NIMA Meaning

The NIMA meaning is "New Iberian Mission Association". The NIMA abbreviation has 32 different full form.

NIMA Full Forms

  1. New Iberian Mission Association
  2. National Imagery Mapping Agency Technology, Military, Map, Computing, Telecom
  3. Newcastle Improvised Music Assooiation
  4. Nashville Independent Music Awards Music
  5. Never In Mitosis A Medical, Science, Biology
  6. Noninherited Maternalfantigens Medical
  7. Nashik Industries & Manufacturers' Association
  8. National Imagery and Mapping Administration Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  9. Nonadmotted Insurance Multi-State Agreement
  10. National Imaging & Mapping Agency
  11. National Imagery and Mapping Association
  12. Non-Inherited Maternal Antigens
  13. National Image and Mapping Agency Technology, Science, Map
  14. National Imagery An Mapping Agency
  15. Nonsinherited Maternal Antigen Science, Cell, Transplantation
  16. National Imaging and Mapping Agency Technology, Military, Map
  17. National Imagery & Mapping Agency Technology, Intelligence, Map
  18. Norfhern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture
  19. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (replaced By Nga) Us Government, Governmental & Military
  20. Northern Ireland Mapping Agreement
  21. Nashvilte Industry Music Awards
  22. National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan Politics, Governmental & Military
  23. Noninherited Matsrnal Antigen Medical
  24. Núcleo Interdisciplinar De Mexo Ambiente
  25. Newcastle Improvised Music Association Music
  26. Nunivak Island, Mekoryuk, Alaska
  27. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (became National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency|NGA) Government, Aviation, Army, Us Government, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  28. Nunivak Island Mekoryuk Alaska Park, Alaska, Corporation
  29. Nunivak Is Mekoryuk Alaska Funnies
  30. Northwest Intermountain Manufacturers Association
  31. National Indigenous Music Awards Australia, Music, Darwin
  32. Noith Idaho Mycological Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NIMA stand for?

    NIMA stands for Newcastle Improvised Music Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Norfhern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture?

    The short form of "Norfhern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture" is NIMA.


NIMA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated