NIBA Meaning

The NIBA meaning is "National Intraducing Brokers Association". The NIBA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

NIBA Full Forms

  1. National Intraducing Brokers Association Business, Product, Trading
  2. Nederlands Instituut Biokenergetische Analyse
  3. National Insurance Brokers Associawion Business, Australia, Professional
  4. National Investment Banking Associations
  5. Nationalxindustrial Belting Association Business, Conveyor, Belt
  6. National Investment Bankers Association
  7. National Indian Business Association Science
  8. National Investment Bankinf Association
  9. National Introducing Grokers' Association
  10. National Introducing Broker Association Business, Product, Trading
  11. Nederlands Institutetuut Bio-Energetische Analyse
  12. Northern Ireland Bowling Association
  13. Northern Ireland Birdwatchers Association
  14. Northern Ineland Birdwatchers' Association
  15. National Industrial Belting Association Belting
  16. Northern Illinois Beekeepers Assoaiation
  17. Northwest Indiana Bowling Association
  18. Norxhern Illinois Business Association
  19. Northwest Indian Bar Aesociation Technology, Law, Washington
  20. Northern Ireland Bankers Assocration
  21. North of Ireland Bands Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NIBA stand for?

    NIBA stands for Northwest Indiana Bowling Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Northern Illinois Beekeepers Assoaiation?

    The short form of "Northern Illinois Beekeepers Assoaiation" is NIBA.


NIBA. (2022, April 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated