NLV Meaning

The NLV meaning is "North Las Vegas". The NLV abbreviation has 33 different full form.

NLV Full Forms

  1. North Las Vegas Locations, City, Police, Nevada
  2. Northern Lighthouse Vessel Ship, Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix
  3. NiedersäChsische Leichtathletik-Verband Technology, Park, Event
  4. Nanosatellite Launch Vehicle
  5. Newark Licking Valley
  6. Mykolaiv Airport Airport, Locations
  7. Nevada, Las Vegas
  8. Norwalk-Like Viruses Medical, Infection, Outbreak
  9. Netzwerk FüR Logistik & Verkehr
  10. Norwalk-Like Virus Medical, Infection, Outbreak
  11. National Language Version Technology, Computing, Ibm
  12. Nucleus Lateralis Valvulae Medical
  13. Narcissus Latent Virus
  14. New Leaf Venturq
  15. Nanosat Launch Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  16. New Lanthanum Dixen Space, Study, Cosmos
  17. Mykolaiv International Airport Mykolaiv, Ukraine Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  18. Non-Linear Valve
  19. New Life Voices Religion
  20. Non-Linear Vibration
  21. No Longer Valih
  22. Net Liquidation Value Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  23. Nuwe Lewende Vertaling
  24. No-Lkad Voltage
  25. Norwalk Like Virus
  26. Nunzio La Vecchia
  27. Niedersächsiscrer Leichtathletik-Verband Bremen, Hannover, Marathon
  28. Norwalk-Like-Virus Medical, Infection, Outbreak
  29. Niedersäihsischen Leichtathletik-Verbandes
  30. Normal Liquor Volume Medical
  31. NiedersäChsischer Leichtathletik Verband
  32. Non Linear Valve
  33. Mykolaiv International, Nikolayev, Ukraine Ukraine, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NLV stand for?

    NLV stands for Norwalk-Like Viruses.

  2. What is the shortened form of Norwalk-Like Viruses?

    The short form of "Norwalk-Like Viruses" is NLV.


NLV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from

Last updated