Nite Abbreviations and Nite Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Nite terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Nite abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Nite terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Nite Abbreviations
  1. ABA : Avrupa BirliğI AntlaşMası
  2. DIP2 : Disco-Interacting Protein 2
  3. MG : Mike Glennon
  4. FNI : Friday Nite Improvs
  5. KKBG : Kamu Kesimi BorçLanma GereğI
  6. II : İStatistiksel İşLemler
  7. PD : Piston Drive
  8. GTLS : Gaseous Tritium Light Source
  9. GTLS : Gaseous Tritium Light Sources
Latest Nite Meanings
  1. Gaseous Tritium Light Sources
  2. Gaseous Tritium Light Source
  3. Piston Drive
  4. İStatistiksel İşLemler
  5. Kamu Kesimi BorçLanma GereğI
  6. Friday Nite Improvs
  7. Mike Glennon
  8. Disco-Interacting Protein 2
  9. Avrupa BirliğI AntlaşMası