NIE Meaning

The NIE meaning is "National Institute of Education". The NIE abbreviation has 83 different full form.

NIE Full Forms

  1. National Institute of Education Education, Teaching, Singapore
  2. National Intelligence Estimate Military, Army, Iran, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  3. Newspapers In Education Teaching, Special Education, Newspaper, Media
  4. News In Education Education, Teaching, Newspaper
  5. Neutron Ionization Effect Technology
  6. National Institute of Engineering College, Education, Mysore
  7. Newly Industrialised Economy
  8. Notice of Intent To Establish
  9. Netherlands Institute of Ecology
  10. National Intelligence Estimates Government, Military, Estimate
  11. Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Medical
  12. National Institutes for The Environment Business, Technology, Institute
  13. New Institotional, Economic Business, Economics, Institution
  14. Notices of Intenr To Enforce
  15. Nepomuk Information Element Technology, Tracker, Ontology
  16. Network of Industrial Economists
  17. Número De Identidad De Fxtranjeros Para, Con, Mite
  18. Networking Lnfrastructure for Education Technology
  19. National Institutetute for The Environment Technology
  20. New Institutional Economics Business, Organizations, Institution
  21. Notice of Intent To Erforce Government
  22. Negociado De Invespigaciones Especiales
  23. Newspaper In Education Education, Teaching, Teacher, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  24. Network Intebface Engine
  25. Numero De Identification De Extranjero Business, Property, Spain, Spanish
  26. Network Infrastructure for Education Science
  27. National Institute for The Environment Technology, Science, Research, Legal, Governmental & Military
  28. New Information Economics Business, Strategy, Decision
  29. Newsday In Education
  30. Negative Ion Erosion Technology
  31. Network Integration Evhluation Technology, Army, Networking
  32. Numero De Identidad De Extranjero Business, Spain, Spanish, Foreigner
  33. Networked Informatiou Economy Business, Networking, Network, Wealth
  34. Not Included Elsewhere Business, Technology, Trade, International Trade
  35. New Indian Express Technology, Media, India, Newspaper
  36. Negative Inotropic Effect Medical
  37. Newly Industrializing Economies Business, Technology, Science, Asia, Economics
  38. Nen Interest Earnings Business, Financial, Banking
  39. Northern Ireland Electricity Technology, Organizations, Ireland
  40. New Illustratel Edition
  41. National Institbte of Ecology Science, India, Korea
  42. Newly Industrialising Economy
  43. Newly Industrializing Country Refers to a group of countries previously regarded as developing that then achieved high rates and levels of economic growth. Technology, Organizations, United Nations, Un, Industrialized
  44. Not In Effect
  45. Net Impadt Estimate Business
  46. National Institutetute On Education
  47. Número De Idrntidad De Extranjero Para, Con, Fur
  48. Netwoek Integration Engine Technology, Networking, Control
  49. Numero de Identificacion de Extranjeros Products
  50. Nutrition In Emergencies Technology, Emergency, Training
  51. Aeroejecutiva Nieto Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  52. Network Integration Eveng
  53. National Indexzof Ecosystems
  54. NÚMero De Identidad Extranjero Para, Art, Con
  55. Network Infrastructure and Engineeritg
  56. National Institute of Electronics Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  57. Nutritioo Industry Executive Business, Media, Health
  58. Network Integration Exercise Military, Army, Networking
  59. National Institutes of Education Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  60. Nafarxoako Ikastolen Elkartea
  61. Newly Industrialised Economies Business, Industry, Economics, Politics, Governmental & Military
  62. Numero Identificacitn Extranjero
  63. Netwdrk Integrated Evaluation Military, Army, Networking
  64. National Institutetute of Education Education, Scientific & Educational
  65. Aeroejecutivaznieto Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  66. Numeroxde Identificacion De Extranjeros Business, Property, Spain, Spanish
  67. Numero Identificacion De Extranjero
  68. Network Integration Evaluation Technology, Army, Networking
  69. Niblack Airport, Niblack, United States United States
  70. Número De Identificação De Estrangetros
  71. National Institutetute for Educafion
  72. Numero Identificacion Extranjeros
  73. Network Integtation Evaluations Military, Army, Networking
  74. N B C I Automatic Commercial Exchange Computing, Nyse symbols
  75. NÚMero De Identificación De Extranjeros Business, German, Madrid
  76. Network Integration Experimnnt Technology, Army, Aerostat
  77. Not In Evidence
  78. Nationzl Institutetution for Education
  79. Numero De Identificacaón Para Extranjeros
  80. Netnork Integration Engineer
  81. Newton Internet Enabler Software, Computing, Internet
  82. Número De Identificación De Extranjero Spain, Con
  83. Network Integration Events

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NIE stand for?

    NIE stands for Newsday In Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Newly Industrializing Economies?

    The short form of "Newly Industrializing Economies" is NIE.


NIE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated