NIK Meaning

The NIK meaning is "Nck Interacting Kinase". The NIK abbreviation has 31 different full form.

NIK Full Forms

  1. Nck Interacting Kinase
  2. Now I Know Technology, Book, Lyric, Chambers
  3. Naczelna Izba Kontroli
  4. Noten In Kreuzberg
  5. Nomor Identifikasi Kepabeanan
  6. Nomor Induk Kependudukan Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Card, Rental, Salah
  7. No Induk Keluarga
  8. Nederlands Israelitisch Kerkgenootschap Israel, Jewish, Netherland
  9. Nilai Identitas Kader Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  10. Nck-Interacting Kinase Medical
  11. Nederlands-Isra
  12. Nikkei 300 Index Business, Technology, Finance, Governmental & Military
  13. Nederlands-IsraËLitisch Kerkgenootschap Israel, Jewish, Netherland
  14. Nickelodeon Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Media
  15. Nederlands IsraËLitisch Kerkgenootschap
  16. Nf-Kappab-Inducing Kinase Medical
  17. Nomor Induk Kepabeanan Business, Import, Indonesia, Jakarta
  18. Not-In-Kind
  19. Nomor Induk Kependudukannya Technology, Indonesia, Orang
  20. Norsk Informatikk Konferanse
  21. Nomor Induk Karyawan Technology, Program, Database
  22. Normal Input Keying Military
  23. Northern Ireland Korfball
  24. Nomor Induk Koperasi Business, Media, Indonesia
  25. Nickel K-Alpha
  26. Nomor Induk Keluarga
  27. Niokolo Koba Airport, Niokolo Koba, Senegal Senegal
  28. NüRnberger Initiative FüR Die Kommunikationswirtschaft
  29. Nomor Induk Kepegawaian
  30. Narcotics Identification Kit Police, Governmental & Military
  31. Nuclear Factor Kappab-Inducing Kinase Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NIK stand for?

    NIK stands for Nomor Induk Kependudukan.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nomor Induk Keluarga?

    The short form of "Nomor Induk Keluarga" is NIK.


NIK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated