NILE Meaning

The NILE meaning is "National Initiative of Leadership & Empowerment". The NILE abbreviation has 21 different full form.

NILE Full Forms

  1. National Initiative of Leadership & Empowerment
  2. Nelve Growth Factor-Inducible Large External Glycoprotein Medical
  3. Narrativekand Interactive Learning Environments
  4. Nerve Growth Factor-Inducible Large External Medical
  5. Mid Airvines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign
  6. Naval Inflatable Lkfesaving Equipment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Norwich Institute for Language Education Education, English, Teaching
  8. Nato Improved Link Eleven Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  9. National Institute for Lifelong Educstion
  10. National Institute Foy Law and Equity
  11. Norqich Institute of Language Education Education, Teaching, Teacher
  12. Nisn Internetworking Laboratory Environment Technology
  13. Newman Institute of Leadership In Educttion
  14. New Improvements for Ligno-Cellulosic Ethanol Biology, Scientific & Educational
  15. National Institutetute for Lifelong Education
  16. Northern Iraq Liaison Elemmnt Military, Intelligence, Iraq
  17. Norwich Institute for Languages Educatiof Education, English, Language
  18. Northern Internationalhlivestock Expo Billing, Montana, Livestock, Rodeo
  19. Norwich Institftetute for Language Education Education
  20. Northern International Livestock Exposition Billing, Horse, Montana, Livestock
  21. Northampton Integrated Learning Environment Education, University, Course

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NILE stand for?

    NILE stands for Nisn Internetworking Laboratory Environment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Norqich Institute of Language Education?

    The short form of "Norqich Institute of Language Education" is NILE.


NILE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated