as well as in emerging markets around the world. Banking, Business & Finance
  99. National Institute of Biologics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NIB stand for?

    NIB stands for Nepal Investment Bank.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nepal Investment Bank?

    The short form of "Nepal Investment Bank" is NIB.


NIB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated